oAKRIDGE TIMES I am writing this while on the year 6 residential!!! The children are having a great time trying out the new activities and they are doing brilliantly. We have reached the end of the half term. All the children in school have worked extremely hard and produced some great work. Well done to all! Next half term we have parents evening so please remember to sign up to see your child's teacher. We will be sending more information out after half term. Diane Charman
Attendance Winners
OCT 24th-28th
School Re-Opens
NOV 2nd
Year 3 2017 Open Morning 9:30am-10:30am
Infant & Junior Parent Evening
Year 3 2017 Open Afternoon 1:30pm—2:30pm
Infant & Junior Parent Evening
Year 3 Oakridge Walk
Year 3 2017 Open Morning 9:30am—10:30am
Year R 2017 Open Morning 9:30am—10:30am
Anti-Bullying Day
w/e 14/10 Class
w/e 21/10 Class
Year 2—Great Fire of London We have had a great half term learning all about The Great Fire of London. Samuel Pepys paid us a visit and spent the afternoon telling us what is was like to be there and how events unfolded during the fire - some of us got to dress up! Thank you to those of you who made such fantastic buckets for us to test; we had a great afternoon filling our buckets with water and seeing if they were waterproof.
Applying for a school place 2017
Year 1 Build a Bear
On 1st November 2016 the application process opens for Year R and Year 3 2017. Please note that although we are federated, our current Year 2 children still have to apply for a place for Year 3. Applications must be made by 15th January 2017. You can apply online at:
Year 1 had a fantastic time at Build-a-Bear. The children would like to introduce their bears to all the parents:
Please remember: Year 7 applications have to be made by 31st October
Infant Stars of the Week
Week ending 14th Oct
Week ending 21st Oct
Class 1
Frankie Whatmore
Lexie Miller
Class 2
Shyloh Wilks
Brooke Butterworth
Class 3
Akira Carew
Oskar Chemski
Class 4
Lucy Judd
Amelia Roberts
Class 5
Jenson Pike
Nevaya Elie
Class 6
Jayden Townsend
Precious Saunders
Class 7
Ryan Robin
Mila Chalmers
Class 8
Rohan Shrimali
Alfie Davey-North
Prithish Magendran
Tanishka Sangeeth
Class 1
Gevin Chendhilkumar
Daisy Tafrey
Class 2
Sophie Ferris
Petr Bulgakov
Class 3
Harris Waheed
Cindy Tafrey
Class 4
Evanna Liju
Aaron Gains
Class 5
Ellis Norton
Ella Boghurst
Class 6
Bailey Stott
Misha Shrimali
Class 7
Aliya Agwu
Class 8
Alfie McCarthy
It’s JCA week and everyone gets star of the week in classes 7&8
Junior Stars of the Week
Year 6 The Living Rainforest On Tuesday 11th October Year six children went to the Living Rainforest in Newbury as part of their creative curriculum topic. They explored concepts such as sustainability, rainforest medicine, animal adaptation and foods produced and exported from the rainforests. The children were a credit to our school and thoroughly enjoyed the trip. They were even lucky enough to have the sloth (Cinnamon) come down from his tree so that they could watch him be fed!
Be Bright Day On Thursday 20th October the Federation took part in the Be Bright Be Seen campaign. The purpose of the day was to highlight to everyone the importance of using reflecting clothing and gadgets to make themselves more visible to drivers and therefore safer on the roads.
Registration Times We would like to remind all our parents that the doors open at 8:40am at the Juniors and 8:45am at the Infants. Registers and school dinner orders are taken promptly so please make sure your child is in school at this time. If you arrive at school after 9am please come to the school office to sign your child in late.