LOC CATION: North N Lownd des Co. layin ng in portion ns of TWP.1 5N RNG 133E sections 1 and 12 andd TWP.15N RNG G 14E sections 6 and 7 near n the Tow wn of White Hall. H TER RRAIN: Lev vel to flat top pography wiith elevations ranging froom 150/ft inn upper elevaations to 1400+/-/ft along drainns and Big Swamp S Creek k. Soil typess in higher ellevations connsists of sanndy loam soil types that aare excellentt for hhardwood prroduction an nd moderate pine timber production and are currrently in matture hardwooods with a mix of mature naatural pines. Soil types in n the lower elevations e annd along draains consistss of silty clayy soil types and aare excellentt bottomland d hardwood timber produ ucing soils aand are curreently in bottoomland harddwoods and naturral oxbow ponds. SIZE E: 605+/- accres. LAN ND USE: Hu unting recreaation, timberr and real esttate investm ment. PRIC CE: $1,482,,250 ($2,450 0 per acre) AGE ENTS: Jerry y Joe Ingram m 334-300-42 273 Rod Bacch 334-398-22010 SPE ECIAL FEA ATURES: • A All most the entire propeerty consists of immensee bottomlandd hardwoodss consisting oof predominnantly mass pproducing oaaks. The soills along Big Swap Creek k are extremeely good andd grow very high qualityy hardwood ttimber. The timber t stand ds on the property have significant s vaalue and oldd growth harddwoods of thhis size and qquality are a rare find and provides for f an excelleent timber innvestment. • S Scenic Big Swamp S Creek k winds thro ough the prop perty for appproximately 1.8 miles. • G Good hunting and diversse wildlife haabitat. This property p hass old growth bottom landd hardwoodss with a mix oof mature naatural pines, oxbow o pond ds and is locaated in Alabama’s Blackk Belt Soil R Region alongg the Big S Swamp Creeek drain basin. The Big Swamp S Creeek drain basiin consists off thousands of acres of bbottomland hhardwoods and a bordered d by productiive farm land d and is considered to hoost some of the best tropphy deer and d tturkey huntin ng in the Sou utheast. • T The property y is secluded d and is accesss by a low traffic t countty road. This compan ny, or any of its ageents, will not be heeld responsible for any a false or misleaading information. Information is colllected by agents frrom sources that ag gent deems reliablee. Agent has used his h best efforts andd good faith to obtaain reliable informaation.