Summer Camp 2017 flyer.pages

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Salem Lutheran Preschool Summer Camp Adventures 2017 June 12-16 ing Adventures Week 1: Camp pfire e art, tents, cam Activities includ and nce, water play ie sc g, in ok co fun, much more!

June 19-23 Week 2: Wild West Adventures Activities include science, cooking, cowboy/girl dress up day, water play and much more!

June 26-30 Week 3: VBS week. No summer camp this Salem Sign your child up with of Church for a fun week s. fellowship activitie

July 5-7 Week 4: America the Beautiful Activities include celebrating Independence Day with banners, flags, art, dressing like a super hero, a parade and much more!

July 10-14 Week 5: Adven tures in Space Activities include science, cooking, planets, astronau ts, water play, an d much more!

July 17-21 ! Week 6: Ahoy Matey ure Activities include treas ea lik hunt, cooking, dress much pirate, water play and more!

July 24-28 Week 7: Dinosaurs Activities include dino excavation, dino names, science, art, fun, cooking and much muc h more!

July 31-August 4 with Bubbles Week 8: Adventures ience, Activities include sc water play, cooking, bubble fun, and much more!

August 7-11 ures Week 9: Beach Advent , cooking, ce ien Activities include sc , water play, beach fun, sand castles relays and much more!

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