FarmHouse Newsletter FarmHouse Newsletter

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FarmHouse Newsletter DECEMBER 5TH, 2010

Greetings Greetings Farmhouse Alumni, It has been a wonderful experience being your director of alumni relations the past year. I enjoyed meeting each one of you at our various functions and I hope you enjoyed our newsletters. We have had a great semester and plenty more coming up here at FarmHouse and I cannot wait to share it with you. Oscar Ramirez Director of Alumni Relations

New Officers Our newOfficers are as follows: President: Matt Kidd Vice President of Administration: Kolby Golden Pledge Educator: Kelby Golden House Operations: Cole Reue Scholarship: Chris Villhauer Risk Management: Jordan Shaw Alumni Relations: Justin Wilkerson Chaplin: Kolby Golden Social: Patrick Steed

Inside this issue:

Community Service: Adam Disque Ritual Director: Cory Moreno







Comm. Service/ Sports




Social/ Brotherhood


The Future


Sergeant of Arms: Westin Pedigo Total Member: Richard Duffy Wilborn Intramural: Garrett Street Historian: Cory Moreno Fundraising: Karson Adamcik Financial Assistant: Tyler Adams Merchandise: Cory Moreno Kitchen Manager: Colin Bessell Ag. Council: Karson Adamcik and Aaron Scrapa Spring 10 Standards Chair: Kolby Golden Fall 10 Standards Chair: Tyler Kohn


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2nd Annual FarmHouse Clay Shoot On October 3rd, 2010 we had our 2nd annual FarmHouse clay shoot. The shoot is our philanthropy fundraiser and was a great success. With students from Texas Tech and residents of Lubbock and the surrounding area we were able to raise money in support the Leukemia Lymphoma Society. Participants had a great time at the event participating in skeet shoot, clay shoot, bar-b-q lunch, and raffle drawings throughout the day. I want to thank all alumni which were able to participate. I hope to see even more alumni at our next skeet shoot.

Community Service This semester the men of FarmHouse have participated in several community services. We participated in our highway clean up this semester. We participated in Alpha Delta Pi’s kickball philanthropy event. And we participated in Greek Treat this year with the ladies of Kappa Delta.

Intramurals We are staying competitive this year in intramurals. We participated in football, swimming, soccer, volleyball, tennis, and countless others this semester. We look forward to intramurals next semester, especially to warm us up for the annual Actives vs. Alumni Softball match this year on Founder’s Day which I hope many of you can attend.

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Homecoming This year we had another great year at homecoming. We partnered with the ladies of the Women’s Service Organization and our theme was the Hungry Hungry Hippos. We came in 2nd place on our float, 2nd on our Banner, 1st place on our spirit board, and our homecoming king James Danford made it to the top five candidates for king. The guys worked really hard but we also had lots of fun. We are looking forward to next year when we will be partnering up with the ladies of Kappa Alpha Theta.

Social/Brotherhood This semester the men of FarmHouse had a mixer with the ladies of Delta Gamma. We also had our Winter Formal at Ruidoso, New Mexico.

Looking to the Future

We have lots of great things planned for 2011 and I can’t wait to see Justin’s newsletters. He is going to do a great job as Director of Alumni Relations. Please keep an eye out for information on Founder’s Day which will be approaching quickly. Have your self a Merry Christmas and enjoy the remainder of 2010!