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Issue 001 23rd September 2016

oAKRIDGE TIMES Welcome back! I hope you all had a good break and are ready for the new academic year. The children look very smart in he federation jumpers/cardigans. Thank you to all of you who handed in your old uniform. Children in Kenya, Africa are very appreciative and pictures will be placed on the website when they arrive. It was great to see so many of you at the parent forum for English this week. We hope you found it informative. If you were unable to make it the PowerPoints have been placed on the websites in the parent section. A maths parent forum will be running on the 5th October at 2:30 and 5pm so we look forward to seeing you then. Diane Charman


Attendance Winners


w/e 09/09

w/e 16/09

w/e 23/09





Year 5 Trip to The Gilbert White Field Studies Centre


Year 6 JCA Meeting 3:30pm






Year R Gazette Photographs


4, 5, 6 & 8





School Photos

OCT 5th

Parent Forum—Maths

5 & 6th

Poetry Day


Year 6 Trip—Living Rainforest


Year 2—Great Fire of London Theatre

11th-13th Year 1 Build a Bear 13th

School photos—Junior


School photos—Infant

The school photographer will be at the Junior School on Thursday 13th October and the Infant School on Monday 17th October. Sibling photos will be taken during the Junior school photo shoot, however if you would like younger children photographed with federation children please come to the Junior school hall at 8am on 13th October.

17th-21st Year 6 Residential 24th-28th HALF TERM

Year 3 Warburton's Visit Last week Warburton's visited Year 3 to talk about healthy eating and showed the children how to make a sandwich using healthy ingredients. They also spoke about how different ingredients help us to stay healthy.


Infant Stars of the Week

Week ending 9th Sept

Week Ending 16th Sept

Week Ending 23rd Sept

Class 1

Rosie Tidball

Amelia Postins

Class 2

Jessica Wooldridge

Evie Chalmers

Class 3

Keirah Campbell

Tyler Gains

Class 4

Oscar Fell

Yiwen Ge

Kyroe Saunders

Class 5

Ethan Barnes

Jaden Upton

Tinisha Brown

Class 6

Liam Miller

Chloe Donoghue

Khloe Mukasa

Class 7

David Hensley

Penny Chivers

Jack Lawler-Shuck

Class 8

Demi-Louise Fry

Adrian Pfeiffer

Rachel Bakeera Bbosa

Laura Pluciennik

Safiya Whitby-Penrose

Office Junior Stars of the Week Class 1

Alex Heath

Aimee Oldfield

Jessica Slade

Class 2

Keston Tidball

Sophie Blackall

Aarish Bhandari

Class 3

Sam Thorpe

Ella-Mae Stent

Archie Pither

Class 4

Rose Mason

Sasha Petchey

Sreeram Suresh

Class 5

Liam Fry

Jess Cole

Freddie Luxton

Class 6

Taylor Adams

Simon Butler

Sophie Motyka

Class 7

Ben Freathy

Maria Moiana

Chelsea Gibbs

Class 8

Alfie McCarthy

Mishael Dormido

Leah Miller

Year 4 Egyptian Workshop On Monday 19th September Year 4 had visitors from Ufton Court who came into school to tell them about Ancient Egypt. Through this Year 4 were able to learn about how and why the Egyptians would mummify bodies and about some of the death rituals they would follow.

Parent Forum Thank you to all our parents who attended the English Forums this week. It was great to see so many people attending and we hope you found it informative. Information can be found on both websites with supporting documents. We look forward to seeing you at the Maths Forum on 5th October.

Active Start Club Premier Sports before school club has now started in the Infant School Hall. The club runs Tuesdays to Fridays from 7:45. The children play a variety of fun games to get them going in the morning and is a great way to start the day. Places are filling up fast so if you would like to join then please contact the Infant school office. The cost of the club is £2 per day.

INSET DAYS Our inset days for this year are: Friday 30th September 2016 Monday 14th November 2016 Tuesday 3rd January 2017 Friday 17th March 2017 Friday 30th June 2017

Hampshire Highways visit Year R

Over the holidays we have had some new markings put down on our playground. These were provided free of charge by Highways England alongside some cones, signs and other safety equipment to enhance our outside learning area. Last Friday members of the team came to school to see the children enjoying the new resources and to talk to the YR children about the importance of keeping safe on the roads and in construction sites. We are very grateful to them for all that they have provided. The Early Years team are always looking for ways to improve our outside environment and are happy to receive donations. In particular we are currently trying to source some more tyres, sanded offcuts of wood, old steering wheels, milk crates, tarpaulins and fairy doors. So if you are able to or know of anyone who is able to provide some of these please do let us know.

Federation School Council

Year 2 Fire & Rescue

All classes have been voting for class representatives to join the school council. Children from Y1—Y6 have been elected and will be having their first meeting very soon. The old school uniform ‘drop’ has been very successful and children in Kenya are proudly wearing some of your old clothes—thank you very much

On Tuesday 13th September our Year 2 children were lucky enough to spend the day with the Hampshire Fire Service. The Firemen spoke to the children about the importance of keeping safe and taught them a song called “Get out, stay out, dial 999.” The children got to try on the uniform and even got to have a go with the hose!