Sugar Glider Scientific Name: Petaurus breviceps Class: Mammalia Order: Marsupialia Physical Adaptations: Head and body can vary from 5-12.5 in, tail 68in and weight 3-5 oz. Fur is silky, generally a grey color with black dorsal stripes. Tail is generally furred and winglike membranes stretch from the arm to the back legs Move very quickly and climb well with sharp nails
Behavioral Adaptations: Shy Complex social system 2-7 adults (2-3 males and 3-4 females). Group shares tree hollow in nest of leaves Generally forage alone and nocturnally Group closed to outsiders unless there is a vacancy (due to a death) Dominant male marks group members with his scent glands
Habitat/Biome: forest supporting a mixture of stringy bark, box, ironbark and gum eucalyptus Distribution: Australia, Tasmania, New Guinea
Status: Least concern by IUCN, Population trend stable Special Notes: IUCN Category: LC (least concern) CITES Listing: Threats Include: Quite common, predation by cats, habitat destruction, bushfires
Primary Diet: Wild: invertebrates, acacia gum, eucalyptus sap, nectar & pollen, manna and honeydew Zoo: mealworms, crickets, primate diet, fruit and veggies OMNIVORES
Fun Facts: People in forested areas in Australia will place nest boxes for them to occupy and has allowed for successful reintroductions to places Have a pouch for their young Calls include “yips”, “starter motor” and juveniles hiss when threatened
Additional Notes: Gestation: 16-21 days, pouch: 70 days Nestlings: 50 days Weight: 3-5 oz Life Span: 4 for males, 5 for females (in the wild). Over 9 years in captivity Information Sources (12/2010): Cleveland Metroparks Zoo Animal Facts IUCN Red List