GROUP STUDY QUESTIONS The Seven Part 7: Laodicea

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GROUP STUDY QUESTIONS The Seven Part 7: Laodicea (Rev. 3:14-22) Why do you think Jesus reveals Himself the way He does to this lukewarm church? What do you think it means to be a lukewarm Christian? How does Jesus feel about us being lukewarm? Why do you think Jesus is so intensely dissatisfied with lukewarm Christianity? What does He mean when He says He will spit them out of His mouth? It appears v17 is the reason they have become lukewarm. They have much – incredible wealth – and they seem to be people looking more to the blessings of God for their satisfaction than the God of the blessings. They think they don't need anything! They think they are doing great. What's His assessment of their spiritual life? Do you think this is something we need to battle in American Christianity? Why or why not? What are the "blessings" that we can easily run to and look to for fulfillment instead of running to God? In v18 Jesus gives them some counsel about how to break out of their lukewarm state. What does He counsel them to do? What is this gold? How do we "buy" it? What are these "clothes?” How do we "buy" them? What is this eye salve? How do we "buy" it? In vv19-20 He shares His heart. Why is He rebuking them? What does He want them to do? What does it mean to be zealous and repent?

We often think of v20 as being a verse to bring unbelievers into the kingdom, but Jesus is talking to lukewarm Christians. What does He mean by these words? His ultimate answer to our lukewarmness is opening the door of our hearts to experience intimacy with Him. How does it make you feel about Jesus to know that when you lose your way He simply pursuers you and invites you back to a place of intimacy with Himself? What is the beautiful promise He makes to us in v21? What does this mean to you? How does this motivate you to want to overcome? End your time by praying v22 – that we would all have what the Spirit is saying to each of us through this message, and that we would respond to what the Spirit is saying to each of us.

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