Everest Attempt. Our Civilian-Military Expedition was composed of ...

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Everest A ttem pt. O ur C ivilian-M ilitary E xpedition was com posed o f C ap­ tains A lfonso Juez, Francisco G am , Franco Pelayo, C esar A lfaro, Pedro E xpó sito, Sergeants Pedro A ceredillo, Francisco Pérez, Juan O rta, D om ingo H ernández, Eduardo Fernández, Avelino M ora, and civilians Dr. Joan M ar­ tínez, Leo Vogué , M iguel V idal, M áxim o M urcia and me as leader. We had hoped to clim b the North Col route. We set up Base C am p, A dvance Base, C am ps II (on N orth C ol), III and IV (below the Yellow B and) at 5150, 6400, 7060, 7800 and 8350 m eters on June 19, July 2, 4, 25 and A ugust 17. The highest point reached was 8550 m eters on A ugust 27. The great quantity o f snow ham pered our m ovem ents above the N orth Col at all tim es. S a n t i a g o A r r i b a s , Lieutenant Colonel, Escuela M ilitar de M ontaña, Jaca, Spain

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