Imex Business Centre Property Details

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Property Details Industrial

Imex Business Centre

Broadleys Business Park, Craigleith Road, Stirling, FK7 7LQ

From 44.97 Sq m (484 Sq ft) to 377.19 Sq m (4,060 Sq ft) Imex Business Centre consists of two back to back terraces of seven modern industrial units fronted at the North-eastern end by a terrace of six small office suites. Each industrial unit has a roller shutter door and loading / parking facilities in front.

Viewing Please contact the joint agents: Andrew Peel [email protected] Tel: 01786 463111

• Imex Business Centre is located within the modern Broadleys Business Park which is the principal warehouse / distribution park situated to the East of Stirling. • The park offers good access to the city centre and excellent connections to the M9 via the A91.

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