Willow Creek Corporate Center From 4,800 SF - 100,000 SF AVAILABLE FOR LEASE
10545, 10675, 10735 & 10785 Willows Road Buildings A, B, C & D Redmond, Washington
S PA C E S AVA I L A B L E B U I L D I N G A Suite 100 .............................5,523 RSF Suite 210 .............................8,958 RSF Suite 220..............................4,919 RSF BUILDING B
Suite 250 .............................6,295 RSF
Suite 100..............................±11,183 RSF Suite 110...............................±9,735 RSF Total ..................................±20,918 RSF
Suite 100..............................±11,191 RSF Suite 150..............................±12,726 RSF Entire 2nd floor.....................±25,205 RSF Total Building........................±49,122 RSF
L E A S E R AT E :
$18.00/RSF/Year, Net of Operating Expenses
PA R K I N G :
3/1,000 parking ratio
Buildings A, B, C .................Immediately Building D ............................With 30 day notice
F E AT U R E S :
• Excellent exposure to Willows Road • Sweeping views of the Sammamish Valley and Willows Run Golf Course • Corporate campus environment • Close proximity to a wide range of retail and residential opportunities and two access routes to I-405
Willow Creek Corporate Center 10545, 10675, 10735 & 10785 Willows Road Buildings A, B, C & D Redmond, Washington BUILDING A First Floor
BUILDING A Second Floor
For more information, contact:
Jeff Scanlan
Ric Brandt
Tim O’Keefe
10885 NE 4th Street • Suite 500
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Bellevue, WA 98004
© 2012 CBRE, Inc. This information has been obtained from sources believed reliable. We have not verified it and make no guarantee, warranty or representation about it. Any projections, opinions, assumptions or estimates used are for example only and do not represent the current or future performance of the property. You and your advisors should conduct a careful, independent investigation of the property to determine to your satisfaction the suitability of the property for your needs. Photos herein are the property of their respective owners and use of these images without the express written content of the owner is prohibited.
Willow Creek Corporate Center 10545, 10675, 10735 & 10785 Willows Road Buildings A, B, C & D Redmond, Washington BUILDING B First Floor
BUILDING B Second Floor
For more information, contact:
Jeff Scanlan
Ric Brandt
Tim O’Keefe
10885 NE 4th Street • Suite 500
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Bellevue, WA 98004
© 2012 CBRE, Inc. This information has been obtained from sources believed reliable. We have not verified it and make no guarantee, warranty or representation about it. Any projections, opinions, assumptions or estimates used are for example only and do not represent the current or future performance of the property. You and your advisors should conduct a careful, independent investigation of the property to determine to your satisfaction the suitability of the property for your needs. Photos herein are the property of their respective owners and use of these images without the express written content of the owner is prohibited. TL 7-12-12
Willow Creek Corporate Center 110545, 10675, 10735 & 10785 Willows Road Buildings A, B, C & D Redmond, Washington BUILDING C First Floor
BUILDING C Second Floor
For more information, contact:
Jeff Scanlan
Ric Brandt
Tim O’Keefe
10885 NE 4th Street • Suite 500
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Bellevue, WA 98004
© 2012 CBRE, Inc. This information has been obtained from sources believed reliable. We have not verified it and make no guarantee, warranty or representation about it. Any projections, opinions, assumptions or estimates used are for example only and do not represent the current or future performance of the property. You and your advisors should conduct a careful, independent investigation of the property to determine to your satisfaction the suitability of the property for your needs. Photos herein are the property of their respective owners and use of these images without the express written content of the owner is prohibited.
Willow Creek Corporate Center 10545, 10675, 10735 & 10785 Willows Road Buildings A, B, C & D Redmond, Washington BUILDING D First Floor
BUILDING D Second Floor
For more information, contact:
Jeff Scanlan
Ric Brandt
Tim O’Keefe
10885 NE 4th Street • Suite 500
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Bellevue, WA 98004
© 2011 CBRE, Inc. This information has been obtained from sources believed reliable. We have not verified it and make no guarantee, warranty or representation about it. Any projections, opinions, assumptions or estimates used are for example only and do not represent the current or future performance of the property. You and your advisors should conduct a careful, independent investigation of the property to determine to your satisfaction the suitability of the property for your needs.