Eagle Rock Chapter

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Rock Talk

August 2012

Eagle Rock Chapter President’s Message Maraia Roberts, Chapter President

Our Two-Chapter meeting with Mountain River this past week was fabulous; a few highlights from the evening, our meeting was held at the Shilo in their Temple View room, which was absolutely beautiful, the dinner was delicious with great company, and to top it off, our speaker was Councilwoman, Sharon D. Parry, for the City of Idaho Falls. She was absolutely phenomenal and her topic for the evening “Be the One in Idaho”, very appropriate and relatable to each of us as it was our community outreach month tied in with our theme for the year, “Be the One”. She touched on several key factors of how we could make a difference in our community, which I found very informative and educational. Councilwoman Parry is a great leader and mentor, yet, very humble and dedicated servant of our community. From what I gathered, she is one passionate woman about Idaho. She encouraged us to promote our state to our friends and families. What a great model and example for us and the future generations of Idaho. I just want to mention that I enjoyed the opportunity to work with Kristie Berezay, Chapter President for Mountain River, on our Two-Chapter meeting. She did an awesome job, organizing and facilitating the meeting. Thank you from all of us, the Eagle Rock Chapter. I am certain that everyone walked away that evening with something insightful. As Chapter President, I was fortunate to attend the 2012 Educational Forum and Annual Meeting (EFAM) as delegate and I want to include a brief report. When I attended my first Division Annual Meeting this year, I thought, wow! Then I went to EFAM, oh my goodness, there are no words for it, it was absolutely MAGICAL! And as a newcomer, I felt like a VIP the whole time. I mean, that’s just how it was. It has motivated me to do everything I can to make it to the (Continued on page 2)

Inside this issue President-Elect Message ....2 Can You Change Someone’s Attitude ..............................3 Did You Know .....................3 Member Survey ..................4 August Meeting Pictures ....4 Passport to Excellence ........5 Nominations for EOTY ........5 One .....................................6 Contact Information ...........6 EFAM Report ......................7 Save the Date .....................9

August Birthdays 

Trudy Carillo (13th)

August Anniversaries 

Cheri Dudziak (2005)

Callie Stone (2002)

President’s Message (Cont’d) (Continued from page 1)

next one. I encourage all members to invest in yourself, and make every effort to go, even if this is the only IAAP event you can make, it will be worth every sacrifice. It was great being amongst other Administrative Professionals, learning and sharing ideas and thoughts about things that we could all relate to as an Admin. Those people were hungry, as much as I was to get as much as possible from EFAM. A few highlights:  One of our own, Kathy Burroughs, past International President; I was pretty proud to hear that, I knew she was member, but International President, wow – how exciting is that?  I was very impressed to see members at EFAM that have been around since the groundbreaking of the Association, 70 years ago. It reminded me of our founding members, like Gerry Colvin, Marie Sovereign, Marti Casper, Lois Perry, Kathy Burroughs, Alene Barker, Maureen Adams, and of course, the late Beverly Branson (if I’ve missed anyone, it’s not intentional) – thank you ladies for being such dedicated and committed members of our Chapter.  There was so much conviction and passion personified by the women that I interfaced, whether they’ve been a member for one year or 30 years. The Association is a huge part of their success stories, and they are so grateful.  The 70th anniversary membership campaign – 70/70 brought in 2000+ members internationally this past year, very impressive. (Continued on page 7)

Upcoming Events September 5—Regular Meeting, Red Lion September 21—Chapter Retreat, Island Park, ID October 11—Executive of the Year Banquet, Location TBD

Attitude is a little thing that makes a big Difference— Winston Churchill

October 13—State Education Forum, Salem, OR

President-Elect Message

October 20—State Education Forum, Burley, ID

Debra Petty, President-Elect

October 27—State Education Forum, Salt Lake City, UT November 7—Regular Meeting, Red Lion December 5—Christmas Social, Location TBD January 9—Regular Meeting, Red Lion February 6—Regular Meeting, EITC March 6—Regular Meeting, Red Lion


It is particularly challenging to think of what I could say to a group of peers so accomplished in every area of life. I find there is little to tell you about what it means to “Be the One”. We all go from task to task at the speed of light. Deadlines at work, commitments to family and friends, managing our individual resources, volunteer work, unplanned events, and the list goes on. It is unfortunate, but human nature is such that many of us gauge our worth or success on how many things we accomplish or what we think it means to others. The theme for this year’s program is not defined by tasks, there is no checklist to mark off, and only you decide if you are successful. We aren’t being asked to do more, just be more. You will know it when you feel it.

Can You Change Someone's Attitude? We know we can change our own attitude any time we wish. But what about others? While you may choose to surround yourself with positive thinkers, you can't always avoid working with (or sometimes, living with) negative thinkers. Therein lies a problem: What can you do to change a person's inherently bad attitude, in part so it doesn't affect you? And should you try? Here are a few observations that can help:

Did You Know?

