Eagle Rock Chapter

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Rock Talk

October 2012

Eagle Rock Chapter President’s Message Maraia Roberts, Chapter President I had a blast at Executive of the Year (EOTY) this past week. Again, a huge thanks to Lois Perry our EOTY Chair and her committee, Marie Sovereign, Bailey Winn and Erin Eddins for putting together such an enjoyable evening. It’s a lot of work to put together a special event such as this one, and these ladies did an exceptional job. As the evening progressed, we had the opportunity to hear from our 2011 EOTY, Cheryl O’Brien, Director of Engineering at the Idaho National Lab (INL). She shared some thought provoking quotes that have made an impact on her, which included some personal and professional experiences that have led up to where she’s at now in life. I appreciated that she incorporated our IAAP theme “Be the One” in her thoughts and she offered some great words of wisdom for us. She mentioned that we wear many hats at work, and depending on the situation, we play different roles and become different people, but when it comes to family and friends, we need to be the very best person we can be, because it’s the people we love the most that matter the most. In conclusion, she encouraged us “to be the one” to make a difference in our own life”. Such profound, yet simple truths. Our EOTY winner for 2012 is Marti Casper’s Executive, Mr. Randy Hughes, Director of Counterintelligence at the INL. I had the opportunity to spend some time with Marti at EFAM, and we got to know a little bit more about each other. Marti shared a lot with me, but one of the things that stood out is when she shared how happy she is with her current situation at work, because she’s got the best boss in the world. She mentioned how very supportive he is when it comes to her professional growth and development. I am certain that they absolutely enjoy working together and they play a huge role in each other’s success, which is a Win-Win situation. I am so happy for them and it was well deserved. We are looking forward to hearing from him next year. As far as I’m concerned, you’re all winners and just because you didn’t make the cut this year doesn’t mean you can’t try again. I want to end with a challenge from our International President, Karlena Reynolds. “Be the One and make a commitment to yourself and go one step farther and get the training that’s going to give you the edge in the office so you’re not simply doing your job, you’re innovating solutions. Invest in yourself. By doing that, you’ll be the person in your workplace that becomes known for the ability to handle any crisis. You’ll be the one to create the solutions that are needed. You’ll also be a shining example to the members in your chapter/division”. That being said, I encourage you to broaden your horizons and seek out opportunities to go that extra mile, for yourself. Go to State Training. I know we all have other commitments, but there’s never a right time to get things done. You all have a great month.

Inside this issue MOE Corner ........................2 President-Elect Message ....2 And The Winner Is ..............3 ERC Retreat .........................4 ERC Retreat Pictures ...........5 Life’s Echo ...........................6 EOTY Pictures......................6 Bailey Winn .........................7 Contact Information ...........8

October Birthdays 

LaNay Robbins (7th)

Callie Stone (12th)

Kathy Burroughs (24th)

Jerry Colvin (24th)

October Anniversaries 

Janet Maas (2009)

Anita Thompson (1995)

Member of Excellence Corner Just a friendly reminder to dig out your Member of Excellence Passports and update them with these few easy steps (skip to step 4 if you've already accomplished steps 1-3): 1. 2. 3.

Put your name on page 1 Read and sign your Letter of Commitment on page 3 Read through and sign off on any of the criteria you have accomplished to date (there could be 4-5 that you can sign off on immediately) – see you are already half way there!! Have you been to any ERC functions lately? Then sign off on any IAAP/ERC sponsored meetings (Criteria 9) – Almost anything counts…even the banquets and socials (we usually conduct business at these functions).


It’s so easy! Do it today! Don't forget to bring your Passports to ERC meetings for a special treat! Submitted by Lana Egan, MOE Chair

Upcoming Events November 7—Regular Meeting, Hotel on the Falls December 5—Christmas Social, Location TBD January 9—Regular Meeting, Hotel on the Falls February 6—Training, EITC March 6—Regular Meeting, Hotel on the Falls April 3—Nominations, Hotel on the Falls April 18—APW Seminar, Location TBD

President-Elect Message Debra Petty, President-Elect We all have thoughts about what it means to “Be the One”. I wanted to share with you thoughts by Bonnie Baird on this year’s theme.

