Melling Farm Barn 2017

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Melling, LA6 2RA Possibly one of the last barns for conversion in the central Lune Valley, in an enviable edge of village location next to open fields, this finished barn will have great views up, down and across this lovely valley. Planning permission (with no occupancy conditions) has been granted for conversion to a four bedroom, three bath/shower room house with contemporary living accommodation. Plans show a practical layout designed to make the most of the views with balconies and a wall of bi-folding doors leading out to a patio running the full length of the property. In all 1.9 acres (0.77 hectares).

East elevation

Welcome to MELLING FARM BARN Melling, LA6 2RA The Lune Valley is a much sought after residential location with the desirable market town of Kirkby Lonsdale to the north and the busy county town of Lancaster to the south. It is well served by the M6 (junction 34 being only 8.5 miles away from the property) and the main west coast railway line (Lancaster station is 11.3 miles distant and offers a frequent service to London Euston in around 2 hours, 35 minutes). Barns with planning permission are increasingly rare these days, especially when there are no occupancy conditions attached. Planning permission was granted by Lancaster City Council on the 2nd March 2018 (reference number 18/00022/CU) for "Change of use of barn and land to create one residential dwelling (Use class C3)". A copy of the consent as well as the approved plans is available from the Agents. A formal Section 106 agreement has now been removed from the permission. The purchaser will not need to pay a financial contribution to the council towards the provision of affordable housing prior to first occupation of the development. The result is a cost saving upon development of approximately £11,000 compared to the previous planning consent. . Please note: the boundary plan shows area granted residential consent shaded red, c. 0.11 hectares (0.27 acres); the area edged red, c. 1.63 acres (0.66 hectares) has agricultural status and would require formal change of use to be used for residential purposes. There is mains water which services the trough adjacent to the barn on the site. There is no electricity at present but it has been previously connected. There is no drainage connected. From Lancaster, proceed north on the A683 and travel through the villages of Caton, Claughton and Hornby. Upon entering Melling, the barn is on the left hand side of the road, turn in to the shared entrance just after the village institute. The barn and surrounding land is currently let and so access on site is strictly by prior arrangement with the office. Money Laundering Prospective buyers should be aware that in the event that they make an offer for the property, they will be required to provide the agent with documents in relation to the Money Laundering Regulations; one being photographic ID, i.e. driving licence or passport and the other being a utility bill showing their address. These can be provided in the following ways: by calling into the agents' office with copies or by way of a certified copy provided via their solicitor. In addition prospective buyers will be required to provide information regarding the source of funding as part of the agent’s offer procedure.


Development opportunity • Increasingly rare proposition • No occupancy conditions • Central Lune Valley position

Northelevation elevation North

• Good views across unspoiled countryside • In all, 0.77 hectares (1.9 acres) • Edge of village position • Junction 34 M6 is 8.5 miles south • Kirkby Lonsdale 6 miles north • Village school, hall, church and garage

View down the valley

West elevation

Lane House, Kendal Road Kirkby Lonsdale Carnforth Lancashire LA6 2HH

015242 74445 [email protected]

Not to scale. For illustrative purposes only.

IMPORTANT - Davis & Bowring, for themselves and for the vendors of lessers of this property whose agents they are give notice that (i) these particulars are set out as a general outline only for guidance of intending purchasers or lessees, and do not constitute, nor constitute part of an offer or contract; (ii) all descriptions, dimensions references to condition and necessary permissions for use and occupation, and other details are given without responsibility and any intending purchasers or tenants should not rely on them as statements or representations of fact but must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of them; (iii) no person in the employment of Davis & Bowring, has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatever in relation to this property.

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