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To them


Gladys and Mary. 3-5-5. Luther Vernon Allen, born February 25, 1876 and died October 25, 1959, married Martha Davis, born May 27, 1876 and died November 24, 1922. To them were born ten children: Monroe, Maude, Truman, Clarence, Edncc, 1. V., Olive, Carl, Fred and Beatrice. 3-5-6. Orphia Ellen Allen, born August 12, 1878 and died September 3, 1879. 3-5-7. Sara Myrtis Allen, born January 9, 1880 and died January 21, 1941, married William Anthony Davis, born March 27, 1878 and died October 27, 1946, son of George Washington Davis and Sarah Whitt Davis. To them were born nine children: 3-5-7-1. James Arthur Davis married Marie Elizabeth Alverson. 3-5·7·2. Sara Fannie Davis married John Edward Tollison. 3-5-7-3. Mary Nettie Davis married Louis Bradley Tollison. 3-5·7-4. Evie Mae Davis married Floyd Earl Woodson. 3-5-7·5. George Ansel Davis married Ruby Florine Crawford. 3-5-7-6. John Thomas Davis married Carmen Walls. 3-5-7-7. Annie Bell Davis married first, Jesse Allen Davenport; married second. Issac Monroe Allred; married third, Thomas Walker Robertson. 3-5-7·8. William Grady Davis married Ruth Lucinda Davenport. 3-5-7-9. Clyde Earl Davis man'ied Vera Mae Lollis. J·)-8. Mary Edna Allen, born February 14, 1882 and died December 23, 1904, married Clarence M. Trotter, born April 16, 1879 and died June 17, 1966, son of James A. Trotter and Elizabeth S. Trotter. To them were born two children: 3-5-8-1. Valasco Trotter. 3-5·8·2. Mary Ollie Trotter married Dewey Davis. 3-5-9. Evie Caroline Allen, born March 1, 188.4 and died December 30, 1971, married December 28, 1905, Willis Luther Martin, born December 22. 1873 and died July IS, 1956, son of Sanford Monroe Martin and Temprance Watkins Martin. To them were born seven children: 3-5-9-1. Eunice lola Martin. 3-5-9-2. James Warren Maliin married Kathleen Lillian Ellison. 3·5-9-3. Zoic Marie Martin married Walter Harrison Check. 3-5-9-4. Mary Vermelle Martin married John Henry Huckaby. 3-5-9-5. Lillian Lee Martin married Clyde McMahan. 3-5-9-6. Curtis Luther Martin married Virginia Wilson. 3-5-9-7. Alice Evie Maliin married Thomas Harris Atkinson, HI. 3·5-10. Charlie Harrison Allen, born August 5.1886 and died July 8,1962, marricd December 24, 1911. Alice Gunter, born January 12, 1891, daughter of William Clayton Gunter and Gussie Craw· ford Gunter. To them were born five children: 3-5-10-1. Beulah Atrice Allen married Mel·


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nine children:








vin Clark Arnold. 3.:5-10-2. Clara Eugene Allen married Hattie Whitlock. 3·5·10-3. Lillian Ree Allen married William Paul Huckaby. 3-5-10-4. James Clayton Allen married Louise Adams. 3-5-10-5. Charles Alexander Allen married Edna Jean Cole. 3-5-11. Ernest Christian Allen, born November 10, 1888, married December 25, 1910, Ethel Jeanette Burden (see Archibald Burden Family). To them were born eight children: 3-5-11-1. Eva Elizabeth Allen married Oscar Edward Marshall. 3·5-11-2. Clemmie Lucille Allen married Charles William Arbuthnot. 3-5-11-3. Ernest Clayton Allen married Eva May Tidwell. 3·5-11·4. Isom Andrew Allen married Mary 'Thelma Fowler Davis. 3-5-11-5. Albert Walton Allen married Mary Cathetine Mitchell. 3-5-11-6. Nina Jeanette Allen married James Alton Smalley. 3-5-11-7. Margie Lou Allen married Asher Eugene Parsons. 3-5-11-8. James Hubert Allen married Mamie June Charletia Edwards. 3-5-12. Willie Waymond Allen, born December 1, 1890 and died November 9, 1952, married May 7, 1911, Lula Ophellar Dixon, born July 21, 1896 and died June 22, 1955. To them were born eight children: 3-5-12-1. Willie Mae Allen married Broadus W. Rhodes. 3·5-12-2. James Clarence Allen. 3-5·12·3. Elizabeth Con'ine Allen married Richard Milton Black. 3-5-12-4. Samuel Monroe Allen married lola Marie Sentell. 3-5·12-5. Sarah Beatrice Allen married first, Han'y P. Todd; married second, Frank Brazzel. 3-5·12·6. Olin Lecroy Allen married Pearl Moats. 3·5-12-7. Waymon Guyton Allen. 3-5-12·8. Charles Warren Allen married Roblie Joe Lewis. 3-5-13. Ida Mae Allen, born October 9,1894, married October 8, 1921, William Andrew Wilson, born February 21,1876 and died July 6, 1956, son of William M. Wilson and Sara Elizabeth Owen Wilson. To them were born foul' children: 3-5-13·1. Milled e Edward Wilson married Agnes Sartain. 3-5-13·2. Truman Monroe Wilson married Annie Oleta Smith. 3-5-13-. ary son marne ouglas Gtlforrt Wilson. 3-5·13-4. Helen Ruth Wilson. 3-6, Nancy Caroline Allen, born about 1848, married Robert N. Brown. 3·7, Henry C. Allen, bom about 1850, never married. 3-3. William E. Allell, bom about 1852. 3·9. ElIzlJ Frnnces All~n, born June 4, 1855 and died January 21, 1923, married on January 14, 1875, Nathan Sanders (see Elias Sanders Family). Jmnef! AIle!!! married second, August 1, 1358, Margaret Estcs, daughter of Reuben Estes. To this union were born the following two known children: 4

