South Mission Viejo Little League - Angels Day Sunday, April 9th, 2017 Angels vs. Seattle Mariners SMVLL has purchased tickets in the Field Box Section (101 – 103). TICKETS are $27/each and quantities are limited. Return your payment and order form to your TEAM-PARENT by: March 4th
Line up for parade between: 10 am – 11 am (staging outside – Gate 6) Parade starts at: 11:15 am GAME TIME: 12:35 pm Parade participants: should include the Manager, two coaches, and players only should keep their ticket with them to get into the stadium will need an armband (given at stadium) will be exiting in left field players parading on Field should wear their team jersey and hat, no cleats!
COACHES/Team-parents: Coordinate with players’ parents to meet or locate seats as a group
Player Name:____________________ Parent Name:____________________ CELL Phone: ________________________ Email: _____________________ Team: _____________ Division: ______________ Manager: _____________ Quantity of Tickets: __________ x $27 each = $____________ (Total Due) Checks can be made payable to: SMVLL, Return to team-parent by SATURDAY, March 4th TEAM-PARENTS – complete team orders on the attached form ***ALL orders will be collected between 9 am – 10 am at the SMVLL fields
QUESTIONS: Call Julie Morgan at: (714) 264-2629 or email:
[email protected]