Jan. 22

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This week’s sermon Count It All Joy James 1:1-4,12 Trials are a sure thing. 2

Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, Trials come in various forms but have the common trait of testing our faith. 2

Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet

trials of various kinds, 3 for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. Trials are for your good. Trials are the intimate and providential means by which God deepens our joy in Him.

Digging Deeper into the Message

Community Group

How has God tested your faith in the past? What was the outcome?

ICEBREAKER: Talk about a time when your faith was tested. (Take as much time on this as needed.) REVIEW: Read James 1:2-4, 12

Joseph is a good example for us of God testing someone’s faith and the positive results in the end. Look over his story in Genesis 37-50 to refresh your memory of his life (if you can, read those chapters over the course of this week). What were the various kinds of trials that tested his faith? List them.

REFLECTION QUESTIONS: Is it surprising to you that Christians experience trials? Why or why not? How would you respond to someone who believes that trials can be avoided by having enough faith? What are some examples of the various kinds of trials we face? Which of these are most difficult in your experience or opinion? Why? What is steadfastness and how does testing produce it?

What good things happened as a result of those trials?

APPLICATION QUESTIONS TO DISCUSS: How can you apply this message to your own life? If you are in a trial right now, how can this message and passage (James 1) help you through that trial?

And finally what was Joseph’s attitude and perspective of all of this in the end? (Gen. 50:18-21)

If you are not currently in a trial, what are you learning right now that you want to remember when you do face trials? (Consider writing a letter to yourself to be read when you face the next trial or testing of your faith.) Who can you reach out to this week to encourage through a trial?

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