Sales Particulars Sept 2017 - Realla

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For sale Land at Sites 2A and 2B Edgar Mobbs Way Northampton NN5 5QJ September 2017

08449 02 03 04

Land at Sites 2A and 2B Edgar Mobbs Way, Northampton



─ Site extends to 2.32 ha

The site is located approximately 1 mile to the west of Northampton Centre. The surrounding area is a mixed use location, with Sixfield Stadium and the mixed retail and leisure park to the north.

(5.73 acres) gross. ─ Site is situated within the

Northampton Waterside Enterprise Zone. ─ Attractive development

opportunity. ─ Convenient access to

M1, Junction 15A, via the A5123. ─ Unconditional offers are

invited by 12 midday Friday 3rd November 2017

The property is located off Edgar Mobbs Way which provides access to the M1 Motorway to the south and Northampton Town Centre to the east via the A5076 and the A4500. The retail and leisure park to the north provides a range of facilities and amenities as well as a large Sainsbury’s superstore. A more comprehensive range of facilities are available in Northampton Town Centre. Northampton is located circa. 36 miles to the south of Leicester, 20 miles to the north-west of Milton Keynes and 32 miles to the south-east of Coventry. Main line rail services are available approximately 2 ½ miles distance to Birmingham New Street and London Euston.

Description The site is made up of two parcels of land owned by NHS Property Services Ltd and the Homes and Communities Agency. Both parties have agreed to jointly market and sell the site which extends to is circa. 2.05 hectares (5.13 acres) excluding adopted highway which totals 0.27 Ha (0.60 acres). Our understanding of the gross site boundaries are edged red on the attached plan. An undeveloped brownfield site, the boundaries are delineated by a mix of unadopted roads, bunding and fences. Access to the site is available from two points from the un-adopted access road which leads onto the roundabout situated to the northeastern corner of the site. This roundabout provides access to Edgar Mobbs Way to the east and the A5076 to the west. The site is bounded by Edgar Mobbs Way to the north, Duston Mill

Meadow Nature Reserve to the south, Storton’s pits Nature Reserve to the east and the neighbouring parcel of land in between the A5076 and the adopted Duston Mill Lane to the west. The site has an excellent frontage onto Edgar Mobbs Way and the mixed retail and leisure park to the north, and a good outlook onto Storton’s Pits Nature Reserve to the east.

Town Planning The site does not benefit from any planning permission and it is understood that any developments would need to be discussed with Northampton Borough Council (NBC) Planning Department. Pre-application planning advice has been obtained from NBC, which is available in the sales information pack. We understand that a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) has been required since the 1st April 2016 by NBC. CIL is currently being charged for residential (£50 per sq m) or retail (£100 per sq m) uses, no charge is to be applied for other uses. Prospective purchasers should rely on their own enquiries to confirm any CIL payments that may be required.

Services We understand that all mains water, gas, electricity and BT are available within the immediate surroundings of the site. Prospective purchasers must satisfy themselves in respect of the provision, capacity and sustainability of all services and drainage, either on or off site.

Tenure The property is to be sold freehold in its current condition and is sold

subject to all third party easements and statutory designations which might currently be passing.

additional information may be required by the vendor’s team in due course.

We understand that both land owners have previously had an annual licence in place with Northampton Football Club, to park cars on the site on match days. These are currently being extended and can be terminated with 2 months notice.

Interested parties should submit their offers for the attention of James Gibson, via either email to [email protected] or by post to GVA, 3 Brindleyplace, Birmingham B1 2JB.

Sales Information Pack Further sales and technical information in respect of the site is available upon request. The information available includes:-

 Site disposal plan;  Site location plan;  Licences for Car parking  Historic Geo-Environmental land quality statement;

 LPA pre-application planning advice;

 Title register and plans;  Bid Proforma. The information provided within the pack is for information only and can not be relied upon, purchasers to make their own enquiries.

Viewing Access to the property is currently restricted although the site can be viewed from the surrounding highway. On-site inspections should be arranged by contacting GVA.

Offers Offers are invited for the entire freehold in its current condition. Our clients will consider offers on either a conditional or unconditional basis. All parties submitting offers are required to provide their offers in line with the Bid Proforma included in the Sales Information Pack Please note that subject to a review of the above information,

VAT We understand that VAT will be payable on the purchase of the land owned by the HCA, but will not be payable on the land owned by NHS PS Ltd. All offers are to be exclusive of VAT.

Offers are to be submitted by 12 noon, Friday 10 November 2017.

For further information please contact:

The vendors reserve the right not to accept the highest or any offer received.

James Gibson T: 0121 609 8522 E: [email protected] Andrew Moss T: 0121 609 8398 E: [email protected]

For further information please contact: James Gibson 0121 609 8522 [email protected] Andrew Moss 0121 609 8398 [email protected] Property ref

Our offices: Birmingham Bristol Cardiff Dublin Edinburgh Glasgow Leeds Liverpool London Manchester Newcastle

GVA St Catherines Court, Berkeley Place, Bristol BS8 1BQ GVA is the trading name of GVA Grimley Limited an Apleona company. ©2017 GVA

GVA hereby gives notice that the information provided (either for itself, for any joint agents or for the vendors lessors of this property whose agent GVA is in this brochure is provided on the following conditions: (1) The particulars are set out as a general outline only, for the guidance of intending purchasers and/or lessees and do not constitute an offer or contract, or part of an offer or contract. (2) All descriptions, dimensions and references to this property’s condition and any necessary permission for use and occupation, and any other relevant details, are given in good faith and are believed to be correct. However, any intending purchasers or tenants should not rely on them as statements or representations of fact but satisfy themselves of their correctness by inspection or otherwise.

June 2017 (3) No person in the employment of GVA, or any joint agents, has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatsoever in relation to the property or properties in this brochure. (4) All prices quoted are exclusive of VAT. (5) GVA shall have no liability whatsoever in relation to any documents contained within the brochure or any elements of the brochure which were prepared solely by third parties, and not by GVA.