“I look at it as “You are the One” that can make a difference in the office by bringing a positive - can do attitude to the workplace. It only takes a spark to get a fire going. . . so, be “that One” in leading your group on to extra ordinary levels of success. Be “the One” and step up to the challenge.” Bonnie Baird Bonnie reminds us that having a positive attitude in the workplace promotes professional development, strengthens relationships with coworkers, and motivates others to excel.

April 24—Member of the Year Banquet, Location TBD May 1—Elections, Hotel on the Falls May 17-19—Division Annual Meeting, Park City, UT June 5—Installations, Hotel on the Falls


To Succeed in Life, you need three things: a Wishbone, a Backbone, and a Funny Bone. —Reba McEntire

And The Winner Is... I consider myself extremely fortunate because I have what I consider the, “Ultimate Executive”. He makes me feel as though he can’t get by without me and constantly ensures me of the important role that I play in running our office smoothly. He treats me with respect and values my input in the daily office assignments. He has boosted my self esteem so much since I’ve been in his organization. He truly cares and values my input. I work hard, and it doesn’t go unnoticed. I’ve never had a manager who has made me feel like such a valued member of a team. He shows respect for who I am and what I have acMarti Casper CAP and Randy Hughes, 2012 Executive of the Year complished in my many years as an admin. He greets me with a cheery good morning every morning. When he asks how I’m doing, how my weekend was, or asks about my family, he is genuinely concerned. Even when I make a mistake I’m not made to feel stupid or inadequate. He always has something kind to say and has me laughing at my own mistakes by the time he’s done talking. I now have a different outlook on a lot of things thanks to my executive. If you never make a mistake, you are not growing or stepping up to become who you are truly capable of becoming. Mistakes are a part of the learning process. My executive fully supports my activity in IAAP and encourages me to grow within the organization. He understands that in order to maintain my certification I need to attend IAAP sponsored activities. He supports various training opportunities that come along, such as: Computer classes at the Executive Training Center (ETR) Computer Classes at Eastern Idaho Technical College (EITC) The IAAP Administrative Professionals Day Spring Conference The IAAP’s International Education Forum and Annual Meeting (EFAM). He supports the decisions that I make when choosing off site activities that will enhance my career. He understands that with training comes understanding and with understanding comes a, “Job Well Done”. Thanks to my “Ultimate Executive,” I love coming to work each day and look forward to the challenges each day brings. I recently read, “Every obstacle presents an opportunity to improve”. This is so true. Every obstacle presents a challenge and with every challenge comes an opportunity to learn. Feeling good about ourselves and learning to master something new is self fulfilling in and of itself. I go home each day knowing that I’ve done the best that I’m capable of doing because of the encouragement I receive and the confidence I’ve gained. I can perform my job with the dedication to excellence that only training, hard work, experience and a passion to succeed can give. He has many strengths and when I’m around him I feel stronger. I feel I can tackle any obstacle that comes my way. I admire him for so many reasons it’s hard to categorize them all: His work ethics, His open door policy, His family values, The overarching knowledge, His management skills, His fairness, His uniqueness, Need I say more? What I’m trying to say is my manager has earned the right to the prestigious title of the IAAP 2012 Executive of the Year. Submitted by Marti Casper CAP


ERC Retreat It was a rough weekend, but some of us had to do it!! I’m speaking, of course, about the ERC retreat in the beautiful Palisades area on Sept. 21-22. The drive alone was breathtaking with the Fall colors in full display.

Palisades beautiful Fall colors

Marie Sovereign and Leah Kent arrived first to open “Mount Perry” (Sharon Perry’s family cabin). They were kind enough to have lunch prepared when we (Anita Thompson, Katherine Watson, LaNay Robbins, and I) arrived. After claiming our themed sleeping rooms, such as “River Room,” “Moose Room,” “Cowboy Room,” etc., we were off to do some exploring with cameras in hand to try and capture “Mount Perry” some of the Autumn splendor. The views were fabulous, even with a little haze in the air from the Idaho fires. Since the cabin in perched on a mountain side, we had a view of Palisades reservoir on one side and the mountains on the other. We returned to the cabin and chatted as we watched a pair of mountain blue jays and other colorful birds partake of the seeds in the birdfeeders on the wraparound deck. A squirrel also visited the desk to pick up a treat or two. The two family rooms offered us an opportunity to spread out and visit, craft, watch movies or take a nap. We did all of the above, and that was just in the first few hours. Marie and Leah fixed a wonderful dinner of homemade chili and cornbread with raspberry shortcake for dessert. The food was marvelous and the snacks plentiful. There wasn’t a chance anyone could have gone hungry!

