'I looked like Santa Claus!' Alison Bradley, 43, from Hartlepool, shed 4st 71b after realising her belly was so big she had started to resemble Father Christmas ... •..•.......••....•............•..•..
. Before 13st 121b Size 18 Now 9st Sib Size 10 Last Christmas, the only party outfit that fitted me was a size 18 dress. But I was so self-conscious about my figure I refused to take off my coat - even on the dance floor! Every year, I wished I could wear a sexy dress, but I never thought it would be possible. Even when I married my husband,David,now45,in 1986, I was 11st. I piled on more weight having our two children, Robert, now 17, and Stephanie, 14. I used to joke about my size, but by Christmas Day last year I couldn't pretend that it didn't bother me any more. I seemed powerless to stop myself eating and ended up scoffing so much
Christmas dinner and goodies I burst out of my trousers and had to change into a pair of big red tracksuit bottoms. When I caught sight of myself in the mirror, it suddenly struck me that my belly was the same size as Santa's! That's when I vowed things would be different the following Christmas. So in January 2006, I joined LighterLife slimming club, where I temporarily swapped food for meal-replacement shakes. It was really hard, but losing eight pounds in the first week spurred me on. ByJune, I was having smoothies for breakfast, fish and salad for lunch, and soup for dinner, and I reached my target weight of 9st 51b,which is ideal for my 5 ft 2in frame. Now I'm really looking forward to Christmas, as I'll finally be able to wear a sexy party dress!
'Christmas is for-~ celebrating life' Jane Chapman, 40, from Dudley, West Midlands, lost 4 stone in tribute to her husband overcoming cancer ••••••••••••
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Before14st lllb Size 20 NowlOst lllb Size 12 1'd been unhappy with my weightfor a few years but kept putting off starting a diet. Then in June 2001, completely out of the blue, my husband, Adam, now 39, was diagnosed with mouth cancer. It was devastating, and I was so terrified at the thought of losing him I turned to food for comfort and to cope with the fear. Thankfully he came through his treatment, which finished just before Christmas that year. I was determined to celebrate and act as though everything was as normal as possible, but Adam had no appetite. I ended up eating most of his roast dinner, too, along with mince pies swimming in custard and boxes of chocolates. I knew my eating and weight were spiralling out of control, but I felt it was such a superficial thing to worry about after what Adam had been through. Besides, by then, snacking for comfort had become a habit that I just couldn't seem to kick. Rather than confronting my weight issue, I simply stopped weighing myself. It was only last June, when I could no longer get into a size 18, that I finally stepped on the scales again. It was such a shock to discover I was 14st 11lb - far too heavy for my Sft 7in height. But it was the wake-up call I needed, and I joined Weight Watchers four weeks later. I immediately ditched the snacks and junk food in favour of Rice Krispies and skimmed milk for breakfast, a turkey salad with Nimble bread for lunch, and fish with vegetables in the evening. Within six weeks, 1'd lost one and a half stone, and two months later my tummy was so flat I was able to wear sexy tops for the first time in years. I finally reached my target of lOst 11lb and a size 12 in March. It's made such a difference to my self-confidence - I really enjoy going out now. Before, I'd make excuses not to go to Christmas parties because I felt so self-conscious, but I'm looking forward to them this year. And this Christmas will be extra special now Adam and I have both regained our health and can celebrate life.
'I can fit into sexy Xmas lingerie now' Tracy Anderson, 29, from Renfrewshire, shed Sst 71bafter an embarrassing festive incident .•.•.........•..................................
Before14st 131b Size 22 Now9st 61b Size 10 Even as a teenager, I was forever trying to lose a few pounds. But when I met my husband, Gary, 10 years ago, my weight really spiralled out of control as I tended to eat the same big portions as he did. But because Gary, now 30, was always complimenting me, my increasing weight was easy to ignore - until Christmas 2002, when he bought me a sexy black satin top as a present. It was so gorgeous I tried it on immediately, but it got stuck over my head, despite it being a size 20. I was really embarrassed and pretended it was the perfect size and that I just hadn't put it on properly. To prove it, I even forced it on and wore it to a party, although I refused to take off the baggy jumper I put on over the top! I was so mortified I went on a diet in the New Year. But although I lost a stone, I piled it all back on soon after. It was only after giving birth to my daughtet; Leah, now two, in June 2004 that I decided I had to do something. By then I was 14st Bib despite being only Sft 2in, and I couldn't bear the thought of being a fat, unhealthy mum. I joined a local Scottish Slimmers class and started having porridge for breakfast, followed by home-made soup for lunch and stir-fries for dinner. The only treat I allowed myself was the occasional Curly Wurly. Every time my resolve waned, the thought of not being able to fit into Gary's Christmas presents and wanting to be a fit mum spurred me on. I reached my target weight of 9st 6lb in August, and I've already dropped hints that Gary can buy me some sexy lingerie this Christmas ... now I know I'll be able to fit into it!