(2) Large (7-5 ct.) Clorox Disinfcctant Wipcs (1) Box of 5/6 oz. Dixie Cups (l) 8 count (l)rinrary Colors Trvistable Crayons (l) Rcam of White Copy Paper
mctal blade) (l) School Box, sniall plastrc (cigar box size) (10) Glue Sticks (10) #2 Pcncils (3) Box Crayola Crayons (24 count) (l) Box Crayola Original Markers (3) Pocket Folders (With brads & pockcts inside) I rcd, I bluc, I yellorv (2) Largc I)ink Ilrascrs (l) Watcr Color Set ( l t ( orrl:rirrcl of( lorur Wrpc: ( [) Conrposition Notcbooli ( I ) Box Kle enex ( l ) Prinrary .loLrrnal s,/ spacc at top lirr picturcs (I)Rcanr 0l(-r,lor Col)\. I)al)ct (l)Spiral Notebook (l subjcct) IIOYS: (l) Box Ziploc Bags (Sandrvich Size) GIRLS: (1) Box Ziploc Bags (l gallon)
(2) (2) (4) (2)
Kleencx Box Crayola Crayons (24 count) Red lnk Pens (NO blue or black. etc.) Elmer's Clue Stick
NO Rolling Backpacks, plcasc.
(1)Box Band Aids BOYS: (l)Ream Colored Card Stock
(8) Jurnbo Glue Sticks (l) Pocket Foldcr (place nanre on top fi'ont) (1) l']kg. Clear Sleeve Protector Shects (10 ct.) (1) Box ofFun Band Aids GIIILS: (l) l,argc Pkg. ofPony l3cads (1 )Paperrnate Thin MuJticolor I-lighI ightcrs ( I )Pkg. Manila Construction l)apcr ( l)8 Ct. Primary Color Reg. Markers
llOl'S: (l) 4 Ct. Pla-vdough Minis
(l) Ilox Ciallon Sizc T.iploc llags (l) I'rang 8 Water Clolor Set (l) 8Ct. Thin Primary Color'l'hrn Markers
*A regular size Btck Pacl< is rccomnrcndcd (NO rvhecls PLEASE). **l gallon Ziploc bag rvith an extra changc of clothes plus I rolled beach towel to ca!'ry cvery day to and fronr school. Torvel n,ill be uscd