LOFT Lifestyle Reports Week 9

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One of the most important lessons of this course is that taking action is essential to becoming successful and living your dreams. To take this kind of action, you need a mind that is working for you, not working against you. These weekly worksheets include some of the most powerful exercises that I’ve discovered to strengthen and tune your mind for success. They correspond with the topics discussed in each week’s lessons.

TAKING STOCK This week, we are going to take a look at the state of your network. If you had a personal crisis, who are five people you could contact and feel comfortable sharing your problems with? (If you don’t have five, that’s okay) 1. ________________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________ 4. ________________________________________________ 5. ________________________________________________

Who are five people in your professional network who you could see yourself collaborating with now and in the future? (If you don’t have five, that’s okay) 1. ________________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________ 4. ________________________________________________ 5. ________________________________________________


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Ou d n a e nsid I ( ” s r e


“O g n i k c o Unl

Who are five people you would consider “mentors.” (If you don’t have five, that’s okay) 1. ________________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________ 4. ________________________________________________ 5. ________________________________________________

PERSONAL REFLECTION Continuing the theme from last week, you are going to take a step back and get a sense of the importance of creating a strong network in your personal and professional life. Take your time and really think through these questions, since they will provide the context for your future networking efforts. 1. What does having a “strong” network mean to you? __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________

2. Why do you think networking is important? __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________


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Ou d n a e nsid I ( ” s r e


“O g n i k c o Unl

3. If you invest in your network, what are some of the benefits you will see in your life? __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________

4. What is holding you back in your networking efforts? __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________

5. What do you need to get to the next level with your network? __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________

THE WALT DISNEY STRATEGY Walt Disney is known as one of the greatest creative geniuses in history. The worlds, characters and stories he developed have entertained countless numbers of people. Not all of us are blessed with Walt’s imagination, but we can use him as inspiration to apply this imagination-generating visualization.


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Ou d n a e nsid I ( ” s r e


“O g n i k c o Unl

If you are ever in need of some creativity, give this technique a try. Step 1: The Dreamer Think back to a time when you creatively dreamed up some amazing ideas. Relive this experience as vividly as possible. Step 2: The Realist Think back to a time when you were in a very realistic frame of mind. Relive this experience as vividly as possible. Step 3: The Critic Think back to a time when you criticized an idea of yours or somebody else in a constructive manner. Relive this experience as vividly as possible. Step 4: Approach Your Goal From Each State Put yourself back into each state, one by one, and approach your goal from each frame of mind. When you do so, you’ll be surprised at the kinds of ideas that come up!

AFFIRMATIONS The biggest difference between happy, successful people and unhappy, struggling people are their beliefs. The beliefs that you have about yourself and others dramatically influences how you live your life. Affirmations are simple statements of beliefs. Starting your day with affirmations puts you in the right state of mind and, if you do them over and over again, then your affirmations will embed new beliefs deep in your subconscious. The best affirmations are in the present tense, positive and spoken with emotion behind them. Each LOFT Lifestyle Report contains a set of ten affirmations that you should state first thing in the morning. They correspond with what you’re learning in the teleclasses, and they shouldn’t take you more than a minute to do each day. The key with affirmations is to do them consistently. If you take the time each day to do them,


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Ou d n a e nsid I ( ” s r e


“O g n i k c o Unl

especially first thing in the morning when your mind is as clear as it’s going to be, then they can profoundly transform your life.

WEEK 9 AFFIRMATIONS 1. There is abundance in the world 2. There is plenty of money for everybody who wants it 3. I am cut from the same cloth as everyone else 4. Anything somebody else can do, I can do to 5. I am not afraid of failure 6. I welcome failure as an important part of success 7. I only get into win/win situations with people 8. I am getting lucky by taking action 9. I know that I will become successful 10. I AM already successful


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