).10. Francis Marion Allell, born 1859 and died July 4, 1950, married Ellen Amy Marie Morris (see Reuben J. Morris Family). To them were bom eleven children: Jeanne, Elva, Reuben, Tom, Sibley, Cora (twin), Dora (twin), Grady, Grace, Morris and Hailey. 3-lI. Rellben Allen, born after 1860, married Mattie Brown and to them were born tcn children: Rose, Jessie, Marion, William, Paris, Daniel, Dollie, Lillian, Thomton and Agnes. James Allen married third, February 22, 1863, Elizabeth Jane Estes (see Moses Estes Family). No children. 4, Jolm Allen, believed to have married in Elbert County, Georgia. 5, Rhoda Allen, married November 9, 1830, William B. Cox. 6, EUznbeth Allen, born April 14, 1799, married January 7, 1821, James B. Head. 7, Piety "Harriett" Allen married July 22, 1824, William P. Reed. 8, Nancy Allen, married June 8, 1830, Elijah W. Couch. 9. Sarah Allen married January 4, 1810, William Kelly. 10. Polly Allen married Blare (Blair).

SOl/rces of Illformatioll: John William Baker, History of Hart County (Hartwell. Georgia: 1I.p., 1933); Mrs. Cora Allell Dudley, 518 Tumer Apts .. Royston. GA 30663; Mrs. Frallces Edgemoll, Box 109," Sweetwater, TN 37874; H. Travis Parker, "Pioneers of Hart County' '. The Hartwell SlIn, (Hartwell, Georgia: February, 22, 1979); 1850 U.S. Census, Elbert County, GA; /860-1880 U.S. Census, Hart Coullty, GA.



The name of the progenitor of one line of the Atkinson family in Hart County and his wife are unknown, however, to them were born the following five children: 1. Cllnton Atkinson, born 1825 and died 1905, married Martha Jane Moore, born 1824 and died 1905. To them was born the following one known son: 1.1. James Butler Atki1lson, born July 27, 1877 and died 1943, married Sarah Frances Brown (see Michael O'Barr Family). To them were born five children: 1-1-1. Lexie Clinton Atkinson, born July 21, 1897, married first, Lee Robertson (see William Robertson Family); and married second, Cleo Welborn and to them was born a daughter: Barbara. 1-1-2. Bertha Estelle Atkinson, born December 15, 1898, married Bode Mathis White (se~ Alexander White Family). 1-1-3. Mabel Louise Atkinson, born January 15, 1903, marriec Ervin Denver Morris (see Reuben J. Morris Family). 1-1-4. Mary Opal Atkinson, born Jul) 18,1905, married Dewey Brown. 1-1-5. Maud Agatha Atkinson, born December 6, 191~ and died 1970, married Dozier A. Schultz, born 1909 and died 1967, and to them were bot'! three children: 1-1-5-1. Lura Jan Schultz married Jackie Gray and to them were born tW( children: Darlene and William. 1-1-5-2. Linda Kay Schultz married first Kenneth Stamps married second, Hugh Cleveland. 1-1-5-3. Ronald Schultz married and to then were born two children: Rhonda and Randall. 7.. Seabrooks Atkinson. 3. Thomas P. Atkinson, born June 3, 1845 and died March 2, 1916, married Marth Finnell, born February 6, 18__ and died December 12, 1923. To them were born seve children: 3.1. Georgia Anna Atkinson, born May 10, 1869 and dicd July 27, 1954, married Warre G. Hopkins, born July 2, 1860 and died May 12, 1933. To them were born si children: 3.1-1. Claude Lee Hopkins, born January 30,1836 and died December "14, 196: led Amona . Lome'">--IJay;--3-1~ond-HGpkins 3-)-3 Pp.rl Hopkins ~ Olla Hopkins married Van Kay and to them were born two children: Ruth and Ansel. 3-1-: Lorene Hopkins married first, Driskel and to them were born three childre: Etrulia, Henry and . Lorene Hopkins married second, Snider. 3-1Maude Hopkins, born April 1, 1884 and died January 22, 1961, married John Han and them was born a son: Alton.

3.2. Henry Thomas Atkin.~oll, born December 18, 1871 and died June 24, 1918, marri€ Lula Ayers (see Nathaniel Ayers Family). To them were born six children: 3-2·1. Owen. Atkinson married Narvin Cleveland and to them were born three children: 3-2·1-1. Hel.