special junior membership offer - Suddenlink

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SPECIAL JUNIOR MEMBERSHIP OFFER When you purchase a 1-year Junior membership* for only $19, we’ll include...

For Age 10 & Under An age and size appropriate racquet and ball combination, a retail value of $21† For Age 11-18 A USTA Jr. Team Tennis sling bag, a retail value of $30†


Membership benefits also include a subscription to Bounce newsletter for kids 10 or under or SMASH digital magazine for juniors 11-18, and much more.

Don’t miss this opportunity, act now while supplies last! c New Member

Membership Category

c Renewing Member USTA#____________________


Term (Under 19)*:

c Junior 1-Year, $ 19

(Please Print)

Check One Based




(Middle Initial)


Member Age:

c 6 or Under:

21 inch racquet & red foam ball

(Source Code: PLAYNOW6)

c Age 7-8:

23 inch racquet & red felt ball

(Source Code: PLAYNOW8)

c Age 9-10:

25 inch racquet & orange felt ball

(Source Code: PLAYNOW10)

Ethnicity (optional) _________________________________

c Age 11-18:

USTA Jr. Team Tennis sling bag

If you are under 18, your parent or guardian must sign below.

(Source Code: JTTBAG)






FEMALE c DATE OF BIRTH1 __________________________________ MM / DD / YYYY

c Please check here if you are a wheelchair player.


For other ways to join, visit: www.youthregistration.com/playnow or call 800-990-8782 and note appropriate source code above.

__________________________________________________________________________ Signature of parent or guardian (if applicable) E-Mail of Parent or Guardian (if applicable) _________________________________

Method Check payable to USTA for $ ______________ Check # ______________


Payment c c c Card No.2 c

Exp. Date ____________

Check must be in U.S. currency drawn on a U.S. Bank.

To place your order by mail send completed form and payment to:

USTA PO Box 643767 Pittsburgh, PA 15264-3767

Name __________________________________________ (Please print)

Signature2 _______________________________________ (Cardholder signature)

I hereby authorize the USTA to charge my credit card for $19.


*For Adult, Family, Life, and Organization Memberships, $10 of your annual membership dues is allocated to a 1-year subscription to TENNIS magazine. For Junior Memberships, $10 of your annual membership dues is allocated to a 1-year subscription to either Bounce a targeted newsletter for kids 10 or under or SMASH digital magazine. The amount allocated annually is not deductible from membership dues. Terms of membership and benefits subject to change in the USTA’s sole discretion. USTA Membership is not transferable. Please contact [email protected] with questions. Visit usta.com/terms for terms and conditions. †Equipment determined by age of junior. If no age category selected, equipment or merchandise determined by Date of Birth as of 3/31/11. Please allow 4-6 weeks to receive merchandise and/or racquet and ball set. The USTA reserves the right to substitute. Offer expires 3/31/11 or while supplies last. © 2011 USTA. All rights reserved.

1. New England Section ................... (508) 366-3450 2. Eastern Section ............................. (914) 697-2300


3. Middle States Section .................. (610) 935-5000





13 10

5. Southern Section .......................... (770) 368-8200 6. Florida Section .............................. (386) 671-8949



4. Mid-Atlantic Section ..................... (703) 556-6120

7. Caribbean Section ........................ (787) 982-7782


8. Midwest Section ........................... (317) 577-5130

17 12


9. Northern Section .......................... (952) 887-5001 10. Missouri Valley Section . .............. (913) 322-4800



11. Texas Section ................................ (512) 443-1334 12. Southwest Section . ...................... (480) 289-2351 13. Intermountain Section . ................ (303) 695-4117

Want to know about USTA activities in your area? The USTA has 17 Section offices throughout the country, ready to answer your questions about local tennis programs. Call your local Section office or access your Section’s website at www.usta.com.

14. Pacific Northwest Section ............ (503) 520-1877 15. Northern California Section ......... (510) 748-7373 16. Southern California Section . ....... (310) 208-3838 17. Hawaii Section .............................. (808) 585-9503

MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS Becoming a USTA Member allows you to help us make a difference. In addition, USTA Membership brings some great benefits to you, including... TOP TENNIS PUBLICATIONSJunior members age 11-18 receive four issues of SMASH digital magazine annually, while junior members age 10 and under receive Bounce, a quarterly newsletter that’s designed to entertain kids and inform parents about the array of opportunities available today in 10 and Under Tennis. Through insightful features, exciting photography, and tips from the world’s top players and coaches, both of these publications are aimed at keeping junior members more interested and more involved in the sport. USTA JR. TEAM TENNIS– USTA Jr. Team Tennis is a national youth tennis league for kids 6-18. USTA Jr. Team Tennis provides boys and girls the opportunity to compete as teams in singles, doubles, and mixed doubles. By introducing a team format to an individual sport, USTA Jr. Team Tennis allows young people to share the game with friends.

USTA SANCTIONED TOURNAMENTS– This program offers competitive match play at local, sectional, regional and national tournaments for all ages and skill levels. USTA MEMBER EVENTS PROGRAM– Enjoy preferred ticket access to pro tournaments throughout the country (including the Olympus US Open Series and US Open), participate in Member Appreciation Days and much more! MERCHANDISE & APPAREL DISCOUNTS– Receive discounts on US Open and USTA merchandise. Look in USTA Magazine and on www.USOpenShop.org for your discounts and merchandise today! MEMBER SAVINGS PROGRAM– Enjoy discounts on travel, sports gear, hotel reservations, entertainment and dining, including dining discounts at thousands of restaurants nationwide, rental car savings, hotel discounts at 19 major chains, savings on movie tickets, online retail savings & more! IMPORTANT INFORMATION You can expect to receive your membership card within four (4) weeks (please allow eight (8) to twelve (12) weeks to receive your issues of TENNIS*, USTA Magazine, SMASH digital magazine and/or Bounce). Contact USTA Membership via email at [email protected], or 1-800-990-8792 (Mon-Fri 9am-9 pm ET, Sat 10am-6:30pm ET, and Sunday closed) with any questions or concerns regarding your membership.

Join today while supplies last! Visit www.youthregistration.com/playnow or call 800-990-8782. *For Adult, Family, Life, and Organization Memberships, $10 of your annual membership dues is allocated to a 1-year subscription to TENNIS magazine. For Junior Memberships, $10 of your annual membership dues is allocated to a 1-year subscription to either Bounce a targeted newsletter for kids 10 or under or SMASH digital magazine. The amount allocated annually is not deductible from membership dues. Terms of membership and benefits subject to change in the USTA’s sole discretion. USTA Membership is not transferable. Please contact [email protected] with questions. Visit usta.com/ terms for terms and conditions. © 2011 USTA. All rights reserved.



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