Zadara Storage Moonami Case Study

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Moonami Learning Systems Saves 50% of Time and 45% of Cost by Replacing Gluster FS Storage with Zadara Virtual Private Storage Array (VPSA)

“Once we discovered the elasticity and scalability that Zadara offers, our entire IT infrastructure was easier to manage — an advantage that translates directly into even better service to our customers.” John Porten, President of Moonami LMS Customer Profile: Moonami provides hosting and support services for Moodle learning management software and other leading open-source applications. Challenge: • Existing GlusterFS storage became expensive and time consuming to manage. • Required backup/recovery solution to provide rapid recovery of data. • Looking for agile, flexible storage to support company growth. Solution: • Replaced GlusterFS with Zadara Virtual Private Storage Array and Backup to S3 (B2S3) option. Results: • Management time reduced by 50%. • Storage costs reduced by 45%. • Improved both recovery point objective (RPO) and recovery time objective (RTO) delivering a hightened level of service to their customers.

Moonami'Learning'Systems'uses' Zadara'VPSA'to'reduce'costs'and' increase'overall'customer'service'' '

Moonami' provides' hosting' and' support' services' for' the' Moodle' learning' management' software' and' other' leading' open=source' applications.' The' firm' provides' a' full' range' of' services' including' cloud=based' hosting,' implementation' consulting,' migration,' customization,'integration'and'multi=tier' support.''' ' As' their' business' grew,' they' found' themselves' at' a' crossroads' and' needed' to'make'important'decsions'about'their' aging' storage' infrastructure.' The' existing' GlusterFS' storage' had' become' expensive' and' time' consuming' to' maintain.''It'no'longer'provided'the'level' of' agility' and' features' needed' to' support'the'Moonami'customers.'' '

After' reviewing' their' options,' Moonami' decided' to' eliminate' their' GlusterFS' storage' and' replace' it' with' Zadara’s' enterprise=grade' Virtual' Private' Storage' Array,' attaching' to' their' Amazon' Web' Services' (AWS)' compute' resources.' Moonami' is' now' saving' approximately' 20'hours'of'IT'time'each'week'—'nearly' half' of' their' full=time' administrator’s' role' —' from' the' daily' headaches' of' managing' the' storage' resource.' This' is' extra' time' that' Moonami’s' small,' but' savvy'IT'team'is'now'allocating'to'more' business=impactful' activities.' The' move' also' lowered' Moonami’s' total' storage' costs'by'45%.'''''

“Once we discovered the elasticity and scalability that Zadara offers, our entire IT infrastructure was easier to manage — an advantage that translates directly into even better service to our customers.” “Having hourly backups has been especially valuable for us. Our customers often ask us to restore their site to how it was a few hours ago. Previously, the best we could do was a daily restore. Now, with B2S3 we can do hourly point and restores and it doesn’t take up any of our Zadara disk space — which is even better.” – John Porten, President of Moonami LMS

Moonami'also'chose'to'utilize'Zadara’s' was'a'daily'restore.'Now,'with'B2S3'we' unique' Backup' to' Amazon' S3' (B2S3)' can'do'hourly'point'and'restores'and'it' feature' to' enable' lowAcost' objectA doesn’t'take'up'any'of'our'Zadara'disk' based' backup.' ' The' Zadara' B2S3' space'—'which'is'even'better.”'' feature' provides' an' automatic,' ' snapshotAbased,'continuous,'incremenA Zadara’s' Virtual' Private' Storage' Array' tal' backup.' With' increments' as' has' given' Moonami' a' pure' OpEx' frequent'as'once'a'minute,'B2S3'allows' solution' that' is' fully' elastic' in' all' any' Moonami' customer' who' directions.' ' They' can' add,' or' remove' accidentally' deleted' files' to' request' a' capacity'or'performance'–'as'needed'–' backup' copy' saved' within' the' past' to' support' their' upredictable' storage' hour.' ' Previously,' Moonami' could' only' needs.'' recover' data' from' the' prior' day.' In' ' addition,' Moonami' is' now' able' to' “Once'we'discovered'the'elasticity'and' recover' data' in' minutes' rather' than' scalability'that'Zadara'offers,'our'entire' hours' or' days.' ' This' IT'infrastructure'was'easier' improvement' in' both' the' to'manage'—'an'advantage' “We have been recovery' point' objective' that'translates'directly'into' able to cut our (RPO)' and' recovery' time' even' better' service' to' our' management objective' (RTO)' enables' customers,”' continued' overhead in half heightened' customer' Porten.' “With' Gluster' it' and reduce our peace' of' mind' and' allows' could' take' weeks' or' as' storage-related Moonami' to' deliver' even' much' as' a' month' to' better' service' to' their' rebalance' a' disk' when' you' costs by 45%.” customers.' added' capacity.' This' was' ' wasted'time'that'impacted' Zadara’s' Backup' to' S3' (B2S3)' makes' our' customer' service.' Now' we' can' recovery' quick' and' easy,' with' instant' devote' that' time' to' running' and' access' to' backedAup' volumes.' Data' managing'our'business.”' backed' up' via' B2S3' can' also' be' ' restored' to' any' storage' medium' from' The' educational' market' segment' is' any' vendor,' including' Amazon' Elastic' known' for' peaks' and' valleys' in' their' Block' Store' (Amazon' EBS)' —' avoiding' storage' requirements.' As' courses' vendor'lockAin'and'providing'customers' engage,' capacity' and' performance' with'the'ultimate'in'backup'flexibility.''' requirements' increase.' ' However,' as' ' breaks' occur,' requirements' typically' “Having' hourly' backups' has' been' drop' off' significantly.' ' Moonami' is' an' especially' valuable' for' us,”' said' John' excellent' example' of' a' Zadara' Porten,' President' of' Moonami' LMS.' customer' who' has' increased' their' “Our'customers'often'ask'us'to'restore' agility' and' customer' service,' while' their' site' to' how' it' was' a' few' hours' significantly' reducing' their' storage' ago.' Previously,' the' best' we' could' do' costs'and'management'overhead. '

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