A Stellar Jay or Mountain Jay—One of the many visitors during our stay

After “hanging out” (private joke) in our P.J.s and watching a movie, complete with popcorn and our favorite snacks, we headed to our respective rooms to enjoy a quiet night of peaceful slumber in very comfortable beds. We arose to the smell of bacon…mmm! How could we possibly be hungry? Yet the smell propelled us downstairs for a feast of bacon and waffles with strawberries and whip cream topping. We then returned to our leisurely activities – napping, card making, reading, sewing, another movie, etc. It all came to a close way too soon. Cleaning and packing up was a breeze with everyone pitching in to help. The drive out required one last stop to capture images of some of the beautiful foliage, and of course, square ice cream!

Marie Sovereign, Anita Thompson, Katherine Watson, and Leah Kent


You might be a little envious right now if you missed the fun, but you can always make up for it next year…until then, we have wonderful photos and memories to share! Submitted by Lana Egan

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Various pictures of the interior of the cabin

Lana Egan capturing moments

A nature walk with Katherine Watson, Lana Egan, and Anita Thompson



Executive of the Year Banquet, October 11, 2012

Life’s Echo A son and his father were walking on the mountains. Suddenly, the son falls hurts himself and screams: "AAAhhhhhhhhh!!!" To his surprise, he hears the voice repeating, somewhere in the mountain: "AAAhhhhhhhhh!!!"

Bonnie Baird CAP, Russ and Carol Spain (guests of Lois), Lois Perry, Jerry Colvin

Curious, he yells: "Who are you?" He receives the answer: "Who are you?" Angered at the response, he screams: "Coward!" He receives the answer: "Coward!"

Steve Dunn (guest of Mariaelena) and Mariaelena Kerr

He looks to his father and asks: "What's going on?" The father smiles and says: "My son, pay attention." And then he screams to the mountain: "I admire you!" The voice answers: "I admire you!" Again the man screams: "You are a champion!" The voice answers: "You are a champion!"

Lois Perry and Jerry Colvin

The boy is surprised, but does not understand. Then the father explains: "People call this Echo, but really this is Life. It gives you back everything you say or do. Our life is simply a reflection of our actions. If you want more love in the world, create more love in your heart.

Bailey Winn and Leslie Jernberg CAP-OM

If you want more competence in your team, improve your competence. This relationship applies to everything, in all aspects of life. Life will give you back everything you have given to it. ~Author Unknown~ Submitted by Marti Casper CAP


Cheryl O’Brien, Marie Sovereign CAP and Erin Eddins

Bailey Winn, ERC Student Member, In The News

“I want to be able to pay it forward.” — Bailey Winn

“It’s (IAAP) great for networking and to find other people that are doing what I want to go into. It helps to get a concept of what’s going to be expected of you when you complete this program” — Bailey Winn


Eagle Rock Chapter The Rock Talk newsletter is published monthly by the Eagle Rock Chapter of the International Association of Administrative Professionals, a not-for-profit professional association for office professionals. The Chapter was organized in 1974 and received their charter in February 1974. The Chapter meets at the Red Lion Hotel in Idaho Falls, Idaho, the first Wednesday of each month. Our meetings are focused on career development and enhancement. Contact one of the Chapter Officers below for additional information.

Contact Information 2012-2013 Eagle Rock Chapter Officers www.iaap-eaglerock.org Maraia Roberts, President [email protected], 208-201-5191 Debra Petty, President-Elect [email protected], 208-612-8276 Leah Kent, Treasurer [email protected], 208-520-0398 Marie Sovereign CAP, Secretary [email protected], 208-526-7205 2012-2013 Idaho-Oregon-Utah Division Officers www.iaap-id-or-ut.org Marilyn Taylor CAP, President LaNay Robbins, President-Elect Rachael Barnett, Secretary Bobbie Moos, Treasurer 2012-2014 Northwest District Director Lisa A. Hogan, CAP-OM [email protected]