Kun Ascent and Tragedy. Our expedition was composed of sixteen

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Kun A scent a n d Tragedy. O ur expedition was com posed o f sixteen m em ­ bers, including four w om en, two guides and four high-altitude porters. A fter a difficult crossing o f the flooding Suru R iver at Ringdom G om pa, we headed up the Shafat valley to Base C am p at 4400 m eters. There we divided into three groups. The first m oved up to C am ps I, II and III on July 1 6 ,1 8 and 19 at 5400, 6000 and 6300 m eters. July 20 was sum m it day for the first group. D irectly above Cam p III was a steep, knife-edged ridge which led to a great plateau. From the plateau we were separated from the sum m it by som e 400 m eters. We unroped and each clim ber headed to the sum m it at his ow n pace. The m em bers o f this first group were Ernest Bersier, M lle C olette Bühler, A ndré D em artin, C harles E ichenberger, Yan Kocher, Jean N icklès, M lle O dile N ydegger, M ax­ ime Z ürcher and I. The descent required all our attention. We in the first group had to descend to Cam p II to allow the second group, w hich was follow ing us by one day, to occupy Cam p III. On July 21, the second group set out for the sum m it w ith fairly good w eather, but it deteriorated during the clim b and they turned back. D uring the descent, the accident happened. The snow and fog made it m ore difficult. We do not know the cause o f the slip, but tragically M ile G ritli Bosch and U lrich N icklès fell to their deaths. N ic o l e B a n g e r t e r ,

C lub A lpin Suisse

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