Residential Portfolio Opportunity For sale on the instructions of Philip Du y and Sarah Bell c/o Du & Phelps Joint Fixed ChargeReceivers
Lambert Smith Hampton is offering the opportunity to purchase a freehold portfolio of 11 vacant residential properties situated in the Leeds postcode districts of LS9, LS12 and LS13.
9 terraced, 5 flats and 1 semi-detached properties.
Council Tax
Legal Costs
5 one, 9 two and 1 three bedroom properties.
The properties fall within Council Tax Bands A and B
Each party is to be responsible for their own legal costs.
Located in Leeds postcodes of LS9 LS12 and LS13.
of the relevant Local Authorities.
The properties are in the process of being cleared & cleaned.
All vacant.
The portfolio comprises 11 properties of which a number have been held in the same ownership for over 15 years. The majority of the properties are situated in the Leeds districts of Bramley, Armley and Harehills.
Viewing Information Online Data Room
Interested parties should be aware that internal viewings will be
The following information will be provided in our Data
available once the properties have been cleared and cleaned.
Room to serious interested parties: •
a mix of
Property schedules including description, location
Sale by LPA Receivers
and condition of the individual properties
The properties are being marketed for sale on behalf of Joint Law of
established housing of various types including a small flat
Title Documentation
Property Act Receivers and therefore no warranties or guarantees in
development of 5 one and two bedroom flats. The majority of
A sample of internal and external photographs of the
any respect, including VAT can be given. The information in these
individual properties
particulars has been provided by the Joint Law of Property Act
Energy Performance Certificates
Receivers to the best of their knowledge, but the purchaser must rely
the properties provide two bedroom accommodation along with gardens and yard areas.
At the time of drafting the sales
solely on their own enquiries. The Joint Law of property Act Receivers
particulars all of the properties were vacant and were in the process of being cleared and cleaned.
Method of Sale
are not bound to accept the highest, or any offer and are acting in
The portfolio is offered for sale on a private treaty basis
respect of this sale without personal liability.
Stock Condition
as a whole or on an individual basis.
Any offer
LSH has undertaken a sample inspection of the properties in
submitted is to include:
Further information please contact:
June 2016 to assess the current condition. Further information is
The name of the proposed purchaser
Nick Blackwell
available within the property schedules contained in the Data
Details of any conditions
0114 275 3752
Funding arrangements
[email protected] •
Timescales for exchange and completion
We reserve the right to conclude the marketing period
The LPA Receivers have instructed Centrick Properties to
by way of an informal tender process.
We understand that all 11 properties are held freehold and with vacant possession.
0113 245 9393
[email protected] manage the portfolio on their behalf.
Lucy McDowell
VAT is not chargeable on the sale.
Type of Property
No. of Bedrooms
16 Garton Road, Leeds LS9 9NH 14 Gilpin View Armley, Leeds LS12 1HJ 11 East Park Mount, Leeds LS9 9JX 5 East Park Place, Leeds LS9 9JY 69 Sutherland Mount, Leeds LS9 6DW 39 Clifton Terrace, Leeds LS9 6ET 22 Compton Row, Leeds LS9 6DL 10 Charlton Grove, Leeds LS9 9JT Flat 1 54 Raynville Road, Leeds LS13 2RG Flat 2 54 Raynville Road, Leeds LS13 2RG Flat 3 54 Raynville Road, Leeds LS13 2RG Flat 4 54 Raynville Road, Leeds LS13 2RG Flat 5 54 Raynville Road, Leeds LS13 2RG 7 Ivy Mount, Leeds LS9 9BS 23 Rydal Street, Leeds LS9 3LF
Semi – Detached Back to Back Terrace Back to Back Terrace Back to Back Terrace Back to Back Terrace Back to Back Terrace Back to Back Terrace Back to Back Terrace Flat Flat Flat Smart Pad Flat Back to Back Terrace Back to Back Terrace
3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1
©Lambert Smith Hampton Disclaimer: Lambert Smith Hampton Group Limited and their joint agents if any (“LSH”) for themselves and for the seller or landlord of the property whose agents they are give notice that; i) These particulars are given and any statement about the property is made without responsibility on the part of LSH or the seller or landlord and do not constitute the whole or any part of an offer or contract. ii) Any description, dimension, distance or area given or any reference made to condition, working order or availability of services, suitability for use or occupation, photograph, plan, drawing, aspect or financial or investment information or tenancy and title details or any other information set out in these particulars or otherwise provided shall not be relied on as statements or representations of fact or at all and any prospective buyer or tenant must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the accuracy of all information or suitability of the property. iii) No employee of LSH has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty arising from these particulars or otherwise or enter into any contract whatsoever in relation to the property in respect of any prospective purchase or letting including in respect of any re-sale potential or value or at all. iv) Price or rent may be subject to VAT and any prospective buyer or tenant must satisfy themselves concerning the correct VAT position. v) Except in respect of death or personal injury caused by the negligence of LSH or its employees or agents, LSH will not be liable, whether in negligence or otherwise howsoever, for any loss arising from the use of these particulars or any information provided in respect of the property save to the extent that any statement or information has been made or given fraudulently by LSH. In the case of new development or refurbishment prospective buyers or tenants should not rely on any artists’ impressions or architects’ drawings or specification or scope of works or amenities, infrastructure or services or information concerning views, character or appearance and timing concerning availability or occupation and prospective buyers or tenants must take legal advice to ensure that any expectations they may have are provided for direct with the seller or landlord and LSH shall have no liability whatsoever concerning any variation or discrepancy in connection with such matters