2017 College Skills Camp WHEN: June 16, 2017 GRADES: 7th-12th LOCATION: Arceneaux Park 835 E Main Street Broussard, LA PRICE: Before June 12 - $125.00 After June 12 - $150.00 REGISTRATION: 8:00 AM
9:00 - 10:30 am | Defense 10:30 - 10:45 am | Break 10:45 am - 12:30 pm | Hitting TO RESERVE YOUR SPOT: Please fill out the following information and mail, with payment, to Mississippi College Softball or email Assistant Coach Kim Mason at
[email protected] MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: Mississippi College Softball Booster
MAIL CHECKS/CASH TO: Mississippi College Softball Box 4049 Clinton, MS 39058
WHAT TO BRING: Campers should bring cleats, tennis shoes, glove, bat and helmet and water. INFORMATION: For more information, contact Assistant Coach Kim Mason at
[email protected].
Athlete’s Name: _____________________________________________________________________________ Cell Phone Number: _____-_____-________
E-Mail: ________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________ High School / Travel Team: _____________________________________________________________________ Primary Position: ______________
Secondary Position: ______________
Graduation Year: _________
The undersigned certifies that his/her daughter is physically fit to participate in the 2017 MC Softball College Skills Camp. The undersigned releases the 2017 MC Softball College Skills Camp from any liability.
Parent’s Signature: ___________________________________________________ Emergency Contact Number: ____________________________
Date: ________________
Relationship: ______________________