Office of the Superintendent of Schools MONTGOMERY COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Rockville, Maryland
June 27, 2014 MEMORANDUM
Members of the Board of Education
Joshua P. Starr, Superintendent of Schools
Subj ect:
June 2014 Algebra 1B Semester Exam Grades Recalculation
Last week, following the posting of semester exam grades, staff undertook a comprehensive review of the most recent countywide mathematics semester exam results. Exam grades revealed an increase in low and failing grades in Algebra 1B inconsistent with previous June mathematics exam results. The grades also were lower than the January 2014 Algebra 1A semester exam results in both middle and high schools. Principals and teachers have identified loss of instructional time due to the need for additional preparation for state tests as a major reason for the exam performance. Considering the lost instructional time, and the potential impact on students in middle school earning high school credit for Algebra 1, a systemwide grade recalculation has been completed and will be reflected in report cards being mailed today. The grade recalculation aligns student results to levels similar to the June 2013 Algebra 1B and January Algebra 1A exam administration. No student grades were negatively impacted by this grade recalculation. This memorandum provides more information about exam performance, the unique circun1stances that impacted students taking Algebra 1 this year, and the steps we are taking to ensure we do not harm the academic record of students due to circumstances that are beyond their control. These steps include recalculating the exam grades by adding 15 percentage points to each test score and offering additional, free opportunities for reteaching and retesting during the summer. We have expressed our concerns about the misalignment of state tests with the new curriculum and the impact this is having on our students. In March, Board of Education President Phil Kauffman sent Maryland State Superintendent Lillian Lowery a letter raising concerns about the transition from the High School Assessments (HSA) to the new assessments, and asked her to consider temporarily removing the high stakes nature of the HSA until the transition was complete. We will continue to express these concerns to the State Superintendent, the Maryland State Board of Education and the Maryland General Assembly.
Members ofthe Board of Education
June 27,2014
Data While semester exam performance has been an area of concern for me, members of the Board of Education, and the public, the results from the Algebra 1B exam demonstrated there were extenuating circumstances that specifically impacted students who took this course. Initial semester exam data showed that 23 percent of middle school students and 82 percent of high school students failed the exam. In June 2013, 10 percent of middle school students and 68 percent of high school students failed the Algebra 1B exam. (See the table in Attachment A) Perhaps most telling is that the initial 2014 Algebra lB failure rate was significantly higher than it was for the Algebra 1A exam, which was taken in January 2014 by virtually the same students. On the 2014 Algebra lA exam, 12 percent of middle school students and 61 percent of high school students earned a failing grade. We also did not see a significant change on math semester exan1 performance in other content areas, such as Geometry and Precalculus. This made it clear to us that there were circumstances that impacted Algebra 1B exam performance that did not impact other semester exams. As we have said previously, poor exam results generally do not lead to course failure for most of our high school students. At the high school level, 4,545 students took Algebra and just 288 of them failed the course because they failed the exam. The recalculation barely altered this number- reducing it to 275 students. Unique Circumstances Several factors have been identified as contributing to this unique increase in poor Algebra 1B exam performance. First, teachers have been adjusting to a new curriculum based on the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). While this change itself did not significantly affect results for the January exam administration for Algebra l A, the combination of adjusting to a new curriculum with the other factors contributed to an increase in exam failures for the June exam. Second, teaching time was substantially decreased during the third and fourth marking periods. In addition to loss of time due to weather cancellations and delays, all high school and middle school students in this course were required to take the Maryland Algebra/Data Analysis HSA. Middle school students in this course also were required to take their grade-level Maryland School Assessments. Teachers have reported losing as much as three to four weeks of instruction in preparation and administration for state assessments. Finally, and perhaps most significantly, the HSA is not aligned with CCSS. This meant that teachers had to use even more time than in the past to develop student
Members of the Board of Education
June 27, 2014
understanding of concepts for HSA that are not included in the CCSS, such as data analysis. Teachers also had to review how HSA assesses concepts taught earlier in the year in a different manner. As I have mentioned previously, the disc01mect between CCSS and HSA puts teachers in the very difficult position of preparing students for two different curricula and assessment types. Based on feedback from math resource teachers, staff members in the Office of Curriculum and Instructional Programs (OCIP) had made adjustments to pacing calendars and the semester exam to account for these changes, but apparently these were not sufficient. Exam analysis revealed that the items students most frequently marked incorrectly were from the final unit of the year. Since these items were not significantly more difficult than the other items, it can be inferred that some students did not complete the final topics of the curriculum. Supporting Students
We explored options to reduce the negative consequences to student grades and support them in their understanding of algebra. Removal of individual exam items was considered; however, it was determined that this approach would raise some students grades while lowering the grades of other students. Subsequently, an exam grade recalculation was implemented resulting in alignment of this year's exam failure results with those in June of 20 13 . The principle of not penalizing students for things beyond their control, despite the unique circumstances that were present during the second semester of this school year, was at the forefront of the decision to take immediate action on the exam grades. In light of the unique circumstances in the second semester, and the recalculation of exam grades, MCPS will offer a summer program for any student who wishes to enhance their Algebra 1 knowledge or participate in a reteach and reassess for the final exam. School level budget supports for opportunities to reteach and reassess during the summer have been reviewed and expanded. Schools will be allocated funds based on the number of students who enroll in this summer program both at the middle and high school levels. These opportunities will be offered free-of-charge to families. In addition, all fees will be waived for students who participate in the Algebra l B course in summer school. Communication
All middle and high school principals have been notified of these changes and a letter explaining the changes is being sent to all families who had a student enrolled in Algebra 1B this spring (Attachment B). We also have developed a summary of the issues related to the Algebra 1B semester exam performance and steps taken to support students that will be shared with principals and others (Attachment C). We will be sharing the information with the media who have been interested in this topic. Should you receive any inquiries, please feel free to forward them to our Office of Communications.
