AYSO Bonita Matrix Soccer Club Bonita, CA - Region 116 www ...

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AYSO Bonita Matrix Soccer Club Bonita, CA - Region 116

GU13 Invitation to Girls Born 8/1/02- 7/31/03 For Information about Matrix program Email: Coach: Luis Corona 619-322-7392

Benefits of Bonita Matrix Soccer are: • Lower costs compared to competitive clubs 2014 Registration Fee: $350 (uniforms included) • Credentialed Coaching staff (no coaching fees) • Safe, competitive environment to develop player skills • Bonita Matrix Player Development Academy


Dear Parents Regions 116 is one of the biggest AYSO soccer organizations in southern California and we are proud to count with your support. In additional to our popular fall recreation soccer program where your child currently participates, AYSO 116 also offers you a program to those players wishing to play in a competitive CLUB quality lever soccer league: Bonita Matrix (www.bonitamatrix.com) is a CLUB level competitive soccer program under the AYSO umbrella starting at the BU11/GU11 age division. Its mission is to provide a great quality club soccer program with a philosophy based on player development, Positive Coaching, and respect for the game. Why is Bonita Matrix Better than other local soccer clubs ? *L E V E L O F C O M P E T I T I O N -Bonita Matrix teams successfully compete in two circuits where all San Diego County CLUB teams play: "San Diego Presidio League" and the new "San Diego Developmental Academy league". In addition our teams participate in multiple prestigious events and tournament both locally, state wide, and nationally.

*Q U A L I T Y -Bonita Matrix coaches are all USSF (US Soccer Federation) and AYSO approved certified coaches. All our coaches are interviewed by a panel of qualified coaches before they are accepted to our club. Our coaches not only have knowledge of the game, but also have the ability to teach it through stimulating, challenging and creative practice sessions. *F E E S - C O S T -Bonita Matrix has NO coaching Monthly Fees, No Gimmicks, No Tricks ! Registration Fees are the lowest and most affordable by families in our community. Other clubs DO have monthly coaching fees in additional to a HIGH cost registration fees. They are hungry for bodies and will tell you whatever you want to hear to get your money. *P L A Y I N G T I M E -Bonita Matrix will play all players every game and every tournament. It guarantees a minimum of half a game to all players, though most coaches believe in getting their player more than that . Other CLUBs have no guarantees, Your child may sit on the bench for the entire game. P R A C T I C E F I E L D S -Bonita Matrix Team will practice in Local Fields close to where you live. Other CLUBs may have to drive long distances to attend practice. *C H I L D P R O T E C T I O N -Bonita Matrix requires all coaches-volunteers to be background checked, and trained in children safety protocols to avoid injuries. The goal is to have a safe, happy and healthy soccer experience for your little one. Other Clubs do not do or enforce this. How do I choose a soccer club for my child? Give Bonita Matrix the opportunity to work with your child and we won't take it lightly ! Check our website for tryout dates. When looking for a soccer club for your child always do your homework. Talk to friends who have kids in the club, Research the coach (this is very important) Often the sweet, charming coach you meet when your child is recruited is transformed into a nitpicking, faultfinding horror show in practice and games. Our Bonita Matrix coaches are dedicated to your child soccer development and it promotes an environment where teammates, coaches, and referees are treated with respect 100% of the time.