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UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES ATHLETICS COMPLIANCE OFFICE TRANSFER GUIDELINES FOR STUDENT-ATHLETES Before contacting another school to discuss transferring, you must first obtain a permission-to-contact letter. Please see Jen Vining-Smith in the Compliance Office to discuss NCAA and Pac-12 transfer rules and to request the permission letter.

Permission-To-Contact 

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UCLA student-athletes interested in transferring shall meet with Compliance prior to receiving a written permission-to-contact letter from UCLA. You may not have any contact with coaches and staff from other schools until you provide them with a permission letter. Contacting another school without written permission makes you ineligible to receive athletic scholarship at that school for one year. Initial inquiries made with the Compliance Office about transferring can be kept confidential to the greatest extent possible, but the head coach ultimately must be notified before a permission to contact letter is issued. UCLA will provide a decision on all permission-to-contact requests, including which schools permission to contact will be granted, within seven business days of receiving the student-athlete’s written request. If UCLA denies the request for a permission-to-contact letter, the student may appeal to a committee outside of the Athletic Department.

The Head Coach and Sport Supervisor will make a decision on whether to approve or deny the student-athlete’s permission to contact request. In addition, the Head Coach and Sport Supervisor will determine whether any resources or opportunities generally available to student-athletes will remain available to the requesting studentathlete. Those resources include: i. Participation in Team Activities (e.g., practice, meetings, competition, travel) ii. Academic & Student Services (e.g., priority enrollment, peer learning, learning center access) iii. Facility Access (e.g., Acosta Athletic Complex, Drake Stadium) iv. Fueling Station, Team Meals, Team Entertainment v. Athletic Training & Sports Medicine Support vi. Athletic Performance Coaching and Workouts vii. Complimentary Admissions to UCLA Home Competitions viii. UCLA Team-Issued Gear and Equipment

Transferring Outside of the Pac-12 4-4 Transfer Requirements (NCAA Bylaw 14.5.5)  The general rule states that a student-athlete cannot compete for one academic year after transferring to another four-year school (NCAA Bylaw  A student-athlete who transfers while disqualified or suspended by their current school cannot compete for one calendar year (Rule One-Time Transfer Exception The one year residency requirement can be waived, allowing a student-athlete to compete in the first year at another institution, by satisfying all of the following:  Not available to baseball, basketball, or football student-athletes that were recruited or received scholarship;  This has to be the student-athlete’s first transfer;  The student-athlete is in good academic standing and would be academically eligible if he or she remained at UCLA; and  UCLA certifies in writing it has no objection to the granting of an exception to the transfer-residence requirement. Note: If denied a "release" to waive the residence requirement, you may still transfer, but will be subject to the appropriate penalties. The student may also appeal a denial to a committee outside of the Athletic Department. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES  325 WESTWOOD PLAZA  LOS ANGELES, CA 90095  310.206.3429

4-2-4 Transfer Requirements (NCAA Bylaw14.5.6)  A student-athlete shall complete one calendar year at the two-year institution (junior/community college) after leaving the four-year institution.  While at the two-year institution, the student-athlete shall earn 24 semester units or 36 quarter units (equivalent of taking 12 units per quarter/semester for a year) and carry a 2.50 GPA.  Student-athlete must graduate from the two-year institution with an associates degree.

Transferring within the Pac-12 (Intra-Conference Transfer Rule) Restriction and Penalties  The student-athlete may not compete during the first full year of enrollment at the second Pac-12 school. The student-athlete is allowed to practice with his or her respective team.  The student-athlete loses one season of eligibility in all Conference sports. This loss of a season is in addition to any redshirt year already taken. Exception to the Intra-Conference Transfer Restrictions  If the student-athlete did not receive a scholarship, then this rule does not apply. Intra-Conference Transfer Penalty Waiver and One-Time Transfer Exception  Pac-12 penalties may be waived by petition to the Pac-12 but must be supported by both institutions. The student may appeal UCLA’s refusal to waive penalties to a committee outside of the Athletic Department. Student Misconduct  Any student-athlete transferring to a conference school and that is ineligible to re-enroll in any school they attended for the previous seven years due to behavior or academic misconduct is automatically ineligible to compete and cannot receive financial aid. Competition in Year of Transfer.  You cannot compete at your next school in the season segment that ends with the NCAA championship if you competed in that segment during the same academic year at UCLA. In tennis, you are not eligible for competition until the following academic year if you competed in the same academic year or received athletic aid from UCLA. If you have any questions regarding the above or other transfer rules and regulations, please contact Jen Vining-Smith at 310-206-4908 or [email protected].


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