SIZE To fit average adult wrist. INSTRUCTIONS Bracelet Cut 2 strands each of A, B and C 15” [ 38 cm] long. Knot strands together at one end. Holding 2 strands of each A, B and C together, make a braid 10” [25.5 cm] long. Knot strands together. Tie ends together to form Bracelet. Pompoms (make 4). Note: When trimming pompoms, be sure not to cut length of yarn used to tie tightly in the center. These ‘tails’ will be used to tie the Pompoms to the Bracelet. Wind A, B and C around 3 fingers approximately 50 times. Remove from fingers and tie tightly in center. Cut through each side of loops, trim to a smooth round shape.
Version 1
Version 2
Version 3
Finishing Tie Pompoms to Bracelet.
Caron® United® (4 oz/113 g; 235 yds/215 m) Version 1 Contrast A Black (06006) 1 ball Contrast B Red (06008) 1 ball Contrast C White (06001) 1 ball Version 2 Contrast A Orange (06010) Contrast B White (06001) Contrast C Fresh Green (06012)
1 ball 1 ball 1 ball
Version 3 Contrast A Royal (06013) Contrast B Red (06008) Contrast C White (06001)