1. People are who they are. Like spouses or children, they don't "change" because you will it. So exerting your influence and expecting the response you want is foolhardy at best and potentially disastrous for your relationship at worst.

 your more likely to be killed by a champagne cork than by a poisonous spider

2. Try to empathize, even a little. Remember: Life is not fair, and it can be harder on some than others. People who feel defeated or alone in the world still have to wake up each morning and eke out a living like the rest of us. We don't have to know the exact reasons behind their troubles to see the cloud that surrounds them at work, and to pause a moment and wish that weren't so - for their sakes more than ours. 3. Reach out as you're able. Make an effort to connect and be friendly - more than once, if need be. People with poor attitudes tend to be protective and distrusting - and may not initially welcome your friendship, perhaps because they fear there are "strings" attached. Be gentle in your persistence. It'll reinforce your sincerity, likely earning their trust and a better attitude in the process. When a person's bad attitude cannot be tempered by the above methods, yet still needs to be addressed for the benefit of the workplace, you need to consider constructively confronting the situation. Many times, informing people of their bad attitude in a positive way (i.e., "I thought you'd want to know the impact that X, Y or Z is having on the rest of the department, because I'm confident that's not how you meant to be perceived...") can help influence change. Ask yourself, "Is their attitude a daily event or due to behind-the-scenes circumstances?" Excerpt from Monday Motivators – July 9, 2012, provided by Jill Loftus

 August has the highest percentage of births  85% of women wear the wrong bra size

 apples are more effective at waking you up in the morning than coffee  the safest car color is white  bats are the only mammals that fly  you can only see a rainbow if have your back to the sun  lemons contain more sugar than strawberries  that you burn more calories eating celery than it contains (the more you eat the thinner you become)  more people die from falling coconuts then from shark attacks  you burn more calories sleeping than watching television  a woodpeckers tongue can wrap around its head twice


Member Survey—Chapter Meetings—Please Respond September Meeting

1. They are held at a convenient date/time/location. Yes / No

Date: September 5, 2012 Location: Red Lion

2. The topics are interesting and relevant to me. Yes / No

Speaker: Brian Smith, IFPD—Workplace Violence & Critical Thinking Sills

Please respond anonymously to any of the Eagle Rock Chapter Executive Board Members, Maraia Roberts, Deb Petty, Marie Sovereign, or Leah Kent.

Meal: Baron of Beef/ Chicken Cordon Bleu Cost: $16.00 RSVP: Marcia Pratt 533-0122 [email protected]

August Two-Chapter Meeting Speaker, Sharon D. Parry, City of Idaho Falls Councilwoman

Tips & Tricks  To reduce the amount of static in your carpet, combine one capful of liquid fabric softener and two cups of water in a spray bottle. Lightly mist the carpet when static becomes a problem. (Do not saturate your carpet – you just need a little bit).  Use Pam, the non-stick cooking spray, to oil squeaking doors and sticky drawers. You won’t have to oil them again for awhile.  Fill a small dish with 1 inch of apple cider vinegar and 1 to 2 drops of dish soap. Cover tightly with plastic wrap and cut a few small holes for entry. Cider attracts the fruit flies, and soap kills them.  If you are rushing to get ready and find that your slip is too long for your outfit, shorten it temporarily. Cut the waist from an old pair of pantyhose, placing the elastic around your waist over the slip. The elastic holds the slip to just the right length.


Jerry Colvin PIT and Maureen Adams, Eagle Rock Chapter Members, Karen Bingham CAP, Member at Large

Leslie Jernberg CAP-OM, Mountain Rover Chapter Member and Eagle Rock Chapter Dual Member and Ruby Taylor, Mountain River Chapter Member

Passport to Excellence Remember to get started on your 2013 Member of Excellence! Use the handy Passport booklet distributed at the July chapter picnic to track your progress. Start by completing page 1 with your name and address. Then glance through the 11 criteria on page 2, making note of the mandatory requirement (#6) and changes from last year. Next sign the commitment form on page 3. Presto...you are on your way to becoming a Member of Excellence in 2013! But wait, don't stop there; if you hold a current IAAP certification, sign off on criterion #1. If you signed your commitment form on page 3, sign off on criterion #2 on page 4; if you hold a degree or certificate, sign off on criterion #5 on page 5; if you are serving as an officer or committee chair, sign off on criterion #7 on page 5. WOW...you are almost half way there - since you only need to complete 8 of the 11 commitments. It's easy...get started now! If you lost your Passport or didn't attend the July picnic, contact me for another copy! Bring your Passport to each chapter meeting and receive a TREAT!! Lana Egan, Pathways to Excellence Chair

