We are advised by our clients that a Certificate of Lawfulness has been granted by Tunbridge Wells Borough Council, under reference: 16/505163/LDCEX, dated 11th August 2016 for change use toSECOND two flats above an existing A1 or A2 shop. A FIRSTofAND FLOORS copy of the planning decision notice and proposed drawings are available upon request.
DEVELOPMENT/ REFURBISHMENT OPPORTUNITY CONVERSION OF OFFICES TO CREATE TWO FLATS Location Situated within the Town Centre between Tunbridge Wells Railway Station and the famous Pantiles Shopping and Leisure facilities. The property is situated in a central location opposite Tunbridge Wells Common and just off the High Street. Tunbridge Wells Railway Station offers frequent mainline services to Central London.
Description Currently comprises first and second floor office suites each of approximately 920 sq. ft (85.4 m²) arranged within a substantial building with the ground floor occupied by Hamptons Estate Agents. Upon completion the units could each offer entrance hall, open plan livingdining- kitchen, two bedrooms each with en-suite, bathroom/WC and a further separate WC. Refurbishment works have already commenced upon the second floor apartment.
Town Planning We are advised by our clients that a Certificate of Lawfulness has been granted by Tunbridge Wells Borough Council, under reference: 16/505163/LDCEX, dated 11th August 2016 for change of use to two flats above an existing A1 or A2 shop. A copy of the planning decision notice and proposed drawings are available upon request.
Price £385,000
THE PROPERTY MISDESCRIPTIONS ACT 1991 The agent has not tested any apparatus, equipment, fixtures and fittings or services and so cannot verify that they are in working order of fit for the purpose. Prospective Purchasers/Lessees are advised to obtain verification from their Solicitor or Surveyor. References to the tenure of this property are based on information supplied by our Clients. The Agent has not had sight of the Title Documents and prospective Purchasers/Lessees are advised to obtain verification from their Solicitor. These Particulars do not form, nor form any part of, an offer or contract. Neither Linays Commercial nor any of their employees has any authority to make or give further representations or warranties to the property
Ref: MC/4597
Tenure First Floor: Remainder of a 130 year lease form 17th April 2013. Second Floor: Remainder of a 130 year lease from 20th June 2013.
Floor Plans We attach sketch floor plans, prospective purchasers should satisfy themselves as to the accuracy of the plans which are merely to provide an indication as to possible layouts for the refurbishment.
Rating Assessment We understand from the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) website that the rates payable on the premises are £ (2014/15 assessment). Interested parties are strongly advised to check the actual rates liability with the local authority directly.
Legal Costs Each party is to be responsible for the payment of their own legal and professional fees.
VAT We have been advised by our clients that VAT WILL NOT be payable upon the sale price under current legislation.
Energy Performance Ratings We are advised that the following ratings have been assessed. First Floor: D (91) Second Floor: E (116)
Viewings and Further Details Available by prior appointment via Linays Commercial Limited.
Service Charge A service charge is levied to cover the cost of repair, maintenance, decoration and management of common parts and structure. Full details awaited.
Contact: Adrian Tutchings
[email protected] THE PROPERTY MISDESCRIPTIONS ACT 1991 The agent has not tested any apparatus, equipment, fixtures and fittings or services and so cannot verify that they are in working order of fit for the purpose. Prospective Purchasers/Lessees are advised to obtain verification from their Solicitor or Surveyor. References to the tenure of this property are based on information supplied by our Clients. The Agent has not had sight of the Title Documents and prospective Purchasers/Lessees are advised to obtain verification from their Solicitor. These Particulars do not form, nor form any part of, an offer or contract. Neither Linays Commercial nor any of their employees has any authority to make or give further representations or warranties to the property