Under the Oaks Newsletter

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Under the Oaks Newsletter April 2018

Christ Episcopal Church, Bay St. Louis We are an inviting and transformative community of faith that celebrates Christ's presence and grace.

912 S Beach Blvd, Bay Saint Louis, Mississippi 39520

Sunday Worship 10:00 am

Parish Office Hours Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. (228)-467-7757 (Call or Text) Email: [email protected] The newsletter is published monthly and released the last week of the month. Hard copies of the monthly newsletter are available in the Narthex, online or on our Facebook page. Submission deadline is 10 working days prior to month's end. Please submit only “print ready” ads, articles and notices.

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Dear Friends, We celebrate the resurrection of our Lord, Jesus the Christ, this Sunday, April 1. We will begin this service by asking the children in the congregation to bring up flowers to decorate a rustic cross. Flowers will also be provided. Make your plans on attending and bring a friend. Following the service, we will have an Easter egg hunt for the children. On Wednesday, April 18th the Rt. Rev. Brian Seage will be with us to preside at Holy Baptism, Confirmation, celebrate the Holy Eucharist, and preach at 6:00 p.m. Make your plans on being present for this service so we can greet our bishop and welcome those who are being baptized, confirmed or received. Our annual rummage sale is Saturday, April 21. Ask Elizabeth Register or Anita Warner how you can help (setting up and on that day). The Great Fifty Days of Easter lasts until the Day of Pentecost. The Easter season is one of joyful celebration - a huge party, if you will. We are celebrating the gift of grace which means we are celebrating the fact that no longer do we have to WORK to get into the Kingdom of God. It is the gift of a right working relationship with God made known to us through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus the Christ. During this season we read scripture lessons from the Book of the Acts telling us how the followers of Jesus shared the Good News of the Risen Christ with those whom they found themselves. It is interesting reading and can give us some hints as to how we might share the Good News with those we meet. I wish you a most blessed Eastertide! Faithfully, Cecil Page 3 of 12

Nursery Care is available for young children on Sunday's during the 10:00am worship service.

Inquirers Classes April 8th & April 15th

6:00 p.m. Nursery care is provided.

April 18th 6:00pm The Rt. Rev. Brian Seage will be with us to preside at Holy Baptism, Confirmation, celebrate the Holy Eucharist, and preach at 6:00 p.m. Make your plans on being present for this service so we can greet our bishop and welcome those who are being baptized, confirmed or received.

Christ Church Online! Check out our happenings at our website http://christchurchbaystlouis.dioms.org/ Also, follow and like us on facebook at


We are posting our various weekly events. Please let us know if you're coming and/or help us promote them to interested parties. Lastly, If you have any pictures you'd like to share to be included on the website or Facebook page, please email them to [email protected]. Page 4 of 12

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Sunday Mornings 9:00am Each Tuesday at 2:00pm a group gathers in the fellowship hall to explore the appointed lessons for the coming Sunday. We have a lively and interesting conversation about what the lessons are saying to us in the present time.

ECW 3rd Thursday "Dutch" Dinner

April 19th at 6:30pm The Lazy Magnolia Brewery in the Kiln menu: https://www.lazymagnolia.com/the-porch-menu/

Come join us for some fellowship.

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All are Welcome No Experience Needed No Classes to attend

Thursdays at 12:00pm (noon) About Centering Prayer Centering Prayer is a receptive method of silent prayer that prepares us to receive the gift of contemplative prayer, in which we experience God's presence within us, closer than breathing, closer than thinking, closer than consciousness itself. This method of prayer is both a relationship with God and a discipline to foster that relationship. Centering Prayer is not meant to replace other kinds of prayer. Rather, it adds depth of meaning to all prayer and facilitates the movement from more active kinds of prayer into a receptive prayer of resting in God. Centering Prayer emphasizes prayer as a personal relationship with God and as a movement beyond conversation with Christ to communion with Christ. Prayer as Relationship The Method of Centering Prayer Thoughts and the Use of the Sacred Word Deepening our Relationship with God

The following Thursdays at 12:00pm April 5 April 12 April 19 April 26 Sponsored by Christ Episcopal Church Hosted by: Marcie Baria For information and resources: Contemplative Outreach, Ltd. 10 Park Place, 2nd Floor, Suite B Butler, NJ 07405 973.838.3384 Page 7 of 12

April 2018 All canned meats All canned vegetables All canned fruits Canned tomato products Pork & Beans Peanut butter Fruit Juice Canned or Dried Soups Cooking Oil Canned or Dried Milk Mac & Cheese Rice Flour Pasta Dry Beans Dried Potatoes Oatmeal Grits Cereal Dish Detergent Laundry Soap Toothpaste Hand Soap Toilet Tissue

Thank you for all that you do! Page 8 of 12

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April Ministry Schedule

Readings for April are available at: http://www.episcopalchurch.org/lectionary-calendar

Hard copies of the April ministry schedule can be found in the parish hall.

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April 2 - David Lansden April 3 - Bennietta Hatchett April 8 - Ann Madden April 9 - Alice Baird April 13 - Woody Santa Cruz April 14 - Jean Magee April 16 - Katie Wyly April 19 - Walker Montjoy April 27 - Cameron Balder April 28 - Betty Richards


April 16 - Ben & Amanda Benvenutti April 18 - John & Anne Frank April 18 - Toni & Andy Calandria

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See You in May!

See you in May! "4th Sunday at 4" is Christ Episcopal Church's gift to the Coastal Community. As such, "4th Sunday at 4" is free and open to the public. Also, no artist, performing or visual, is charged a fee to participate, nor is any commission or percentage taken by the church. All money in the "donation basket" is given to the performers, and all payments for art go directly to the artist. A church is seldom in a position to engage an entire community, but it can do its part by supporting one segment of a community. Christ Episcopal Church has chosen to do this by providing an ideal location for showcasing our local artists. For further information, contact: Church 467-7757 or Chairman: 467-0106.

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