Nominations for Executive of the Year Just a reminder that the EOTY Banquet is coming and it’s not too early to start thinking about nominating your executive. As an annual event the Eagle Rock Chapter presents an Executive of the Year (EOTY) award. The following are the criteria and guidelines for nominating your executive. Criteria The EOTY award is presented to an IAAP® member’s executive who has supported the goals and mission of IAAP and the member’s participation by:  Supporting IAAP and other professional activities  Their ability to motivate, stimulate and challenge  Their outstanding qualities or personal attributes  Their supervisory ability  Their interaction with other office personnel (superiors, peers and subordinates) Guidelines  Provide a one page (maximum) essay using the nomination form  Do NOT include the nominee’s name and/or business anywhere except in the first line of the form  Include those above listed elements to the extent possible  The nomination form will be published in the September Rock Talk with all the pertinent details of nomination form due date, where the event will be held, meals, cost, etc. So keep the date of Thursday, October 11 open on your calendar for the EOTY Banquet. Lois Perry, EOTY Committee Chair


Eagle Rock Chapter The Rock Talk newsletter is published monthly by the Eagle Rock Chapter of the International Association of Administrative Professionals, a not-for-profit professional association for office professionals. The Chapter was organized in 1974 and received their charter in February 1974. The Chapter meets at the Red Lion Hotel in Idaho Falls, Idaho, the first Wednesday of each month. Our meetings are focused on career development and enhancement. Contact one of the Chapter Officers below for additional information.

Contact Information 2012-2013 Eagle Rock Chapter Officers www.iaap-eaglerock.org Maraia Roberts, President [email protected], 208-201-5191 Debra Petty, President-Elect [email protected], 208-612-8276 Leah Kent, Treasurer [email protected], 208-520-0398 Marie Sovereign CAP, Secretary [email protected], 208-533-7205 2012-2013 Idaho-Oregon-Utah Division Officers www.iaap-id-or-ut.org Marilyn Taylor CAP, President LaNay Robbins, President-Elect Rachael Barnett, Secretary Bobbie Moos, Treasurer 2012-2014 Northwest District Director Lisa A. Hogan, CAP-OM [email protected]

(Continued from page 2)

EFAM Report: Saturday, 07/21/12, I started at the First Timer’s Meeting, then Town Hall and then the District Caucuses. For a first-timer like me, everything was very interesting. At the Caucuses meeting for our district, MOE and COEs were recognized, as well as CAPs and CAP-OMs, Chapters with anywhere from 10-30+ years in the Association. If I’m not mistaken, Kristi, our District Director also recognized one Division in our district that had 78 members at EFAM, it was just absolutely mind boggling. Sunday, 07/22/12, opening session started out with the Parade of Nations, wow that was a great sight. I can’t believe how many countries were represented that day. The Business Session of the 2012 EFAM of IAAP was called to order on Sunday, July 22, 2012 at 9:00 a.m. by International President Tamra Goodall, CAP-OM. 

Credentials Committee Report: International Officers – 12 Division Delegates – 33 Chapter Delegates – 276 Chapter At Large Delegates – 1 Member At Large Delegates – 1 International Affiliate Delegates – 1 Number of International Officers & Delegates Eligible to Vote – 324 Authorized Proxies – 147 Total Number of International Officers, Delegates & Authorized Proxies – 471 Number of Registered Alternates – 239 Adoption of Registration/Credentials Committee Report – Adopted Adoption of Business Session Rules – Adopted

RTF Bylaws Amendments Amendment 1 through Amendment 6 (page 18) – Passed Amendment 1 through Amendment 21 (page 29) – Passed Amendment A through Amendment D (page 29) – Passed

Committee on Nominations Report – Introduction of 2012-2013 Candidates for Election to IAAP Board of Directors and RTF Board of Trustees INTERNATIONAL President – Karlena Rannals, CAP-OM INTERNATIONAL President-Elect – Judith A. Yannarelli, CAP-OM, Grand Strand Chapter, South Carolina Division, Southeast District INTERNATIONAL Vice President – Antoinette Smith, CAP-OM, St. Louis Chapter, Missouri Division, Southwest District INTERNATIONAL Secretary – 2 Candidates but our former District Director, Kristi Rotvold, CAP-OM, Red River Chapter, MN-SD-NDDivision, Northwest District was named the new INTERNATIONAL Secretary INTERNATIONAL Treasurer – Dortha W. Gray, CAP-OM, Houston Chapter, Texas-Louisiana Division, Southwest District INTERNATIONAL Director, Northwest District (our District) – Lisa A. Hogan, CAP-OM, SouthWest Metro Chapter, MN-ND-SD Division, Northwest District – I met Lisa Hogan, and she’ll be awesome. NOTE: If any of you need specific information for the rest of the Board of Directors and RTF Trustee, let me know. I just mentioned the International President and her Board and our new District Director.

