ector Murrieta has worked for the San Bernardino City Unified School District for seven years. He has held the positions of Vice Principal (4 years), and Alternative High School Principal (3.5 years). Prior to joining SBCUSD, he worked for the Sweetwater Union High School District as a Special Education in structional assistant, substitute teacher, adult education teacher, high school math teacher, and high school vice principal. In all, he has 16 years of experience in education. His responsibilities as executive director of community part nerships will include: Working collaboratively with a variety of stakeholdersi.e., community agencies, busi nesses, governmental institu
tions, etc.;
Identifying grant funding opportunities for multi-agen cy and interdependent efforts; *1* Working collaboratively as part of the Superintendent's
Executive Cabinet to coordi
Developing partnerships with
external partners with a focus on engaging efforts toward the Com munity Engagement Plan; ❖
nate internal and external ef
Representing the Superin tendent in community events
and activities;
Assessing and analyzing
Drafting proposals and gathering momentum and com mitment for multi-jurisdictional
the effectiveness of partnership activities and reporting results
Board of Education;
Leading the transformation
of the Districts Community and School AUiance (CaSA).
to the Superintendent and the
Hector Murrieta earned his bachelors degree in anthropology in 1996 and in mathematics in 2000. In
2004, he obtained his masters degree in educational administration. He has been married to his wife, Rosario, for 12 years. They have three children: Rosario (22), Frida (11), and Diego (6). Theyare the proud grandparents ofAaron (4).