Viking Business Centre Property Details - Realla

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Property Details Industrial

Viking Business Centre

High Street, Swadlincote, Derbyshire, DE11 7EH

From 55.74 Sq m (600 Sq ft) to 468.42 Sq m (5,042 Sq ft) Viking Business Centre consists of three terraces of thirteen reasonably modern industrial units. Units are constructed of concrete frame with blockwork elevations and profile clad single pitch roofs with concertina loading doors. The estate benefits from a one way system and generous parking provisions.

Viewing Please contact: Tim Richardson [email protected] Tel: 01332 362244

• Viking Business Centre is located off Woodville High Street. It is a popular local estate situated on the Ashby Road midway between Ashby-de-la-Zouch and Burton Upon Trent on the East side of Swadlincote. • The M42 is circa six miles to the South and the M1 J22 twelve miles to the South East.

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