The day ended with a reception for the International Attendees at the Glass Cactus. It was pretty wild and wow, what a blast. Greaparty!!!!! Monday, 07/23/12, The Business Session at the 2012 EFAM of the IAAP was re-called to order at 8:00 a.m. by International President Tamra Goodall, CAP-OM.    

Elections / Tellers Committee Report – Votes for Officers casted at First Ballot. Declaration of Election and Installation of 2012-2013 IAAP International Officers / Trustees: Avery Awards Business Session closed.

(Continued on page 8)

(Continued from page 7)

Keynote Speakers: Monday – 07/23/12 – Colleen Barrett, Southwest Airlines – Lead with LUV – A Different Way to Create Real Success. This Admin turned executive explained that Southwest Airlines is the customer service business but it happens to provide transportation. She shared her thoughts about why she believes that servant leadership, LUV and Freedom are the key ingredients to Southwest’s success.  Leadership is not a title or position it’s a way of life.  Serve something bigger than yourself and make a difference.  Recognize and respect diversity.  Sometimes you have to take a step down to take a step up.  If you’re not happy where you are, life is too short – get out.  Always be accountable. Ms. Barrett was a wealth of knowledge, and someone we could identify with because she spoke our language as an Admin. Tuesday – 7/24/12 – Kerri Strug, Olympic Gold Medalist – Making the Leap to Remarkable. Sprang into Olympic history with her courageous performance during the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta. She touched on the importance of focused goal setting, an individual commitment to excellence and how outstanding team dynamics can create the remarkable. Ms. Strug knew what she wanted and she went after it, no matter what it took. She worked hard, made sacrifices, stayed focused and never took shortcuts. Remarkable woman in so many levels. Wednesday – 07/25/12 – Ross Shafer, went from a job as a small town pet shop manager to Emmy award-winning TV host to renowned business author and speaker – Nobody Moved Your Cheese. He touched on how to shed blame and focus on yourself and your career as you learn how to create a personal brand to promote yourself while understanding the difference between making a living and making a life. Mr. Shafer was pretty impressive. He was funny and yet conveyed something REAL, something that we all need to stay focused on – getting where you want and working hard at it. I was very impressed with the line-up of keynotes, they came from different walks and yet, got to where they wanted by pretty much applying the same things, caring, working hard, staying focused, and making sacrifices. Some of my Classes: 

Putting Your Intuition to Work – given by Office Team. Partnered with IAAP to conduct the online survey of 3503 career-minded administrative professionals within the association and living in the United States or Canada. Want to know your Intuition Style, take the brief online quiz @ www.officeteam.com/intuition to put your intuitive abilities to the test. By fine-tuning your intuitive skills and learning how to apply them in the workplace, you can:  Learn to read your boss and coworkers and respond appropriately to even subtle cues  Anticipate needs  Predict the likely outcomes of your own and others’ actions  Make better decisions  Identify solutions to business problems  Increase your value to the organization  Advance your career

Follow Me, I’m Right Behind You – Micheal Burt. The Art and Practice of building life, leadership and success into your organization. Every action we take is developed by our thoughts. Make our futures bigger than our past. Confidence is the memory of success. Energy cannot be created, it can only be transferred.  How to Identify Your Unique Ability:  Some superior ability  Other people recognize it in you  It is factory installed  Your fun meter is on high when you do it  It is transferrable  You’re constantly hungry to learn more about it

Be the One – Keys to High-Integrity People-Centered Leadership  Basic Principles of High-integrity, Principle-Centered Leadership (Continued on page 9)

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       

Integrity and honesty – say what you mean and mean what you say Shared goals – recognize the goals Communication – open, honest and direct Commitment – jump in with both feet Learning culture – create culture that value others Driving creativity and innovation – out of the box of doing things Motivation is self-driven – motivation from within Legacy - caring

The final night banquet was pretty special. Everyone looked so elegant in their sequined dresses. The room décor was just beautiful. When we started the Business Session, there were 14,000+ attendees, but by the time we had the banquet, we had a little over 15,000 pretty amazing. Tamra Goodall did such an awesome job leading the Association into Remarkable this past year, and a huge thanks to her and those who served with her. And here we are, embarking into the new year, Karlena Rannals, 2012-2013 International President, will be empowering us all to “Be the One”. I remember when she presented at our Division meeting a few years back, when Lana was our Chapter President, she was fabulous then, and she will be magnificent now. I can totally identify with this year’s theme, “Be the One”, which I take as a personal challenge to make a difference. Overall EFAM for me was a blast, and it’s hard to describe, the only way you can understand what I’m talking about is to see and experience it for yourself. My challenge to you as your President is this, “Be the One” and get on board. I hope you have a great rest of the month.