bank owned

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Contact: Rick Hildreth/[email protected] Office 702.262.9199/Fax 702.974.1580 5510 South Fort Apache Road, Suite 8 Las Vegas, NV 89148

BANK OWNED Las Vegas, Nevada

Location: Property is located at the NW corner of Dean Martin Drive and Irvin Avenue in Las Vegas, Clark County, Nevada. Size: 18.46 gross acres Asking Price: $2,850,000 Zoning: RUD - Residential Urban Village Planned Land Use: RH - Residential High (8-18 du per acre) Municipality: Clark County (Enterprise)

The information contained herein is from sources deemed reliable. We have no reason to doubt its accuracy but do not guarantee it. It is the responsibility of the person reviewing this information to independently verify it. This package is subject to change, prior sale or complete withdrawal.


Locality Map

Floodplain Map

Property Detail Map

Conceptual Site Plan

I-15 South Corridor Improvements

Administrative Draft

Subject Southern Highlands R4.1


R4.2 R4.9

R3.9 R4.2B




R4.6A R4.3


Bella Terra R4.5A











Starr Avenue


Dean Martin Drive

Cactus Avenue




Frias Avenue

Levi Avenue

Erie Avenue

Chartan Avenue

Neal Avenue

Proposed Olympia Group Retail/Mixed Use

Las Vegas Boulevard South

Las Vegas Boulevard South

LVB R3.5

LVB R2.6 LVB R3.1

LVB R3.6 LVB R3.8

LVB R3.2 ST8

LVB R3.3

LVB R3.4


LVB R3.7



Proposed Sound Wall

Proposed Right-of-Way

Transition to Existing

ExistingTraffic Signal

Construction Staging Area

Ongoing Projects by Others

Proposed Traffic Signal





SCALE: 1” = 600’



DEAN MARTIN CONN 18.46 PRELIMINARY FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS Site Description / Relevant Zoning / Clark County Commission Jurisdiction The subject property consists of four legal parcels of land located between Dean Martin Dr. and Polaris Ave. south of Cactus Ave. The site consists of Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 177-32-203001 and -003, and 177-32-101-010 and -014. The site is comprised of approximately 18.46 acres of undeveloped land. The site slopes generally from the southwest to the northeast. A wash traverses the site from west to east by northeast. This wash will convey substantial flows (as more specifically described below) during 100 year events. The site is surrounded by developed and undeveloped land. The surrounding property is zoned R-E to the north and northeast, R-2 to the southeast, west and northwest, RUD (Residential Urban Development) to the south and R-E to the southwest. (See attached assessor’s maps. See attached Clark County Master Plan.) The site proper is zoned RUD (ZC-1153-08). Per the February 12, 2009 Notice of Final Action, staff is to prepare an ordinance adopting the zoning. (See attached NOFA.) Public hearing items regarding this site are within the jurisdiction of the Enterprise Town Board. The site is located within Clark County Commissioner Steve Sisolak’s district. Commissioner Sisolak’s appointee to the Clark County Planning Commission is Greg Esposito. Site Access Primary access to the site will be via Dean Martin Dr. (presently a 40 ft thoroughfare) running north/south adjacent to the east border of the site. Secondary access is afforded from the west via Polaris (presently a 30 ft wide north/south thoroughfare). Potable Water / Fireflows The site is located on the extreme high boundary of the 2420 pressure zone. The low boundary of the 2538 pressure zone borders the southern limits of the site at Irvin. A preliminary fireflow analysis would be advisable inasmuch as the site is on the extreme high side of the lower pressure zone. LVVWD may be persuaded to treat the southern half of the site (south of the existing 8” water line that divides the site east-west) as being in the upper (2538) pressure zone. This presumptively would result in higher analyzed fireflow pressures. (See attached LVVWD pressure zone map.) There is an existing 10” water line in Dean Martin. There is an existing 8” water line in Polaris on the west boundary of the site. Preliminary Feasibility Report – Dean Martin Conn 18.46 Prepared by THOMASON CONSULTING ENGINEERS – 702-932-6125


An existing 8” water line running in the Somerset alignment bisects the site and connects the 10” water line in Dean Martin and the 8” water line in Polaris. There is an existing 8” water line in Irvin on the south boundary of the site. (Please see attached exhibit.) Sanitary Sewer The site is located within the Clark County Water Reclamation District’s collection system. Sewer service may be provided by an existing 10” sewer line in Dean Martin and/or an 8” sewer line in Polaris and/or an 8” sewer line in Irvin. Flood Control The site is located within a Zone X. Zone X is an area, determined by FEMA to be outside the 100 year flood plain. 1) Adjacent storm drain. There is 18” storm drain in Polaris adjacent to the northwest half of the site and 66” storm drain in Dean Martin running the entire length of the site. 2) Site Drainage and relevant nearby Technical Drainage Study. The wash that transverses the northern portion of the property conveys significant off-site 100 year storm flows. The existing upstream residential project on the west side of Polaris Avenue, Castellina by Desert Wind Homes, identified 2,698 cfs within the wash in their 2002 drainage study. To convey this flow, Desert Wind Homes constructed a trapezoidal concrete channel with three 12 ft x 6 ft RCB culverts to cross Polaris Avenue. The existing culverts that cross Polaris discharge into an armored wash on the subject property. 3) CCRFCD Analysis. (Please see attached CCRFCD Figure F-49) Clark County Regional Flood Control District (CCRFCD) has identified an ultimate condition flowrate within the wash of 2,237 cfs. Upstream development has occurred since the 2002 Desert Wind Homes study was approved. However, further hydrologic analysis is necessary to determine if sufficient upstream facilities are constructed to reduce flows and justify the lower CCRFCD flowrate for design. 4) Proposed CCRFCD Master Plan Facilities / CCRFCD Regional Facility cost estimate. The proposed CCRFCD master plan facility is a trapezoidal concrete open channel with an 18’ bottom width, 6.5 ft deep, and 2:1 side slopes. The total channel width, including 12 ft wide and 5 ft wide maintenance access at top of bank per CCRFCD requirements is approximately 61 ft. The open channel design will likely require an RCB culvert crossing at Dean Martin, similar to the existing Polaris Avenue crossing. The velocities at the outlet will be erosive and this open Preliminary Feasibility Report – Dean Martin Conn 18.46 Prepared by THOMASON CONSULTING ENGINEERS – 702-932-6125


channel option will require energy dissipation similar to the 10’x5’ RCB option described above. In the event CCRFCD a developer chose to meet minimum CCRFCD criteria, CCRFCD estimates that the construction cost for such a Regional facility at $506,187. 5) Preliminary Hydraulic Calculations / Preliminary Cost Calculus for underground structure as opposed to CCRFCD open channel design. Preliminary hydraulic calculations indicate that the 2,698 cfs may be conveyed underground via approximately 800 LF of dual 10’x5’ RCB. A transition structure to convey the water from the existing triple 12’x6’ RCB’s crossing Polaris Avenue into the dual 10x5 RCB’s will need to be structurally designed. The dual 10’x5’ RCB system will need to be extended across Dean Martin Drive and discharge flows into their historical flow path within the existing wash on BLM property. Due to the erosive velocities, an outlet structure, or system to spread the flow, will be needed to dissipate energy to non-erosive levels. The outlet system design will require obtaining a drainage easement from the BLM for any improvements on BLM property. The estimated cost for an underground system is $655,765.

Preliminary Feasibility Report – Dean Martin Conn 18.46 Prepared by THOMASON CONSULTING ENGINEERS – 702-932-6125