Rock Talk
June 2013
Eagle Rock Chapter President’s Message Maraia Roberts, Chapter President “As one door closes, another one opens”. My term has ended and boy, I’m going through tons of mixed emotions; however, I am totally excited about our new Board of Directors, I have no doubt they will do a fine job leading us into the new year with great vigor and enthusiasm. A special thanks goes out to Sherry Gallup CAP for getting our new officers installed at our June meeting – she did an awesome job. As I handed over the gavel to our new President, Donna Wuthrich, I did it with a great sense of pride because I know with a certainty, the Chapter’s success will continue to progress. I encourage all of you members to join me in full support of our new leaders and if you haven’t done it already, offer yourself to them and serve where you can to make a difference. As a TEAM, Together – Everyone – Achieves – More. I was so proud to hear this very same concept from our District Leader, Lisa Hogan at Annual Division. She mentioned that great success comes from having a great TEAM. And I totally agree, and that has proven to be true in many instances with our TEAM, keep up the great work members. As our Chapter embarks into a new year, I encourage all of you to get on board – don’t miss out on the exciting things that are in the works from the International Board of Directors for the betterment of the Association. th
A couple of upcoming activities – July 10 is our annual picnic at Lana’s home. Our new leaders have a great program planned, come out and have a blast with us. Also, if you haven’t done so, go out to the IAAP website and review amendments that are going to be voted on at EFAM, so our Delegate, Donna Wuthrich, Chapter President and Alternate, Lana Egan will go informed. In addition, our (Continued on page 2)
Inside this issue MOE Corner........................ 2 2012-2013 ERC Outgoing Officers/Committee Chairs ........ 3 2013-2014 ERC Officers ...... 4 2013-2014 I-O-U Officers ... 4 2013-2014 ERC Committee Chair Vacancies .................. 5 Contact Information ........... 6
June Birthdays
Sue Barrow (26th)
Bonnie Baird (30th)
June Anniversaries
Alene Barker (1980)
Marie Sovereign (1981)
Carey Walton (2005)
Member of Excellence Corner Congratulations to these ERC members who completed their Member of Excellence:
Marti Casper LaNay Robbins Marie Sovereign Pam Stewart Lana Egan Maraia Roberts Marsha Pratt
If you are not on this list, but completed your MOE Passport AND submitted the IAAP online application form (and received confirmation), please let me know so that we can get you counted. MOE recipients receive a nice certificate from IAAP, a letter to their manager from the ERC president, and a special surprise at the July meeting! Not to mention the self satisfaction of completing their goals. New Passports will be distributed at the July meeting or soon after. Set a goal to receive your MOE this next year. Please consider serving as the MOE Chair (“cheerleader”) this next year. It’s fun and easy! Let Donna Wuthrich know if you are interested.
President’s Message (Cont’d) Upcoming Events July 10—Picnic @ Lana’s home
proposed budget is still being worked on, but will be sent out electronically as soon as all comments are resolved for your review before our July meeting – please come prepared to vote on it.
July 27-31—EFAM, Anaheim, CA More information at http:// August 7—Multi-Chapter Meeting—Location TBD September 4—September Meeting—Hotel on the Falls October 2—Executive of the Year Banquet—Location TBD November 6—November Meeting—Hotel on the Falls December 4—December Social— Location TBD
My journey through this endeavor was fabulous. As a leader, I went into unchartered territory, stepped out of my comfort zone and tapped into talents I never knew I had, it was a great progress in the making as it all began, and I will never regret it. Thanks for supporting me this past year, and I am very grateful for a wonderful Board, for putting up with me, and although sometimes we didn’t always see eye to eye, we made it work, because we were a great TEAM. As your President I was privy to many things that most of you didn’t know, like who were behind the scenes, who went above and beyond the call of duty, who I could always count on, even on last minute things, who picked up the pieces when things were going out of whack, who was always ready to jump in with both feet to take on assignments, and the list goes on. Because of your willingness and support, it was hard for me to fail, made my job manageable in many ways. I had some great mentors in the Chapter; I never felt alone – this definitely was not a one-man island, we’ve always been a great TEAM, and I know we always will. This was a great opportunity for me and it definitely brought out the best in me, and I’ll be forever grateful. Thanks for “Being the Ones” to make a difference. Have a great month.
2012-2013 Eagle Rock Chapter Outgoing Officers and Committee Chairs The 2012-2013 Eagle Rock Chapter officers and committee chairs were recognized at the June meeting. Thank you for your hard work and dedication to the Eagle Rock Chapter!
Lisa Pugmire, Maraia Roberts, Marie Sovereign CAP
L to R: Erin Eddins, Katherine Watson, Marcia Pratt, Lana Egan, Lois Perry, Pam Stone CAP-OM, MariaElena Kerr, Bonnie Baird
Maraia Roberts
3 Donna Wuthrich and Maraia Roberts
2013-2014 Eagle Rock Chapter Officers July Meeting Date: July 10, 2013 Location: Lana Egan’s home
Sherry Gallup installed the 2013-2014 Eagle Rock Chapter officers at the June meeting. The newly elected officers are: Donna Wuthrich (President), MariaElena Kerr (President-Elect), Erin Eddins (Secretary), and Lisa Pugmire.
Meal: TBA RSVP: Marcia Pratt 533-0122 Sherry Gallup CAP
Donna Wuthrich, MariaElena Kerr, Erin Eddins, Lisa Pugmire
Passing of the gavel from Maraia Roberts to Donna Wuthrich
2013-2014 I-O-U Division Officers The 2013-2014 Idaho-Oregon-Utah Division officers were elected at the Spring Meeting held in Park City, Utah. The newly elected IOU Division officers are: LaNay Robbins (President), Rachael Barnett (President Elect), Tari Hayes (Secretary), and Bobbie Moos (Treasurer).
2013-2014 Eagle Rock Chapter Committee Chair Vacancies— Volunteers Needed The following 2013-2014 Eagle Rock Chapter committee chair positions are vacant, please consider stepping up to serve your chapter. You will gain personal enjoyment and satisfaction from your experience. Get involved, volunteers make a difference and keep our chapter moving forward.
Bylaws and Standing Rules Education/Certification (CAP/CAP-OM) Historian Executive of the Year Nominations Publicity/Rock Talk Webmaster Pathways to Excellence
Contact Donna Wuthrich for more information.
Eagle Rock Chapter The Rock Talk newsletter is published monthly by the Eagle Rock Chapter of the International Association of Administrative Professionals, a not-for-profit professional association for office professionals. The Chapter was organized in 1974 and received their charter in February 1974. The Chapter meets at the Red Lion Hotel in Idaho Falls, Idaho, the first Wednesday of each month. Our meetings are focused on career development and enhancement. Contact one of the Chapter Officers below for additional information.
Contact Information 2012-2013 Eagle Rock Chapter Officers Maraia Roberts, President
[email protected], 208-201-5191 Debra Petty, President-Elect
[email protected], 208-612-8276 Lisa Pugmire, Treasurer
[email protected], 208-681-1545 Marie Sovereign CAP, Secretary
[email protected], 208-529-5220 2012-2013 Idaho-Oregon-Utah Division Officers Marilyn Taylor CAP, President LaNay Robbins, President-Elect Rachael Barnett CAP-OM, Secretary Bobbie Moos, Treasurer 2012-2014 Northwest District Director Lisa A. Hogan, CAP-OM
[email protected]