Heritage Trail Policy Draft

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Heritage Trail Policy Adopted: 1 February 2013 Description of the Heritage Trail: The Heritage Trail is the all-inclusive title of the paved trail that exists to the west and northwest of Doolittle Hall. It exists within the natural environment of the United States Air Force Academy and provides sites upon which to develop suitable memorials within natural views of the Academy and the Front Range. As of this policy date, the Heritage Trail will be further identified by “parks” that make up the overall Heritage Trail. The “parks” are identified by the definitions below: 

Section 1 (Challenge Park) o The Challenge Park includes small nodes, pedestals, signs, and other structures representing challenges facing new cadets and the successes and sacrifices that may be in their future. o The challenge portion of the Heritage Trail departs the Northwest side of the Pegasus Circle, includes the Memorial Wall node, and departs the west side of the Memorial Wall for a short distance, ending in a minor node. o The Challenge Park currently includes the following items:  Challenge Bridge  Distinguished Graduate pedestals  Memorial Wall o The Challenge Park may include, but will not be limited to, the following types of projects in the future, such as:  History of the Air Force Academy in Colorado  Air Force Distinguished Service Award Recognition o See Graphic (identified in red)

Section 2 (Recognition Park) o The Recognition Park may include large nodes, small nodes, pedestals, and signs recognizing and celebrating special groups of Air Force Academy graduates, their characteristics, and accomplishments. o The Recognition Trail, immediately to the north of the Memorial Wall node, loops to the northeast, and then returns to the southwest. o The Recognition Park currently has no items. o The Recognition Park may include, but will not be limited to, the following types of projects in the future:  Groups  POWs  Aces  Rhodes Scholars  Distinguished Graduates  Chiefs of Staff

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 Members of the Three Branches of Government  Significant Civilian Awards  CEOs of Fortune 500 Companies  Characteristics  Valor  Honor  Leadership  Integrity  Education  Similar Characteristics of the Cadet Wing and Officer Corps o See Graphic (identified in blue) 

Section Three (Memorial Park) o Multiple sites measuring approximately 400 square feet (20’ x 20’) and a lesser number of larger sites of approximately 625 square feet (25’ x 25’) or of approximately 1,600 square feet (40’ x 40’) may be established.  Each memorial site will be marked with a stone or concrete base and engraved plaque to identify the donor.  No benches or rest areas will be provided outside of the memorial sites.  Larger memorials design (25’ x 25’) or (40’ x 40’) may include an external covering or pavilion enclosure.  Non potable water and 110 volt electrical service are available to all memorial sites.  Memorials may be ground lighted, as deemed appropriate by the AOG, during Doolittle Hall hours of operation and select AOG events.  Examples may include, but are not limited to specific air engagements or campaigns, USAF and the Cold War, USAF in space, or USAF air operations in Iraq & Afghanistan.  See Graphic (identified in yellow)

Appropriate Themes: Heritage Trail memorials are intended to reflect the significant direct contributions of USAFA graduates to the Air Force and to the nation and exclude themes which may focus on aircraft and other non-human contributions. Heritage Trail memorials shall be designed and developed to convey a message which brings credit to the USAFA and its graduates.  Themes supporting memorials in the Memorial Park will expose the public to significant events or achievements of USAFA graduates in past or present conflicts.  Themes supporting memorials in the Recognition Park will expose the public to messages which emphasize professional characteristics of the USAFA or its graduates. Examples may include but are not limited to:

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o Integrity, service, excellence, valor, honor, commitment, discipline, education, leadership, challenge, patriotism, loyalty, respect and dignity, sacrifice and accountability, and service to others. Design and approval o All project themes will emphasize the value of USAFA graduates or celebrate the heritage and contributions of the United States Air Force Academy to the United States Air Force. o All memorial designs and design components must comply with restrictions set forth within the Heritage Trail Environmental Assessment, and all building requirements established by the United States Air Force, the United States Air Force Academy or other relevant governing authority. o Historical exhibits and information must be accurate and are subject to verification by the USAFA History Department or other appropriate sources as the History Department designates. o Project initiated by a donor will be forwarded in writing, addressed to the AOG for consideration, conceptual design, and staffing. o The AOG, in consultation with the USAFA Architect and the USAFA Memorial Board will develop the design of each project. o The AOG, acting as the donor agent, may engage a design company, work cooperatively with a design company or create a memorial design independent of second party assistance. If second party assistance is employed, the cost of such service will be the responsibility of the donor, not the AOG. o Each design will be submitted to the AOG Heritage Committee for review and approval. o Each design approved by the AOG Heritage Committee will be submitted to the AOG Board of Directors for final approval. o Once approved, the projects will be advertised for funding, or in the case of a designated donor, placed under contract. Landscaping o Landscape design must maintain and compliment the natural environment of the Heritage Trail and USAFA. Landscaping will be accomplished to return the site to a finished and natural condition upon completion of construction. o Landscaping costs are the responsibility of the donor and should be incorporated into the design and construction contract agreement. o Non native plant species will not be introduced. Grass will be restricted to seed mixes appropriate to Zone 5 of the Air Force Academy. o Erosion blankets will not be applied to areas in which the grade does not achieve or exceed a 1:3 slope, and in no cases, will plastic meshed erosion blankets be applied. o Water efficiency is mandated and all landscaping designs must be submitted as part of a complete design package Page | 3

