2017 Blo c k-of-th e-W e e k Block 3: Four X - Jo Morton
Use (1) light and (1) dark fabric. Fabrics are listed in order of use. A - (2) squares, 2 7⁄8" x 2 7⁄8" (LIGHT) B - (2) squares, 2 7⁄8" x 2 7⁄8" (DARK) C - (2) squares, 3 1⁄4" x 3 1⁄4" (LIGHT) D - (2) squares, 3 1⁄4" x 3 1⁄4" (DARK) E - (1) square, 2 1⁄2" x 2 1⁄2" (DARK) ------------------------------------------------Assembly 1. Draw a diagonal line, corner to corner, on the wrong side of (1) A square and place on (1) B square; pin in place. Stitch a 1⁄4" seam allowance on each side of drawn line. Cut in half and press pieced squares toward B. Make (4) Unit #1.
4. Lay out Unit #1’s, Unit #2’s, and E square, as shown. Sew into rows; press rows in opposite directions. Sew rows together (press seam open) to create the Four X block measuring 6 1⁄2" square.
E A Unit #1’s
2. Repeat Step 1 using (2) D squares and (2) C squares. Make (4) D/C pieced squares. 3. Draw a diagonal line, corner to corner, on the wrong side of (1) pieced square from Step 2 and place on second pieced square with right sides together and opposite fabrics facing. Sew a 1⁄4" seam allowance on each side of drawn line. Cut in half and press seams open. Make (4) Unit #2.
Unit #2’s
2017 Block Heads Participating Designers Lynne Hagmeier of Kansas Troubles
Jan Patek
Betsy Chutchian
Lisa Bongean
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