Using ArcGIS Server and ArcGIS Mobile for Disaster Response Putnam County, Florida Victoria Smith GIS Programmer/Analyst
Putnam County, Florida GIS
Adjacent counties Clay County, Florida - north St. Johns County, Florida northeast Flagler County, Florida - east Volusia County, Florida - southeast Marion County, Florida - southwest Alachua County, Florida - west Bradford County, Florida northwest
Established in 1849 Rural County Population 74,608 827 Square Miles, 733 of it being land 94 water Putnam County, Florida GIS
Putnam County, Florida GIS
1. Preliminary Damage Assessments These assessments are a crucial part of the process of determining if an event may be declared a major disaster by the president.
2. Public Assistance in Major Disaster Declarations Public Assistance refers to various categories of assistance to state and local governments and non-profit organizations.
3. Individual Assistance in Major Disaster Declarations Individual Assistance includes various forms of help for families and individuals following a disaster event.
Putnam County, Florida GIS
Putnam County, Florida GIS
Putnam County, Florida GIS
If total estimate damage < (FMV * 0.50) and total estimate value > 0 then damage level = “Minor” If total estimate damage >= (FMV * 0.50) and total estimate value < (FMV * 0.90) then damage level = “Major” If total estimate damage >= (FMV * 0.90) then damage level = “Destroyed” HSE_PERC = 1.25 TREE_COST = 500.00 DEMO_COST = 5.00 ACC_COST = 10.00 RF = 0.25 RFS = 0.12 EXT = 0.20 FDN = 0.20 INT = 0.26 UTL = 0.17 Putnam County, Florida GIS
The program needs the following: Needs to collect the data needed to process FEMA forms Need to be able to report initial damage counts Need to collect data for other Putnam County departments Need to be able to view photos within web application Need to be able to efficiently locate yourself in the field
Putnam County, Florida GIS
The program needs the following: Need to be able to edit Needs to be able to use standard symbology. Need to be able to use domain values Need to be able to still collect data in the event of power and network failure NEEDS TO BE EASY FOR NON-GIS PEOPLE TO
Putnam County, Florida GIS
9ArcGIS Mobile Application(s)
9Public Web Application
9Internal Web Application
Putnam County, Florida GIS
¾Control of the interface • Make the interface as simplistic as possible
¾Disconnected editing capabilities: • Possible situations may occur where there is no power and or internet available availabl ¾Synchronization capabilities • Live updates from the field
¾ control of data •The data available •Data appearance • data input
Putnam County, Florida GIS
SQL Server sde geodatabase data •Accessible by SOC (server object container) •GlobalIDs for editing •Domains
•Map document containing data •Symbology •Data viewing thresholds
•Published map service •Mobile Data Access capability
Putnam County, Florida GIS
•Mobile Application(s) •Visual Studio 2005(SP1)/2008 •The ArcGIS 9.3 Mobile SDK •.NET Framework 2.0
•Hardware •Laptops using Windows XP •Aircards
Putnam County, Florida GIS
Initial Assessment This mobile application is the first response to a disaster. It is used to identify homes, business and all other areas that appear to have damage.
Damage Assessment This mobile application is used to do the actual assessment of damaged properties and businesses. This application allows the user to document the in-depth questions required to satisfy FEMA. It also allows the user to collect any required County requested information available at the same time.
Putnam County, Florida GIS
Putnam County, Florida GIS
Putnam County, Florida GIS
PERTINENT INFORMATION: The following data was made available to the mobile application: •Streets •INITIAL BUSINESS •INITIAL HOUSING •Parcel Data
Putnam County, Florida GIS
The “Create Mobile BaseMap” tool from the Mobile Tools toolbox in ArcToolbox is used to create the base map data. Once the data in created it is added to the application using the Mobile SDK by using the following code: sdclayer = new SdcMapLayer(@"C:\temp\MyCache\MyBaseMap.navmap"); map1.MapLayers.Add(sdclayer); Note: The .navmap file is created using the “Create Mobile BaseMap” tool (this file contains information for each extracted layer)
Putnam County, Florida GIS
Move around the map with the left mouse button
Zoom in closer to that area.
Synchronize the field edits of the selected layer in the left panel to the server assuming internet access.
Zoom the map to the initial view so that all the data is visible.
Clicking one of these buttons will allow the user to insert a feature into the map designated with “Minor”, “Major”, or “Destroyed” damage in accordance with the chosen button
Note: You must select the layer from the panel on the left before clicking on the button
Putnam County, Florida GIS
Data Search Panel
Putnam County, Florida GIS
Putnam County, Florida GIS
PERTINENT INFORMATION: The “Create Mobile BaseMap” tool from the Mobile Tools toolbox in ArcToolbox is used to create the base The following data the was data madeinavailable theadded mobiletoapplication: map data. Once created to it is the application using the Mobile SDK by using the following code:oPictures oAccessory Structures oDamage Assessment sdclayer = new oHousing Damage SdcMapLayer(@"C: \temp\MyCache\MyBaseMap.navma p"); oBusiness Damage oStreets map1.MapLayers.Add(sdclayer); oParcel Data Note: The .navmap file is created using the “Create Mobile BaseMap” tool (this file contains information for each extracted layer) Putnam County, Florida GIS
Zoom into the map
Zoom out of the map
Display the data for the feature. **
Move around the map with the left mouse button
Full extent of map
Deletes a feature from the map **
Insert a feature into the map **
Updates a feature in the map **
Synchronize the field edits of the selected layer in the left panel to the server assuming internet access ** Notes: **You must select the layer from the panel on the left before clicking this button/tool Putnam County, Florida GIS
Putnam County, Florida GIS
Dwelling Type HomeType
Insurance Type
Roof Type
Structure Type
Window Protection
Site Tab Putnam County, Florida GIS
Putnam County, Florida GIS
Putnam County, Florida GIS
Roof Type
Business Type
Roof Type
Window Protection
Putnam County, Florida GIS
Putnam County, Florida GIS
Putnam County, Florida GIS
Accessory Type
•Clicking anywhere in the grey area of the form will move the cursor to the first textbox of the form •Clicking “Close” will save the edit and close the form. Clicking “Cancel” will close the form Putnam County, Florida GIS
No pictures shown (default)
Picture Tool
Pictures shown if available Putnam County, Florida GIS
Picture 1 of 2
Picture 2 of 2
Putnam County, Florida GIS
Reporting functionality Public interaction Collect non-property specific data Better communication with the field workers
Putnam County, Florida GIS
Thank you for listening QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS
Putnam County, Florida GIS