o Drinking water fountains are not provided along the trail, and will not be allowed at individual memorial sites. Water features are inappropriate. o The Trail will remain wheelchair accessible and fully compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Project Advertisement o The AOG will provide information about possible project opportunities on the AOG website and to the USAFA Endowment for funding to interested donors for consideration. o Projects must be approved by AOG Board of Directors prior to acceptance. o Donors may submit independently produced design concepts to the AOG for approval or accept AOG pre-approved design. o Donors must accept all costs and donor recognition as negotiated with the AOG. o Donors will be asked to make a project appropriateinal contribution to the AOG Heritage Preservation Fund to provide for future maintenance. o Until 100% of the funding commitment is pledged or "on account" with either the AOG or the USAFA Endowment, the project may not move forward. Special circumstances may be considered. Property Rights and Obligations: The Heritage Trail rests upon real property leased to the AOG for 50 years by the United States Air Force. The lease became effective in 2007.  The AOG maintains responsibility for the appropriate use and maintenance of the Heritage Trail area throughout the term of the lease.  The AOG assigns Memorial site property rights, as said rights are described and limited within this document, for a period not to exceed the existing property lease. The AOG may impose additional property rights restrictions, as appropriate.  A donor electing to remove or vacate a specific Memorial is responsible for returning the site to its original (pre-construction) condition.  The AOG retains authority to remove abandoned or partially developed properties with the approval of the AOG Board of Directors. Donors will be provided advance notification and a detailed list of concerns no later than 120 days before the AOG shall address such concerns to the AOG Board of Directors.  Any subsequent additions, expansions, or modifications to existing Memorial properties must first be staffed through the AOG and approved by both the Heritage and Traditions Committee and the AOG Board of Directors. Donor Identification: The entrance to each memorial will be marked.  If the donor is a graduate class the entrance will also be marked by a brass plaque, mounted on a granite base reflecting the class crest and other items as appropriate i.e. date of construction, etc.  Memorial donors are encouraged to personalize or otherwise relate themselves to the memorial theme and message in an appropriate non-commercial manner.

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The method and manner of personalization is subject to AOG Heritage and Traditions Committee approval and should be incorporated clearly into the initial design submission.

AOG/Donor Relationship: The AOG will serve as the donor’s agent throughout the process.  The AOG will establish contracts and serve as liaison between the sponsor and contractor(s) throughout the construction or development period.  The AOG will receive and pay all necessary bills, as individually approved by the donor.  Donors or their authorized representative(s) are responsible for ensuring compliance with all provisions of the Heritage Trail Policy and to make and communicate all decisions necessary to support the completion of the memorial. Subsequent Maintenance and Repair: Completed projects become an asset of the AOG with the concurrent right of ownership and the responsibility to maintain all donated projects using funds from the AOG Heritage Preservation Fund. The AOG retains authority to remove abandoned or partially developed memorials or specific sites with the concurrence of the Board of Directors, Association of Graduates. Electrical and non potable water service, the utility costs of providing such service, and maintenance of the Heritage Trail pathway remain the responsibility of the AOG.

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LIST OF PAGE CHANGES ________________________________________________________________________ Change 1 2/1/2013 Pages: 2 Appropriate Themes From: Heritage Trail memorials shall be designed and developed to convey a message which brings credit to the USAFA graduate, USAFA, or the USAF. Changed to: Heritage Trail memorials shall be designed and developed to convey a message which brings credit to the USAFA and its graduates. Change 2


Page 2 Appropriate Themes From: Themes supporting memorials in the Recognition Park will expose the public to messages which emphasize professional characteristics of the USAF, USAFA, or USAFA graduates.

Changed to: Themes supporting memorials in the Recognition Park will expose the public to messages which emphasize professional characteristics of the USAFA or its graduates. Chang 3


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Design and Approval From: All project themes will emphasize the value of the USAFA graduates or celebrate the heritage and contributions of the United States Air Force Academy to the United States Air Force.

Changed to: All project themes will emphasize the value of USAFA graduates or celebrate the heritage and contributions of the United States Air Force Academy to the United States Air Force.

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