One Hockley Sales Particulars - Realla

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A freehold site of approx. 0.089 Ha (0.222 Acres). Planning consent for a 131 bedroom student accommodation building. Includes 558 sq m (6,006 sq ft) of proposed retail accommodation. Modular steel frame design. Potential to acquire the modular pods which are at various stages of construction. Situated to the eastern fringe of Nottingham city centre within the Hockley area.

Lambert Smith Hampton 9 Bond Court, Leeds, LS1 2JZ T +44 (0)113 245 9393


constructed. Works commenced on site in September 2016 and ceased on site in April 2017. A partial road closure has been established and the site has been appropriately secured. The development period was a 44 working week programme and on completion the proposed scheme would provide a total of 131 student bed spaces arranged over basement, ground and 7 upper floors of a modular design and build. The scheme is to provide a gymnasium, retail accommodation and ancillary student facilities.

LOCATION The subject property is situated at the junction of Hockley, Cranbrook Street and Goose Gate to the eastern fringe of Nottingham city centre, within the Hockley area. Hockley is an up and coming area of Nottingham and lies adjacent to the Lace Market. It is a vibrant and modern section of the city with a large presence of independent and boutique shops, cafes, restaurants and bars in addition to the Broadway Cinema. The site is circa 12 minutes’ walk to Nottingham Trent University city campus and within close proximity of the city centre. Nearby is the development of a Digital Media Campus for Nottingham Trent University which is situated on Lower Parliament Street. Nottingham is the principle financial and commercial centre of the East Midlands having a population of approximately 305,700 people (2011 Census). The city lies adjacent to Junctions 26 and 25 of the M1 Motorway. East Midlands Airport is approximately 15 miles south west of the city. DESCRIPTION The site was originally that of a Victorian factory building and a 1930’s retail unit both of which were last used as a nightclub (Aruba formerly Berlins) prior to demolition. The subject property comprises an excavated site situated in-between two buildings, which extends to approximately 0.089 Hectares (0.222 Acres) with part retaining walls, some underpinning works and concrete slab/foundations

MODULAR WORKS The modular pods have been constructed in two wings (North and South) off site. To date we understand that 13 pods in respect of the North Wing have reached practical completion with the remaining pods at various stages of construction at a cost price of £1,050,000. No work has commenced on the construction of the pods to the South Wing PLANNING We understand planning consent was originally granted under planning reference no. 12/00640/PFUL3 on 11 December 2012 for the erection of a new 8 storey building to create ground floor retail and 56 student apartments following demolition of existing buildings. This planning consent was subsequently varied under planning reference No. 13/01435/PVAR3 on 9 September 2013. The variations include minor changes to the configuration of the ground and lower ground floors and the layout of houses 1 to 4 increasing the bed spaces from 127 to 131. More recently there has been a further variation granted under planning reference 17/00167/PVAR3 on 20 September 2017 in respect of minor changes to the internal upper floor layouts and elevations. We understand the following planning conditions have been discharged: 2– Construction management plan 5– Noise assessment 6– Drainage 3– Soil contamination 4– Archaeological investigations 11 – Completion of contamination remedial or precautionary measures. S106 AGREEMENT The Principle S106 Agreement was entered into on 10 December 2012 and subsequently varied in line with the planning consents above.


The main terms of the Section S106 Agreement are: Construction Phase and Employment and Training Contribution: Operational Phase and Employment and Training Contribution: Open Space Contribution:

£7,920 £9,522 £27,618.73

LEGAL COSTS Each party to be responsible for their own legal costs incurred in any transaction. VAT All prices, premiums and rents etc. are quoted exclusive of VAT at the prevailing rate.

We are awaiting confirmation from Nottingham City Council if any of the above contributions have been paid.


UNIVERSITIES Nottingham is served by two leading Universities being The University of Nottingham and Nottingham Trent University.

Nick Blackwell Lambert Smith Hampton 0114 275 3752 [email protected]

According to the Complete University Guide the University th of Nottingham is ranked 18 in the UK Performance League Table having a student population of 33,436 nd (2015/2016) and Nottingham Trent University ranked 52 having a student population of 27,000 (2014/2015).

Lucy McDowell Lambert Smith Hampton 0113 245 9393 [email protected] Computer Generated Image

TENURE We understand the property is held freehold under Title Number NT45066. TERMS We are seeking offers for the freehold interest in Title Number NT45066 with vacant possession and also if required and the Administrators have legal title to sell the Modular Pods in their various construction stages which are situated in a factory in Shoreham-By-Sea. Access will be provided to a Data Room of information we have collated. The information is provided on a Without Liability and Prejudiced basis. All interested parties should undertake their own due diligence. OFFERS All offers are to be submitted in writing to Lambert Smith Hampton with proof of funds by 5pm Friday 8 December 2017.

November 2017

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