SYB Minor League Rules

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SYB Minor League Rules Modified June6, 2017

Pony baseball rules will apply except where S.Y.B. rules supersede. •All games start promptly at 5:30 pm. •An inning may not start after 2hrs. * If after 6 innings, the game is tied. And the time limit has not been reached. We will play one inning under California tie‐breaker rules which are as follows: Each team will start their half of the inning with one out; the batter when the last out was made from the previous inning will be placed on second. Every batter will start with a 1 ball, 1 strike count. If after the inning is complete, and the score is tied it will be recorded as a tie. • By rule, the next inning starts when the last out was made from the previous inning and not when the offense or defense is ready, or when the 5th run crosses the plate. •Games consist of 6 innings. Extra innings are allowed based on time. • In tournament play, there is no time limit. A game can only be called because of darkness • The pitching rubber is 44 feet from home plate. • The distance between bases is 60 feet. •The balk rule and infield fly rule will not be enforced. •No Smoking, use of tobacco or alcohol products is allowed in the dugout or on the playing field. It is strongly encouraged that there will be no smoking within the Minor league quad. Please smoke between fields towards the outfield. •No Player may be added or deleted to a team by either the manager or coach. •As soon as a team loses a player, the manager will notify the Commissioner. New players will be assigned from a waiting list, if any. No new players will be added in the last two weeks of the season. Any manager playing with ineligible players will forfeit that game. •Eligible players are those who have parent signed contracts on file with the league secretary for insurance and liability purposes. •The visiting team is listed first on the schedule and will take the field for warm ups 30 minutes before game time. The home team is listed second and takes the field 15 minutes before game time. Visiting team occupies the first base dugout and the home team occupies the third base dugout. •The home team will set up the field prior to the game. Home team is responsible for putting the equipment in the storage boxes and locking them after the game. Each team is responsible for picking up litter from the dugouts, field and stands. The home and visiting team must furnish 1 new baseball each to the umpires prior to the game.

Game Play Rules •All players will bat in a continuous batting order. Each player must play a minimum of 4 complete innings in the field in a 6 inning game. Those 4 innings do not have to be consecutive. Failure to follow these rules will result in a forfeiture of game. •Players must play at least 2 innings on the infield •No player shall sit out a 2nd inning defensively, until everyone has sat out at least 1 inning.

• No player may sit 2 consecutive innings •A 15 run rule will be in effect after 4 complete or 3 ½ innings if the home team is ahead. •A ten run rule will be in effect after 5 complete innings, or after 4 ½ innings if the home team is up by ten or more runs. •A 4 run per inning rule will be in effect •Unlimited runs shall be allowed in the 6th inning only. •One manager and no more than 3 assistant coaches are allowed in the dugout during games. When batting, at least one coach shall remain in the dugout with the team in order to maintain order. The coaches must not leave the dugout or coaches box to address the umpire unless recognized by the umpire. •No Player shall be penalized for missing a game or practice as this is a recreational league as well as a competitive league. •Little League Bats must be used. No big barrel bats are allowed. The diameter of the barrel must not exceed 2 ¼ inches and must be stamped “Approved by Little League Baseball” •Visits will be limited to 1 minute. On the second visit to the defense with the same pitcher on the mound, the pitcher MUST be removed. Exceptions shall be for injuries to players other than the pitcher. •Changes to the rules mentioned are strictly prohibited. Rules are approved by the board of directors for Sycamore Youth Baseball and are approved with the League, Coaches, Players, Umpires and Fans best interest in mind. Rules change suggestions may be brought the Commissioner(s) of Minor League. The Commissioner(s) will then submit it to the board if he/she feels the request is a valid request. The Board of SYBL is the only one who can change, alter or modify a rule.

Minor League Roster Rules •Games will be played with no less than 8 players. • In the event that there are only 8 players, the 9th players spot will NOT be an automatic out. • If a team begins a game with 9 players and loses a player during the game due to injury or ejection. The 9th spot will NOT be an automatic out. • If a team starting with 9 players loses 2 players for any reason during the game, that team will forfeit the game. • If a player is injured during an at-bat, the player that made the last out will continue the at bat from its current status. If it is necessary to bring a player up from Futures League, the following rules apply: • No player will miss a game with their current team to play up a level. • The Manager of the player’s current team must be notified of a player playing up a level. • If a player is brought up to play and the game is suspended for any reason and enough team players return for the make-up game, the player being brought up, will not be eligible to play in the make-up game. • If a player is needed. The League commissioner must be notified. • Both league commissioners will coordinate the player being brought up. • No coach may contact a player to play up. If so the game will be considered a forfeit. • Each team has 1 minute to get their defense on the field. If at that point the defense is not on the field, the umpire will begin to call a ball every 10 sec. until the

defense is in place.

