ashley chronicle jan 19 - AWS

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Ashley Chronicle Dates For Your Diary

19th January, 2018

Taking A Dip

Freya Johnston, in Mrs Jewitt’s Year 3 class, did the Boxing Day Dip, alongside her Spring Half Term - Break up - Thursday 8th February brother and her dad. They (Staff INSET - Friday 9th February) Return to School - Monday 19th February) took the dip at Little Haven, in aid of Cancer Connections. Her Year 6 Fire Station Visit - Monday 12th March best buddy Ava went along to Year 5 Bikeability - Monday 19th March (4 Days) support her. Well done Freya! International Week - Wk beginning 5th February

Monday 26th March (4 days)

Parent Evenings - Monday 26th & Tuesday 27th March (Appointments sent out after half term) Easter Break - Break up - Thursday 29th March Return to school - Monday 16th April

Birthday Treat

Keane Black, in Year 3, received the best birthday Year 5 Thurston Trip - 8th - 11th May present ever! He was mascot for Year 2 SATs - Throughout May South Shields FC on Saturday 13th January. He got to meet all Year 6 SATs - 14th - 17th May of the players in the changing Summer Half Term - Break up - Thursday 24th May room, got a signed South Shields (Staff INSET - Friday 25th May) t-shirt and walked out onto the Return to School - Monday 4th June pitch with Julio Arca. Keane’s favourite player is Carl Reminders Finnigan and loved getting a selfie Yard - Parents and carers are reminded that the with him. Keane said it was the use of bad language and inappropriate behaviour will best day ever and he wants to be not be tolerated in the school yard or on the way in mascot every week. To put the icing on the cake, and out of the premises. Please remember that you South Shields beat Mossely 5-1! A great result.

should be setting a good example for the younger children already in the yard and those coming out of school, when the bell rings.

Winter Weather - Please use the pathways which have been gritted when coming in and out of school. Mrs Ovington does thoroughly grit all main pathways, however, due to the lower temperatures at present, there is still the presence of black ice, even when grit has been applied.

Achievements If your child has achieved something special outside of school, then why not let us know about it? Either note down the achievement and send it into school, marked for the attention of Mrs Todd, or email me directly at [email protected]

We look forward to hearing from you!

Golden Award Winners this Week

Mathematician of the Week Awards Aaleyah Mahmud

Jase Havven

Bobby Abbott

Mason Williams

Gabriella Stonehouse

Isla Bracey

Anna-Lucia Hopper

Younis Ahmadi

Devon Steehouder

Theia Coutakis

Evie Harris

Ava Heslop

Lee Stephenson

Wania Imran

Amy Peacock

Alfie Smoult

Maddison Hall

Sam Smith

Junior Finnerty

Jack McVey

Rio Verity

Tym Falkowski

Ellie Taws

Keeley Brown

Olivia Dennett

Owen McConkey

Danny Robson

Megan Burr

Lila Reed

Congratulations to all of this week’s winners!

Layla Oliver Lily Robb Callum Arthur

Congratulations to all of this week’s winners!

Citizenship Ceremony On Wednesday 10th January, the Imran family attended their British Citizenship Ceremony, at the Town Hall South Shields. Wania wanted to share this happy moment of her family, at the ceremony with the Mayor. Congratulations, we are delighted for you all.

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