Thibodaux Elementary Supply List KN Clear Plastic /Mesh school bag (no wheels) Bath towel for nap 1 box of pencils 1 pack of glue sticks and 1 bottle of glue 2 boxes of Crayola colors 2 box of Kleenex 2 wide ruled marble notebooks Durable headphones 1 large pack of construction paper 1 box of Crayola markers 1 pair of Fiskars safety scissors Change of uniform clothes (Shirt, shorts, underpants, and socks) labeled with your child’s name. Please place the clothes in a Ziploc bag labeled with your child’s name.) Boys—Baby wipes ----Gallon Ziploc Bags
---1 box of pencil colors ---1 large pack of paper plates
Please bring items the day your child comes to TES for testing. Uniforms: Bottoms: khaki shorts, pants, or skirtsShirts: white, navy or red Belts: solid brown, black or navy Socks: solid white, black or navy