Rev. Sherrill Wellborn
Rev. Steve Smith
Mrs. Tim (Sara) Roten
Rev. Joey Moore
Mrs. Kevin (Pam) Brown
Mrs. Joey (Lisa) Moore
November Anniversaries Rev. & Mrs. Dennis Chapmon
Rev. & Mrs. Jeff Collins
NC Baptist Children’s Homes Offering REDEEMED Annual offering Let the REDEEMED of the Lord say so……...Psalm 107:2 Week of Prayer: November 16-23 Offering Goal: $1,500,000 Each child in the homes has an amazing story of redemption to share. The bleak destination of their lives has been altered. Futures that were one dragged into the darkness are now saturated with the light of hope and the love of Christ. When churches participates in the Annual Offering, hope is shared and miracles happen. Most importantly, you are helping share with the children the hope of Jesus Christ! If you would like a speaker to share the ministry, call Week of Prayer for International Missions Annie Armstrong November 30-December 7 Please begin planning for the Annie Armstrong offering. If you need someone to speak in your church or need materials, please call the Association office at 838-4407.
ld a r e H in ta n u o M y h s u Br Brushy Mountain Baptist Association A Thanksgiving Prayer
Wilkesboro, NC 28697
Mrs. Lois Woodie
PO Box 1375, 1519 River St
Mrs. Michael (Cara) Johnson
Brushy Mountain Baptist Association
November Birthdays
“Our mission is to glorify God by partnering with churches to make disciples of Jesus Christ.”
Donations (Operating Acct) Receipts
Beaver Creek 24.85 Bethany Boiling Springs 208.20 Celebration Community 75.00 Cub Creek 261.41 Davis Memorial Edgewood 1084.72 Elk First Baptist-NW 500.00 First Light 174.00 Fishing Creek 234.92 Goshen 573.02 Greater Vision 332.10 Harmony Hinshaw 299.17 Lewis Fork 441.67 Liberty Grove 383.00
Little Rock
569.28 780.00 150.00 261.41 1520.00 1084.72 500.00 1000.00 380.00 523.96 573.02 776.35 650.52 883.34 383.00
Cont’d…….. 9/26/14 to 10/28/14 Receipts
Millers Creek Moravian Falls Mt. Pleasant Mt. Zion
2293.07 200.00 50.00
6150.09 400.00 100.00 400.00
New Hope Oak Grove-NW Oakwoods Parkway Garden Pilgrim Pleasant Grove Pleasant Home Purlear Roaring River Stony Hill Walnut Grove Welcome Home Wilkesboro Zion Hill
1500.00 25.00 300.00 75.00 275.00 75.00
3000.00 50.00 300.00 75.00 606.00 150.00 388.20
400.00 1519.55 224.19
400.00 3010.78 224.19
Thank you for your faithful financial support of the Association!
Oh, God, help when I need food, help me to remember the hungry; When I have work, help me to remember the jobless; When I have a warm home, help me to remember the homeless; When I am without pain, help me to remember those who suffer; And remembering, help me to destroy my complacency and bestir my compassion. Make me concerned enough to help, by word and deed, those who cry out for what we take for granted. -Samuel Pugh
“For I was hungry and you gave Me food, I was thirsty and you gave Me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed Me…
Mission Opportunities 2015 1. Easter Hope Boxes-Evangelistic opportunities in Kentucky, West Virginia and Virginia 2. China Mission trip (May 2015)-Teach Conversational English to Chinese college students. 3. Kenya (June 2015)-Pastor’s Schools, Medical missions, Reading glasses exams and distribution, Prison and Orphanage missions. If you are interested in any of these mission projects, please call
Contact Information:
Pastor Update:
Director of Missions: Dr. Steve Gouge Administrative Assistant: Mrs. Lois Woodie 336-838-4407
[email protected] Web address: ---------------CCM Director:
Pilgrim-Seeking Pastor Rev. Rex Eldreth, Interim Purlear-Seeking Pastor Rev. Daron Brown, Interim Stony Hill-Seeking Pastor Scott Wagoner, presently serving Welcome Home– Seeking Pastor Rev. Richard Whittington, Interim Wilkesboro-Seeking Pastor Rev. Brandon Lowe & wife, Amelia has been called as Pastor of Little Rock Baptist Church. We welcome
Mr. John Triplett
Building Loan Update:
Administrative Assistant:
The balance as of October 28 is: $46,061.46
Mrs. Violet Francis 336-903-1414 wilkesministryofhope@
Special thanks to the individuals and churches who have committed to
November Association Calendar: November 2-Daylight Saving Time ends November 3-Baptist Women’s World Day of Prayer November 3-Minister’s Conference 9:45 am
Prayer Time
10:30 am
Minister’s meeting
November 10 & 11-Baptist State Convention Annual Meeting November 12– SureCord Christian Counseling Meeting, 12:00 noon, Association Office. Lunch served. November 13-Pastor’s Roundtable, 8:45 am, Association Office November 16-23-Week of Prayer for the NC Baptist Children’s Homes Annual offering November 27-Thanksgiving
September h.o.p.e. Center News
Happy Thanksgiving!
