Ashley Chronicle Dates For Your Diary
Children in Need Fun Thanks to the hard work
Christmas Fair Friday 8th December - 3.35pm
of the Year 6 children, everyone in school had
Christmas Concerts Reception/Yr1/Yr2 – Mon 11th December - 10am Tues 12th December – 10am (Tickets for one of these days) Years 3 & 4 - Tuesday 12th December - 1.45pm Years 5 & 6 - Tuesday 12th December - 6pm Nursery - Monday 18th December—10.30am / 2.30pm
lots of fun last Friday, while raising money for Children in Need. The children devised some fantastic games
Christmas Lunch Thursday 14th December
and activities to keep us all entertained.
Pantomime – Customs House KS1 – Wednesday 13th December KS2 – Friday 15th December
As ever, we were very grateful for
Christmas Parties Monday 18th December - Year 1/2 (pm) Tuesday 19th December - Years 3 & 4 (pm) Wednesday 20th December – Reception (pm) Thursday 21st December – Nursery (am & pm) Years 5 & 6 (pm) Christmas Coffee Morning & Choir Friday 22nd December – 9—10am
Christmas Fair Many thanks to everyone who has already sent goodies in for our Christmas Fair, which will be held on Friday 8th December. Should you be having a clear out or find anything which we could use for any of our stalls such as tombola, toys or books, these would be gratefully received. We will be holding a non uniform day on Friday 1st December, in lieu of an item of chocolate for our famous Chocolate Tombola, which will be held on Thursday 7th December. Children will need 50p on 7th, every child is guaranteed to win a prize!
24th November, 2017
all of the cake donations for the cake stall.
The grand total we raised for the Children in Need charity was an amazing £645.Thank you so very much to everyone who contributed in some way. Achievements If your child has achieved something special outside of school, then why not let us know about it? Either note down the achievement and send it into school, marked for the attention of Mrs Todd, or email me directly at
[email protected] We look forward to hearing from you!
Golden Award Winners this Week
Mathematician of the Week Awards
Scarlett Laws-McLeod
Lacey Robertson
Kate Newton
Ethan Taws
Nicole Stephenson
Holly Fleming
Ghadeer Algassab
Scott Harding
Jessica Carroll
Cameron Doneghan
Amy Lin
Lee Stephenson
Amelia-Grace Fletcher
Alfie Smoult
Cameron Smith
Macey Glendinning
Elen Pearce
Oscar Nicholson
Dylan Morl
Leoni Whitelaw
Harris White-Aitken
Chloe Hayes
Demi Gowans
Kieanna Minns
Rhma Albaldawi
Connor McElwee
Sidney Byrne
Cody Jeffery
Xhesika Menzini
Emily Mayne
Congratulations to all of this week’s winners!
Owen Waite
Congratulations to all of this week’s winners!
Parking Responsibly Once again, we have had several complaints from the local residents regarding some of our parents/carers parking irresponsibly, during the school run. We would ask all drivers to park sensibly, away from the zigzags and not on the double yellow lines next to the main entrance. It also goes without saying that you should not be blocking anyone’s drive way or garage. One of our governors has contacted the local authority parking attendant regarding this matter and we expect the enforcement cameras to be in operation over the coming weeks.