Whenn you drivee up the drriveway thaat leads to GREY R ROCKS L LODGE yoou admire the beauttiful river bottomland b d with larg ge crop fields, Spanishh moss draaped hardw woods and the well manaaged wildliife habitat. As you ap pproach thee lodge andd take in thhe spectaccular viewss of the Alabaama River and its un nchanged beauty you start to feeel a sense oof arrival aand the histtoric granddeur of a seetting that time has fo orgotten. Thiss company, or any a of its agentts, will not be held h responsiblee for any false oor misleading in information. Innformation is collectted by agents from fr sources thaat agent deems reliable. Agen nt has used his best efforts andd good faith to obtain reliable informatio on. 4163 CARMICHAE C EL ROAD MONTGOMERY Y, ALABAMA A 36106 (3344) 270-8400 (800) 864-12881
LOCA ATION: Soutthwest Autaug ga county bettween Autaug gaville and Seelma fronting the Alabamaa River. TERR RAIN: Mildly y Rolling to fllat river bottom land with elevations e rannging from 1440/ft on the hhigher elevatioons to 80/ft along tthe river and drains. Rich river r bottom soils s provide extremely higgh soil site inndexes for row w crop and tim mber producction. SIZE: Land size1,3 368+/- acres with w over 3 miles m of river frontage. f Loddge consists off 4,500+/- sq.. ft. 9 bedroom ms, 5 1/2 bath h. LAND D USE: Huntiing recreation n, timber and row crop production, wateerfront develoopment and reeal estate inveestment. E: $3,596,320 0 ($2,628 PE ER ACRE) PRICE AGEN NTS:Ted Dev vos 334-850-4 4955 tdevos1@ or Jerry Ingraam 334-300-44273 jerry@L LandinAlabam om
SPECIIAL FEATU URES: • Maagnificent fullly furnished 4,500+/4 sq/ft ft 2 story, 9 beed, 5 1/2 bathh cypress lodgge complete w with 8 bedroom ms upstairs an nd larrge master bedroom down stairs. Large commercial style s kitchen, enormous livving room areea with stone fireplace thatt leaads out to a laarge porch thaat has beautifu ul views of th he scenic Alabbama River. • Prooperty fronts low traffic paaved county road r with plen nty of good innternal road thhroughout thee property forr easy access. • Firrst-rate well managed m trophy hunting fo or deer, turkey ys, quail and w waterfowl. Thhe Alabama R River drainagge basin is a huuge area of lan nd that is sparrsely populateed that still haas that naturall undisturbedd beauty and rranges from thhe central parrt Allabama to Mo obile Bay. Thiis area consists of huge tim mber tracts wiith a mix swaamps and rich farm land annd is home to som me of the fineest hunting in n the southeasst. • W Well managed by a wildlife biologist and d strategically y planned wilddlife habitat tto maximize hhunting opporrtunities. Thee uppland habitat areas a consist of o cultivated crop land and d fallow crop fields, youngg planted longgleaf and lobllolly pines, hardwoods. T yooung planted hardwoods h wiith a mix of merchantable m The bottomlannd habitat areeas consist off merchantable haardwoods, old d growth cypreess and swam mps. There is also a a 10+/- aacre water levvel controlled duck pond thhat can be draained and plaanted. • Exxcellent timbeer investment opportunity. The rich riveer bottom landd is some of tthe best timbeer growing sooils in central Allabama. The professional p managed m timb ber stands con nsists of 611+ +/- acres of m merchantable bbottomland hhardwoods, 43+/- acres of 14yr 1 planted pre-merchanta p able loblolly pines, p 24+/- aacres of 5yr pplanted pre-merchantable hhardwoods an nd 2440+/- acres off 5yr planted pre-merchanta p able longleaf pines. The 5yyr planted harrdwoods and the 5yr long leaf pines aree cuurrently enrollled in an income producing g USDA Conservation Resserve Program m generation about $10,000 per year inccome. • Thhe 386 acres of o open land is some of thee most productive farmlannd in central A Alabama and consists of M McQueen, Occhrepts and Wickham W soil types. Thesee soil types haave an extrem mely high cropp yield rating of 900/lb-1,0000/lb of cotto on linnt per acre. Th he crop land could c be leaseed out for an agriculture a crrop lease and is currently eenrolled in a U USDA crop baase DCP progrram with an annual a incomee stream. • Vaaluable water front develop pment potentiial with over 3+/- miles off water frontagge along the bbeautiful scennic Alabama River. The Riveer is also an excellent e area for fishing, boating b and skkiing and is a US navigablle water way ffrom o Mobile Bay.. In addition this t property would w be a goood candidatee for a conserrvation easem ment that could d Moontgomery to proovide a mean ningful tax sav vings. GREY Y ROCKS LODGE L enco ompasses the essence of Southern Hosppitality. Unspoiled views, w well-kept groounds, first claass amenitties, exception nal river botto om hunting land l and overrall outdoor reecreation opportunity is whhat makes GR REY ROCK KS LODG GE the ultimaate turnkey reecreational prroperty. This is i one of thosse properties tthat you havee to see in person to apprecciate. Call tod day to make an n appointmen nt for your perrsonal guidedd tour.
Front view of lodge
Rear view of lodge
View of fabulously furnished den
View of den from stair case
Commercial style kitchen
Spacious kitchen with lots of counter space
Large master bedroom that leads to rear porch
One of 8 guest bedrooms
Large rear porch with great views of the river
Deck overlooking the river
CRP income producing longleaf pines
Crop field with 14yr Loblolly pines in back ground
Old growth cypress
Water level controlled duck pond
Broom straw fields are excellent quail & turkey habitat and provide good bedding areas for deer
Crop field with hardwoods in back ground
Open crop field