New Braunfels Presbyterian Church
PRESBYTERIAN CHILDREN'S HOME OUTREACH OPPORTUNITY: Baby items are needed for the Presbyterian Children's Home in San Antonio. This is a ministry for single mothers and their babies. There will be a basket in the Narthex each Sunday before Saturday, May 2nd, to bring these much needed items. Suggested items include: diapers, bottles, sippy cups (new), pacifiers (new), children's plates and utensils, baby supplies, baby clothes, breast pads, lotion, books, and baby powder.
FAMILY PROMISE BEGINS THIS WEEK- Family Promise begins this week at the church, April 12th-18th. Please contact Bob Presley with any questions- 830-214-0719.
DIALOGUE SESSION: The Session has authorized the Commissioners who attended presbytery recently to facilitate healthy conversations within our congregation. We would like to provide this forum to the congregation as a means to provide discussion on topics from General Assembly. We will discuss the basic process of General Assembly, and the recent decisions of GA. Lunch will be served at noon on April 19th, with the Dialogue Session to begin at 12:30 pm. Please sign up on the back of your perforated tear-out in the bulletin if you are interested in attending.
LADIES NIGHT OUT- Our next dinner will be Tuesday, April 28th at 6 PM. This month we will be going to the Reel Seafood House in Spring Branch. The address is 17130 State Hwy 46 West for those who want to drive themselves. For those who may want to carpool, we will meet at the church and leave by 5:30. Please sign up in the Narthex. Questions, call Kim Wright at 830-964-5189.
WOMEN OF NBPC'S SPRING LUNCHEON: The Women of NBPC's Spring Luncheon will be held on Saturday, May 2nd at 11:30 in the Conference Room. This is an annual worldwide celebration since 1922. Your company is welcome as we gather in fellowship, enjoy catered box lunches, support the national 2015 PW Birthday Offering, and hear about local ministries for single mothers and babies from Laura Littleton with Presbyterian Children's Homes and Services in San Antonio. Please reserve and pre-pay ($14, checks payable to Presbyterian Women) before April 26th in the office or narthex.
PRAYER GROUPS: Currently we have a Wednesday Morning Prayer Group, a Telephone Tree Prayer Chain, and an Email Prayer Chain. If you are interested in joining any of our prayer groups, please contact the Church office, at 625-5141 or
[email protected].
KDO GOLF TOURNAMENT: The Kid's Day Out annual golf tournament is coming up soon. The big day is May 9 at The Bandit Golf Club with a 8:00 a.m. shotgun start. Entry Fee is $85 and includes green fees, cart, unlimited range balls and hamburger buffet following the completion of play. It's always a fun tournament and all proceeds benefit our KDO program. If you don't play golf, donations are always welcome. Sponsoring a hole on the golf course is also an option. For a $150 tax deductible donation, we'll put a sign with your name on it on the golf course on the day of the tournament. Forms for playing in the tournament and donations are available in the church office or contact Suzy Wilkinson at (830) 629-2286. Thank you for your support!
MOC FELLOWSHIP DINNER: The next MOC Fellowship Dinner will be April 21, 2015 at Freiheit Country Store, 2157 FM 1101. We will gather around 6 and order supper at 6:30. The sign-up sheet is posted in the credenza.
FELLOWSHIP WALKING TOUR: Hosted by the NBPC Friends fellowship group: a lovely morning stroll at 10:00 am on Saturday, April 25th, complete with historical descriptions of downtown murals. Meet at the corner of San Antonio Street and Castell Avenue, beside the Phoenix Saloon. $10/person. We will go to lunch following. Please RSVP to Gretchen Weicker or Jane and Dave Hensley.
FAMILY PROMISE BED RACE- NBPC is forming a team (or teams) to represent the church in Family Promise's 1st Annual Bed Race to be held June 20th at Church Hill Middle School. This unique, fun event, benefiting local families and children as they move on, up, and out of homelessness, requires a team of 6 (four pushers, a rider, and an alternate). We'll build a bed-racing vehicle using a donated mattress from NB Mattress and bed kit provided by McCoy's Building Supply. Prizes will be awarded for Fastest, Crowd Favorite, and Best Theme. Deadline to enter is May 15th, so the team(s) will be forming soon. If you are interested in helping with the build, creating a theme, donating bed décor or being part of the race team, there is a place for you! Please contact Neil Gately (
[email protected], 830-226-7063) to volunteer or learn more. Additional info at
PRAYERS FOR THE CHURCH... The disciples and others returned to Jerusalem...where they constantly devoted themselves to prayer while they waited for the promise of the Father. Acts 1:12,14, 4b Easter celebrates the resurrection of our Lord to new life. Let us pray for Let us pray:
The PNC in the details of seeking God's guidance. The church in anticipation of the new life that will come with new leadership.
THIS WEEK Monday, April 13th- Family Promise April 12th-18th 10:00 am- Knit and Crochet- Ivy Room 6:00 pm- Stewardship Committee Meeting- Library Room Tuesday, April 14th 10:00 am- Esther Circle- Conference Room 10:00 am- Walk in Landa Park- meet outside the church 2:00 pm- Ruth Circle- Parlor 6:30 pm- SESSION MEETING- Conference Room Wednesday, April 15th 9:00 am- Rose Delivery- Parking Lot 9:30 am- Prayer Group Meeting- Parlor 10:00 am- Wednesday Morning Bible Study- Conference Room 6:00 pm- Praise Band- Sanctuary 7:15 pm- Chancel Choir Rehearsal- Choir Room Thursday, April 16th **NEWSLETTER DEADLINE 5:30 pm- Bell Choir Rehearsal- Sanctuary Friday, April 17th 5:00- Brawner/Langwell Wedding Rehearsal- Sanctuary Saturday, Apri 18th 8:00- New Braunfels Quilt Guild- Activity Center 5:00 pm- Brawner/Langwell Wedding- Sanctuary Sunday, April 19th 9:00 am- Worship Service 10:00 am- Christian Education 11:00 am- Worship Service