overview This could well be one of the mos t unique offerings of land that have ever been presented at public auction in South Central Ks. The area of Elm Mills has been known for over a century to have some of the bes t sources of clear water in the Tri -State area. In fact there are 3 private resorts within the immediate area due to the fantastic natural springs and famed Elm Creek. It has only been in recent years that the world clas s hunting that Barber County’s habitat supports has gained the public’s attention. You would be hard pressed to FIND land in Kansas that has all of thes e natural attributes , let aloneBUY it. Do not miss the opportunity to purchase the land that you have been s earching for all these years . W e are honored to have the opportunity to conduct this sale and we look forward to seeing you there.
Tract #2
2009 RE Taxes (tracts 2 -4): $1,904.54 Legal Description: All of that part of the W est ½ of the NE1/4 and the N E ¼ of the NW ¼ lying N E of HW Y 281 in Sec. 19, e xcept 2 tracts in the NW 1/ 4 and the W 1/2 o f the N E 1/ 4 of Sec. 19 a ll in T30S , R12W , and a ll that lying East of the dividing fence in s ection 18, T30 S , R12W of the 6th P.M. consis ting of 233 ac res per the county apprais er. Exact legal to be determined by survey prior to closing.
Terms: 10% down day of s ale. Cert ified funds or letter of credit required. Ba lance due at closing within 30 days of auction. Possession: Close of Es crow. Minerals: Surface Rights Only.
Tract #3 86 +/ - Acres
Tract #3
Tract #4
Legal Description:
Legal Description:
The NW 86 ac res of the property lying W es t of the dividing fence and Eas t of HW Y 281 in Section 18, T 30S, R12W as plotted by GPS. Exact Lega l description to be determined by Survey prior to closing.
The SW 94 acres of the property ly ing W es t of the dividing fence and Eas t of HW Y 281 in Section 18, T 30S, R12W . Exact legal des cription to be determined by s urvey prior to clos ing.
Tract #2 233 +/ - Acres
Tract #4 94 +/ - Acres
Tract #1: 70 +/ - Acres
W e designated this tract just for you hunters who are looking for that premiu m W hitetail spot with live water and tons of timber, but could us e less than the usual ¼ section of land. Th is 86+/ A cre piece is ho me to the bounty of the famed springs that we were referring too. The water flo wing through this tract is like a s mall year round creek co ming out of the ground. This tract is heavily wooded and has highway 281 access with nearby electric ity.
Tract #1
2009 RE Taxes (tract 1): $177.22 Legal Description: All that part of Lot 4 in Section 18 and all that part of Lots 1 and 2 in Section 19 ly ing South of the County Road, common ly na med Elm Mills Road, a ll in T 30 S, R 12 W of the 6th P.M. in Barber County, KS. For you hunting enthus ias ts , this is the tract that you have been as king about for years. Seventy +/- acres of pure hunting glory right in the heart of Unit 16. The grand Elm cree k runs North to South through this property with an additional feeder stream co ming in fro m the North as well. This tract is loaded with woods , whitetail, and Rio Grande Turkeys . The additional beauty of this property is that there is a 30 ac re alfalfa fie ld that will keep the big ones liv ing on your property year round. As you walk th is property you can eas ily see the mas sive s crapes and rubs found throughout. This is an area that is known for the genetics you have been in search of. You may never get a chance at a tract of this quality packaged in the s ize which you can afford.
At 233+/- acres, T ract #2 is the larges t tract of the auction. It has highway access , as well as good grass and cover. This tract has 3 ponds, one of which is e xce llent and spring fed. This tract is entirely fenced and has been known to be the hideout of the truly mass ive whitetail. The 233 ac res offers an e xce llent co mbination of whitetail, turkey, and quail hunting, as well as e xce llent grazing. T ract #2 would a ls o be an exce llent ho me site as you have plenty of privacy and electric ity is located just on the neighboring tract. If you are looking for a good hunting/ grazing/home site combination tract than I urge you to check this one out.
12 pt W hiteta il B uck harve sted fro m the property by se lle r.
W OW ! W hat else can we s ay? This 94+/ - A cre parce l features a 2432sq ft, 4 Bed roo m, 3 bath roo m modula r ho me built in 2001. Ne xt to the home is a fantastic 30x70 fully lit steel Morton building w ith concrete floor and central heat. W alk out of back of the home and on to the patio to look down at the 4 well constructed ponds below. A truly beautifu l s ite in deed. The crystal clea r ponds are surrounded by woods. If fis hing is your sport, than this is the tract for you. These ponds are W ELL stocked with bass, channel cat, and blue gill. In fact, the s eller caught two-9 POUND bas s in these ponds las t May!! The water gus hes out of the overflow tubes and creates the year round creek traversing through the South end of the tract, past a small ca mp ground. W hether you choose to live here, hunt, fis h, develop, or jus t enjoy this tract, you will never regret buying this tranquil property. A nd did I mention that this is all h idden behind a locked gate?