Missionary Moments Mark Gray, Church Planting Team Leader for the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina, shared some interesting statistics at our Annual Meeting that I want to review in this month’s article. In Wilkes County there are 16,244 households which represents a population of 66,502. The spiritual breakdown of those numbers shows that our county is made up of: Religious, not Evangelical 3,318 or 12.24% Spiritual, not Evangelical 2,477 or 9.14% Not Evangelical, and not Interested 10,452 or 38.55% That means almost 60 percent of our residents are nonevangelicals. A very simple definition of the term “evangelical” is “the good news of salvation brought to sinners through Jesus Christ.” That definition is non-technical but adequate for our understanding of where our community stands in regard to the message of salvation offered only through Jesus Christ. Let me make a few observations about these statistics. Observation 1: We may think that everyone in our community knows the Lord through Christ but that is a myth. Six in ten residents of this county are self-identified as without a saving relationship with Jesus. Observation 2: Churches from the Brushy Mountain Baptist Association baptized 1120 persons over the past 5 years. I rejoice over those figures, but we are merely scratching the surface when it comes to making an impact on a lost world. Observation 3: On any given Sunday, Dr. Gray reported, there are 4000 people attending churches affiliated with the Brushy Mountain Baptist Association. That seem like a small number when we compare it to the population of Wilkes County (66,502). Observation 4: When some say our area has all the churches we need, they are dead wrong. We need church plants in our area to work alongside existing churches to reach our area. I have one final request. Would you prayerfully encourage your church to consider the possibility of helping to reach the lost by starting a new church? We must give our best while we still have an opportunity. The Bible says, “I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.” Thank you for the privilege to serve the Lord by serving you. I love you.
Number of families (393), Individuals (1363)=21,283 lbs New families
Financial Assistance
Jesus as Savior
Baby closet
Handyman Projects
Loads of wood
Baby Closet Needs: T o i l et r i e s, D i a p er s , Wipes and Fall clothes are greatly needed.
Food needs: Peanut butter, Crackers, Macaroni & cheese, Spaghetti Sauce & noodles, Ramen Noodles, Cereal, Soup, Treet, Spam, Ham, Tuna and canned Chicken. Also Hygiene items. Mission Projects: People are needed to hold Toy Drives to raise money to sponsor children for the Christmas Toy Store. It costs $60 to sponsor a child. Please pray and ask God what He would have you do for this great mission need. Boomer Food Pantry Number of families (68), individuals (208) (3,329) lbs of food.
Churches responsible for food in November Celebration, Lewis Fork, Moravian Falls, Parkway Garden, Purlear, Zion Hill
Greetings from the h.o.p.e. Center: As I write this article, all I can think about is our Christmas Toy Store. It is the biggest evangelistic outreach we do. It reminds me of the verse Luke 12:48, “to whom much is given, much will be required.” What did Jesus mean? “From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.” This statement of Jesus reminds me of Uncle Ben’s words of wisdom to Peter Parker in the movie, Spiderman; “With great power comes great responsibility.” The idea of “to whom much is given, much will be required,” is that we are held responsible for what we have. If we are blessed with talents, wealth, knowledge, time, and the like, it is expected that we use these well to glorify God and benefit others. We have been given a great responsibility of helping families with Christmas. More importantly to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. We have over 1,500 children’s name and God gave us those