Minor League Pitching Rules •Pitchers are only allowed to pitch 2 consecutive innings per game regardless of how many games the pitcher’s team plays in a week. A pitch thrown in an inning constitutes an inning pitched. • Each team must use a 3rd grade Minors player as a pitcher for at least one inning between innings 1 through 5. The inning chosen is at the discretion of the coach but the information must be indicated to the opposing coach and must be recorded as such by both teams. Failure to do so will result in a game forfeiture. • There will be no more than 10 warm up pitches when a new pitcher enters the game and 5 warm up pitches in between innings. •Once a pitcher is removed from a game as a pitcher, he cannot return as a pitcher in that same game. •If a pitcher hits 3 batters, he must be removed as a pitcher for the remainder of the game. •Pastballs: A pastball/wildpitch is a live ball until A: The umpire grants timeout B: The pitcher has the ball in a 7ft radius of the pitching rubber

Minor League Base running Rules •Players must remain on the base until the ball is hit or crosses home plate. If the runner leaves early and is seen by the umpire, he will be asked to return to the base from which he came from and the team will receive a warning. The next player called for leaving early will be called out. •Stealing is permitted once the ball crosses home plate. •Intentionally running into a catcher or any other player constitutes an automatic out. •Runners must slide feet first when a play is being made on them. No head first slides unless returning to a base on a play. A play means there is a legitimate chance of making an out. Umpire shall award runner next base if runner is restricted by fielder. Runners at third base may lead off after a pitch crosses home plate, but they cannot advance to home on a passed ball or wild pitch. Runners cannot advance from third on the following plays: A throw down to 2nd base. A throw down to 1st base. A throw down to 3rd base from Catcher or Pitcher when that base is already occupied. Runners can advance from third on the following plays: A batted ball. A walk with bases loaded. An overthrow back to the pitcher from catcher. An overthrow to the unoccupied base. (an overthrow when runner is attempting a steal of 3rd base, or an overthrow when a ball is put in play.) Runners at third who are in lead off position while Pitcher is on Mound will receive warning. 2nd occurrence with same runner at third, runner is out.   Courtesy runners will be allowed if runner is hurt, or for catcher if 2 outs. Runner shall be the last player to make out.

Overthrows: There will be a maximum of 1 base allowed on an overthrown ball to any base. Walked Batters may not advance to 2nd base before the 1st pitch to next batter. No exceptions.

Minor League Batting Rules •Bunting is allowed. A batter may not square around to bunt then pull back to indicate an attempt to swing. Once a batter squares to bunt, they must make an attempt to bunt or pull the bat back on the pitch. The first time this happens, the team will receive a warning, the second time this happens; the batter will be called out. •Little League Bats must be used. No big barrel bats are allowed. The diameter of the barrel must not exceed 2 ¼ inches and must be stamped “Approved by Little League Baseball” •No throwing of bats after making contact with the ball. One team warning. Second time, the batter will be called out.

Minor League Equipment Rules •Equipment will be checked out to each manager at the start of the season and must be returned within 2 weeks of the end of the season. All Keys shall be returned at the time. •Equipment is not to be modified and only equipment approved by one of the National Youth Baseball Organizations is approved. Broken equipment that needs to be replaced must be turned in before new equipment will be issued. .

Conduct & Discipline •Coaches are responsible for the conduct of their coaches, players and fans. If a Coach, player or fan is ejected, the following suspensions apply: A. 1st Offense – 1 game suspension to be served the following game and will not be allowed to be near the fields. You may be in the parking lot. B. 2nd Offense – Remainder of the season These penalties are a minimum and any dismissal from a game will be reviewed by the board with corrective action to follow. •If a parent or fan becomes unruly, they will be asked to leave the facility. If they refuse to leave; the team will forfeit the game.

Weather •Coaches and the umpire will decide whether or not a game should continue in the event of rain or darkness. The Umpire has the final decision. •Umpires have the final decision. In the event of lightning, play will be stopped immediately and all players removed from the field. 20 Minutes must elapse with no sign of lightning before a game can start or continue. •Please move to your cars and not under any of the pavilions. Our fields get flooded quickly and lightning striking the wet ground is extremely dangerous. In the case of a rain out, coaches will communicate with the commissioner(s) as to when the game will be made up. •If a game is called in the middle of an inning because of rain or darkness and the game has reached on or beyond the 4th inning, it will be considered a complete game. If the game has not reached the 4th inning, the game is not considered a complete game and must be made up from the start of the game.

Make Up Games Information •Make up games can be scheduled to be played under the lights at the Bronco Fields on Saturday nights with prior notice. The Commissioner(s) of Minor League will communicate with the Sycamore Park District to ensure availability of the Fields. Bronco League has precedence over the fields. Notice to play a make-up game on the Bronco Fields must be no less than 1 week in advance. All games under the lights will begin at 6:30 pm and must end no later than 10:00 pm. The Minor League Rules will apply during these games as well as conduct rules and clean up. • Make up games will be made up on Saturdays and/or Sundays ASAP

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