LOFT Lifestyle Reports Week 49

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LOFT Lifestyle Reports Week 49 The Impact of Environment One of the most important lessons of this course is how our environment affects who we are. To be successful, you need a mind that is working for you, not working against you. These weekly worksheets include some of the most powerful exercises that I’ve discovered to strengthen and tune your mind for success. They correspond with the topics discussed in each week’s lessons. Taking Stock This teleclass discussed the impact our environments have on our everyday lives. Every human is a combination of nature and nurture (aka genetics and environment). Although we are not able to choose our own genetics or control the events of the past, we are able to affect our present and our future by choosing positive environments. As a reminder, our environments include …   

Our home life (where we live, what kind of home we live in, and how this place makes us feel) Our workspace The people with whom we surround ourselves (including what we hear and read on a regular basis)

1. Is your home a “happy place,” or is it a source of added stress?

2. On a scale of 1-10, how safe do you feel in your current home? (1 = not safe at all, 10 = very secure)

3. On a scale of 1-10, how messy is your home? (1 = unlivable, 10 = extremely tidy)

LOFT Lifestyle Reports

LOFT Lifestyle Reports Week 49

4. Would you say that your work environment is conducive for productive work and general happiness?

5. What are two things that you really like about your workspace? What are two things that you would change?

Personal Reflection Now that you’ve taken stock of some possible roadblocks to your happiness, let’s take a look at the steps you can take to improve your mind and body. 1. When you imagine your dream life, where do you see yourself living?

2. What are two immediate changes you can make to your home to improve happiness?

3. What’s one thing holding you back from making a bigger change, such as moving to a new location?

LOFT Lifestyle Reports

LOFT Lifestyle Reports Week 49 4. If you asked your boss to make an adjustment, do you think that he/she would approve your request?

5. Do you enjoy your job and work environment, or are you only there for the money?

Affirmations The biggest difference between happy, successful people and unhappy, struggling people are their beliefs. The beliefs that you have about yourself and others dramatically influence how you live your life. Affirmations are simple statements of beliefs. Starting your day with affirmations puts you in the right state of mind and, if you do them over and over again, then your affirmations will embed new beliefs deep in your subconscious. The best affirmations are in the present tense, positive and spoken with emotion behind them. Each LOFT Lifestyle Report contains a set of ten affirmations that you should state first thing in the morning. They correspond with what you’re learning in the teleclasses, and they shouldn’t take you more than a minute to do each day. The key with affirmations is to do them consistently. If you take the time each day to do them, especially first thing in the morning when your mind is as clear as it’s going to be, then they can profoundly transform your life. Week 49 Affirmations 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

I feel safe in my home. My home makes me feel happy and comfortable. My workspace contributes to my productivity and general happiness. I have positive relationships with my coworkers. I am motivated by my surroundings.

LOFT Lifestyle Reports

LOFT Lifestyle Reports Week 49 6. My environments benefit my mental and physical health. 7. I can make changes to my environments when needed. 8. I can put in effort to improve my life. 9. I surround myself with goodness. 10. I am in charge of my wellbeing.

LOFT Lifestyle Reports

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