LOFT Lifestyle Reports Week 43

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LOFT Lifestyle Reports Week 43 Being Extremely Motivated One of the most important lessons of this course is harnessing the power of motivation. To be successful, you need a mind that is working for you, not working against you. These weekly worksheets include some of the most powerful exercises that I’ve discovered to strengthen and tune your mind for success. They correspond with the topics discussed in each week’s lessons. Taking Stock This teleclass discussed extreme motivation. Motivation is a yet another tool that can be used to achieve personal and professional success. Many people have misconceptions about motivation. They spend their lives waiting to be motivated and practicing bad habits that keep them from moving forward. These mindsets must be adjusted to truly harness the power of motivation. As a reminder, useful ways to increase motivation include:    

Using successful experiences to propel you forward Establishing long-term goals Setting new habits Finalizing conditions for success

1. On a scale of 1-10, how easily do you get distracted or sidetracked?

2. What are some bad habits that are currently holding you back from reaching your goals?

3. What some good habits that you can employ to offset these bad habits?

LOFT Lifestyle Reports

LOFT Lifestyle Reports Week 43

4. On a scale from 1-10, how would you rate your consistency in practicing these good habits?

Personal Reflection Now that you’ve taken stock of your current habits, let’s take a look at the steps you can take to improve your mind and body. 1. What’s one positive thing that you can motivate yourself to do everyday? (Make sure that it’s specific and realistic.)

2. What’s one way that you can reward yourself for sticking with a good habit?

3. What’s one punishment that you can enforce when you practice a bad habit?

LOFT Lifestyle Reports

LOFT Lifestyle Reports Week 43 4. Would you say that you surround yourself with positive influences? How do these people encourage you?

Affirmations The biggest difference between happy, successful people and unhappy, struggling people are their beliefs. The beliefs that you have about yourself and others dramatically influence how you live your life. Affirmations are simple statements of beliefs. Starting your day with affirmations puts you in the right state of mind and, if you do them over and over again, then your affirmations will embed new beliefs deep in your subconscious. The best affirmations are in the present tense, positive and spoken with emotion behind them. Each LOFT Lifestyle Report contains a set of ten affirmations that you should state first thing in the morning. They correspond with what you’re learning in the teleclasses, and they shouldn’t take you more than a minute to do each day. The key with affirmations is to do them consistently. If you take the time each day to do them, especially first thing in the morning when your mind is as clear as it’s going to be, then they can profoundly transform your life. Week 43 Affirmations 1. I recognize my bad habits. 2. I can give up bad habits. 3. I can establish good habits. 4. I can follow through. 5. I can shut out distractions. 6. I am in control of my time and actions. 7. I can create positive conditions. 8. I am motivated. 9. I am consistent. 10. I am moving forward.

LOFT Lifestyle Reports

LOFT Lifestyle Reports Week 43

LOFT Lifestyle Reports

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