Members of the Board of Education
June 27, 2014
Next Steps
While this was the last year of HSA administration for most students, teachers are still adjusting to a new curriculum and aligning their instruction to support success on the PARCC assessments. The Algebra 1 pacing calendar will be reviewed and adjusted again for the 2014-2015 school year. Math resource teachers will be invited to provide feedback on the pacing calendar and assessments and teachers of Algebra 1 will receive the adjusted pacing calendar during training tllis sununer. Finally, staff members in OCIP are exploring options to adjust the Geometry curriculum for this one year to accommodate topics students did not reach in Algebra 1, to ensure student success in Algebra 2. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Erick J. Lang, associate superintendent of curriculum and instructional programs at 301-279-3411, Dr. Clu-istopher S. Garran, associate superintendent of lligh schools at 301-315-7379, or Dr. Darryl L. Williams, associate superintendent of middle schools at 301-3 15-7370. JPS:mqm Copy to: Executive Staff
Attachment A
Algebra Semester Exam Failures June 2013- June 2014
Middle School High School Total
Algebra 18 June 2013 Enroll- Failed %of ment Exam Enroll. 7,560 767 10%
Algebra 1A January 2014 EnrollFailed %of ment Exam Enroll. 7,180 893 12%
Algebra 18 June 2014 Initial En ro ll%of Failed ment Exam Enroll 7,038 1,620 23%
Algebra 18 June 2014 Grade Recalculation EnrollFailed %of ment Exam Enroll. 7,038 862 12%
J uu~
27. 10 1-+
I)ear Parent or Guardwn. Wr.: an~ writing to nil -nunilies lhm had a studcm enrollt!d in Alg~bra 1 B thi~ past scmS is committed to helping ench student develop a deep understanding ofnwthematics. Our goul is to ensure thnr the signiilcant changes in cun·iculum. instruction. and assessment. currl.!ntly under way. enhance ttnJ deepen our st11dcnts' learning. Please contact the middle or high school at which your son or daughter took Algl!bm I B if you hnve quest ions about his or ht!r specific grade or if you are imercstcd in the reteach and reassess opportunity that will be oflcrcd tl1is summer. Erick .1. Laug. Ph.D. Superintendent Office of Cuniculum and Instructional /\ssociat~ Progr~uns
Christopher S. Garran. Ph.D. Assodate Superintendent of I [igh Schools OHice of School Support and Improvement
Jum: 27.2014
Dear Pal'ent or Guardian. We m~ writing to all f1.unili~s that had a student enrolled in J\ 1B this past semester rcgmding unique circumstances related to the semester exam students took in June.
1\s Montgomery ( \>tnlly Public Schools (MCPS ) staff reviewed t•xmn results lor all studems in Algebra I B. a higher number of students than expected received low grades. We believe these results are due to sevc:ra I n.::asons. most notably the need to use valuable instmctinna l and review time to prepare f()J' mh.;aligncd slate ussessmcnts. Couscquently. ull student ~radcs \VLm.· rc..:alculatcd. resulting in a higher grade 1{w some students. No student grades were ncgativdy impacted due to this gmde rccakulntion. All report cards distributed this week include the newly recakufakd grade li.)r Algebra I B. . As you may know, thi~ was the first year for a new cuniculum and the last year tor the Algcbr~l and Dnta Analysis l ligh School Assessment (!I SA). Maryland required us to give the HSA, even though the new cmricul um. also required. did not fully align w ith the state assessment Some of the topics. such as datu analysis. arc tested on the liSA. but have been moved to diffcrcnt .courses in the new curriculum. Teachers tound that they had to take more time during the spring to prepare fbr th~! I fS/\ than in thu past. Consequently. th is meant thl!rc was Jess time f(w teachers to prepare sludents for the countywide semester exam in June. MCPS docs not bclicvc students should ht: advcrscfy impacted by curriculum and assessment changes, so cxnm grades were r~calcultttcJ. Wt! also will review cm1rse t.:ontent to cnsur~:: that any concepts your son or daugliter may have missed w ill be indudcd in course coment after J\igcbra 1.
For swdcnts w ho did not pass the exam atl'er recalculation. MCPS has expanded opportunities t()!' citch school to off~r reteaching and reassessment in Algebra 1B this summer. Each middle lllld higb sclwol ~llso will conta